Chapter 1104: Thunder Pool Sword Sea Comes to an End!

On the way home.

Bei Ge hesitated for a moment, tried to comfort Jiang Shang, and said: "I said, don't think too much, the failure of sword casting is completely reasonable. When a master who has achieved success in refining weapons, when casting swords and magic weapons , I dare not say that I am very sure. Besides, you are a complete layman..."

Jiang Shang smiled and said, "Sad City Lord, I'm really fine."

"But you, you failed in casting the sword." Bei Ge was still trying to untie Jiang Shang, saying: "Although a lot of treasures were wasted, this failure is also an extremely rare experience..."

"Failure?" Jiang Shang nodded amusedly, and said, "Well, maybe. But I'm really fine, and I'm not thinking wildly, let alone being overwhelmed."

While speaking, Jiang Shang had already come to the exit on the edge of Leichi.

Be careful when you go in, and walk on thin ice.When he came out, he walked briskly, completely in two states.

At this time, Jiang Shang can be said to be physically and mentally happy and feel extremely comfortable.

But the more he was like this, the more Bei Ge felt that he had fallen into madness.Bei Ge became more and more certain that Jiang Shang could hardly accept the blow of this defeat, so that his spiritual thoughts were confused, showing signs of madness.

In fact, is this really the case?

Strictly speaking, Jiang Shang's sword casting this time did fall short when he achieved the rank of the holy artifact.

But this does not mean that he failed to forge the sword.

The sword weapon finally took shape, but it was not a holy weapon, but a top demigod weapon.

In the end, the formation plate was broken, which indeed affected the sword weapon, otherwise it would at least be the prototype of the holy weapon, or even really become the holy weapon of the immortal king.

But since the sword weapon has finally taken shape and has reached the level of a top-level demigod weapon, why does it have no sharpness and become gray and without a sword weapon at all?

This starts with the fragments of Jianmu and the one hundred and eight thousand lines.

Jianmu fragments are integrated into the body of the sword, forming the foundation of the sword spirit circle cycle.But one hundred and eight thousand lines are not ordinary things.

One hundred and eight thousand lines, all come from Jiang Shang's supernatural powers!
In the process of forging the sword, he put his own Bone Divine Pattern and all his perception of the Bone Nine Heavens Map into the Thunder Light, and finally merged into the sword.

Originally, if all goes well, the sword weapon will undoubtedly reach the heavenly rank and become a real holy weapon of the immortal king.

And the last critical moment of the accident caused the internal changes of the sword.

The sharp edge of the sacred weapon disappeared in a flash, and the impact caused by it was backlashed, causing a hundred and eight thousand lines to change.As a result, the grade of the sword is lowered, and at the same time it has the effect of being sharp and restrained.

In other words, as long as Jiang Shang didn't use the true spirit to activate the sword pattern, the sword would look like a waste product!

At this time, the long sword is like a dusty pearl. Once the dust is gone, it will show a peerless edge.

As for the tragic misunderstanding... Jiang Shang had already exhausted all the true spirits in his body during the process of casting the sword, and was so weak that he could hardly lift his arms!

"Heavenly blessing! Top demigod soldiers! If you can find the right fairy gold in the future, the rank of this sword can be further improved! It is not impossible to advance to the holy weapon! Hahahaha..."

Jiang Shang, who seemed calm, was already happy in his heart.

With a bang, the stone gate opened.

After walking out of Lei Chi's forbidden area, Jiang Shang saw the old monster Yuan Lei with a gloomy face.

Not far away, Zilong Yaozun's face was also cloudy.

Jiang Shang thought to himself: "Keep silent. The fewer people know about this kind of thing!"

The old monster Yuan Lei took a deep look at Jiang Shang, and didn't mention a word about whether Jiang Shang failed to forge the weapon or not.

He is a top powerhouse in the later stage of the majestic great sage, and he really can't bear to embarrass a junior who just failed to forge a sword.

He said with a gloomy face, "Beige, this is the end of the matter, aren't you going to come out and see?"

Zilong Yaozun sighed, flirted with Jiang Shang indiscriminately, and said with a bit of jokes in his mouth: "Hehe, when did the dignified and sad city lord become hiding his head and showing his tail?"

"What are you talking about? What is there to say? Are you two still planning to completely kill this deity?" A sad voice sounded faintly, with sarcasm.

Jiang Shang remained calm, but was startled: How did Bei Ge be discovered?

Before he had time to think about it, he quietly opened the blockade of the Sea of ​​Consciousness World under Bei Ge's instructions.

I saw a flash of lightning, and a somewhat ethereal figure of Bei Ge appeared beside Jiang Shang.

Suddenly, the scene fell into dead silence, and no one spoke.

The three great saint-level powerhouses looked at each other coldly and faced each other silently in front of the open gate of the forbidden area.

The old monster Yuan Lei was silent for a long time, and finally he sighed: "Siege, from now on, you and I are strangers, and we will be separated from each other!"

"Okay! This deity also has this intention." Bei Ge sneered, and disappeared without a trace after the flash of lightning.

A past that lasted for ten thousand years and mixed with grievances and grievances came to an end.

Zilong Yaozun responded silently, signaling Jiang Shang not to speak.

"Old man Zilong, take your little friend and leave this place. Please forgive me for sending you away!" Immediately afterwards, the old monster Yuan Lei gave the order to evict the guest with a stern expression.

"Farewell." Zilong Yaozun sighed, raised his hand to clasp Jiang Shang's shoulder, and left through the air.

The old monster Yuan Lei stood in front of the forbidden area, took down the thunder order suspended in front of the majestic stone gate, and remained silent for a long time.


In front of the Thunder Cloud Daoist Mountain Gate.

Daoist Shengyun and others sent away Zilong Yaozun and Jiang Shang as if they were sending off the god of plague.

In the depths of the desert shrouded in smoke and sand, the Zilong Yaozun did not bring Jiang Shang back directly to Zilong City, but landed on a huge sand dune.

"This time, Lei Chi Jianhai and his party really failed?" Zilong Yaozun's eyes were sharp, and Jiang Shang was overwhelmed by pressure.

Jiang Shang didn't talk nonsense, took out the gray sword energy, and said: "Senior, let's see for yourself."

His eyes swept over the sword energy, Zilong Yaozun let out a long breath, and said: "You almost stabbed me into a big basket! Although you failed to forge the sword, this is the best result."

Seeing Jiang Shang putting away the sword calmly, Zilong Yaozun couldn't bear it and said: "There are also many magical weapons hidden in my treasure house in Zilong City. You can take one as your own weapon. "

Jiang Shangdao: "Thank you for your kindness, senior. After this failure, this junior still thinks it is better to fight the enemy with bare hands, no need for weapons."

At the same time, Jiang Shang smiled wryly in his heart: "Senior Zilong, don't blame me if you find out the truth in the future. A top demigod weapon will also lead to death, and this junior has no choice but to do it."

"Then let's go!" Zilong Yaozun didn't say any more, and took Jiang Shangfei to the sky, heading straight for Zilong City.

A few days later, Jiang Shang and Hei Ying bid farewell to Zilong Yaozun.The rules of the Golden Dragon Ranking Competition have changed, they must rush to Qingtianyu as soon as possible.

Outside Zilong City.

The two bid farewell to the purple-eyed dragon Xiong Yiyi.

Purple-eyed Dragon Bear said very solemnly: "Boss, little boss, see you on the Golden Dragon List! When the time comes, I will definitely surprise you all."

"Okay! I'll be waiting for you at the Golden Dragon Ranking Competition with the Palace Master." Hei Ying's face was stiff, and he reached out and patted his thick arm.

"A word is settled!"

Leaving Zilong City, Jiang Shang and the two embarked on the road to the east again.

(End of this chapter)

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