Chapter 107
"With such a large army, are you bullying me that there is no one on Black Eagle Island?" Looking at the murderous crowd, Jiang Shang squinted his eyes and said solemnly.

The three-eyed old monster actually led someone to commit suicide on Black Eagle Island. This was something he had never thought of. Now is not the best time to tear up his face, but the other party has already killed him one step ahead. For some reason, but it seems that there is no way to fix this matter.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll just ask you one thing, did you kill Feng Lan?" The three-eyed old monster looked at Jiang Shang gloomily, with a murderous aura emanating from his body.

Jiang Shang's face changed slightly when he heard the words, and he looked at the other party and asked slowly: "You actually know. Who told you?"

As a person who is very proud at once, Jiang Shang never thought of denying it. Since he did it, there is no need to deny it, but there is a cloud of anger in his heart. Who is it, who betrayed him?
It is impossible for the three-eyed old monster to know everything for no reason, so someone must be behind this matter.

"You're such a brat with a milky smell, haven't you noticed yet? Some people have disappeared from your side!" The three-eyed old monster sneered, and said in a sinister manner.

Jiang Shang's expression changed slightly when he heard the words, and he murmured in an ugly voice, "It's really him, the blood silkworm?"

"The blood silkworm took away the primordial liquid and ran away, but before he left, he came to me to inform me that everything was done by you. It seems that he really wants you to die!" Looking at the ugly Jiang Shang, The three-eyed monster said in a sinister tone.

"Could it be that you think you're going to kill me?" Hearing that disgusting tone, Jiang Shang's eyes gradually darkened.

The three-eyed old monster was not angry when he heard the words, but said in a still serious tone: "It's not up to you whether you eat or not, and you have to prove it with your strength. The three-eyed old monster is acting wild on his head, he really doesn't know what to do, he's looking for death!"

"Today, you will die here!"

After proudly pronouncing the verdict, the three-eyed old monster said loudly, "Do it! No one will be left behind!"

After the three-eyed old monster gave the order, all the innate creatures on Sanmu Island took out their weapons, fiercely and murderously towards the Black Eagle Palace.

Except for the innate creatures who controlled the Black Killing Formation, other people naturally became their best targets. An astonishing number of innate creatures from Sanmu Island blatantly killed the innate creatures on Black Eagle Island. With a sinister smile, he shot, with four enemies and one, and surrounded the iron hand old monster.

As for the three-eyed old monster with a gloomy expression, he was already slowly pushing towards Jiang Shang. He is a top powerhouse in the late stage of Jindan, and he is easy to deal with a mere brat?

The war kicked off immediately!

The number of innate creatures in Sanmu Island is more than double that of Black Eagle Palace, so this war is destined to be unfair and a one-sided situation.

Immediately after the collision between the troops of the two sides, there was the sound of screams from people turning their backs on their backs. Many innate creatures were shot down into the sky, and then strangled to death by many attacks, most of them were from the Black Eagle Palace.

As for the Iron Hand monster, it was even more tragic, because he was being besieged by four Golden Cores, and no one on the other side was weaker than him, and the enemy still had a mid-stage Golden Core, which was a deadly situation.

But he has been gritting his teeth and holding on, because he knows that Black Eagle Palace still has a hole card, and if it is used well, it should be able to turn the tables. This can also be said to be his last hope.

"Are you still so stubborn? Tie Shou, how could you escape from our siege with your little tricks? Today, you can stay here for me!" A strong Jindan man in a white robe said with a smile on his face. With a ferocious smile, he swung his knife and slashed down on the iron hand.

This is a strong man who has comprehended the way of the knife, and his realm has reached the limit of perfection. If the iron hand is cut by this knife, it will at least end up with a serious injury.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

A concealed and huge black magic energy suddenly enveloped the entire battlefield area, and then a powerful force appeared, which condensed into a black magic eagle, and in the blink of an eye, it moved towards the four golden core strong Those who were killed, there was a ferocious roar in the sky: "Go to hell!"

There is no doubt that this is the power of the formation, it is really terrifying!
After Jiang Shang's transformation, it is no longer the original black killing formation, but has become a small black killing formation. Its power is enough to kill the mid-term Golden Core powerhouse, which is also enough to change the outcome of the battle.

"What is this, get out!"

After being locked by the power of the formation, the four Golden Core powerhouses all felt the crisis. The mid-Gold Core powerhouse took the lead and wanted to repel the magic eagle and break out of the formation's shackles with a ferocious expression, but obviously his strength was not enough.

The formation condensed into a black eagle, resisted the attack, and then waved its wings as fast as flashing, killing the enemy's golden core, and even swallowed a strong golden core in one gulp.

The crowd suddenly showed a look of astonishment, and each of them felt panic in their hearts.

This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was naturally not missed by the Black Eagle Palace. They rushed to the top of their momentum and fiercely killed the enemy. The opponent was scared out of their wits. This is the time to turn the tide of the battle The best chance.

And after killing an opponent's golden core, the black eagle who secretly manipulated the formation didn't stop there, but gathered a new force and killed the opponent's golden core in the middle stage.

Only the mid-stage golden elixir is the key to this battle, and the rest of the early-stage golden elixir are not important players.

"It should be! Break it open for me!" After being besieged by the power of the formation, the middle-stage Golden Core expert roared angrily.Although it is impossible for him to be instantly killed by the formation, he has already been restrained. If he does not take any action, he will definitely die after his strength is exhausted.

The remaining two Jindan early stages also knew that the situation was critical at the moment, so they used all their means, and they frantically bombarded the formation, in order to give some help to their own people.

But their strength is far from enough. Although the Black Shattering Formation was shaken by the bombardment, it did not hurt the foundation at all, so it is impossible to help their people with their current methods.

The middle-stage Jindan expert also knew that the situation was critical, he gritted his teeth and took out five black balls, his eyes were very ferocious and he roared: "Go to me!"

"Blazing Thunderball, defend quickly!" Iron Hand boss roared in terror when he saw those black balls.

What, Flame Thunderball?

Hei Ying and the others in the dark were also frightened, frantically manipulating the formation to defend themselves.

But at this time, five terrifying powers erupted, and the power of flames and thunder danced together, instantly overwhelming the power of the entire formation, and set off a terrifying storm. Being involved in it, he died on the spot, with no bones left!
Even Jiang Shang, who was outside the formation, was taken aback by this turn of events, and couldn't help but murmur solemnly: "What the hell is going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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