Chapter 1107
The ancient city of Jingyuan, as the city in the west of Qingtianyu and adjacent to the Chihuang Canyon, has extremely complex and intertwined forces.

Unlike the frontier fortresses in the Golden Wolf Ancient Region, there are not a large number of garrisons here.Even in the mountains and rivers near the Chihuang Canyon, there are only a few small tribes stationed in the mountains.

But in the countless years in the past, countless monks from Qingtianyu took the hundreds of thousands of miles west of Jingyuan City as the battlefield, and fought bloody battles against fierce demons, monsters, and many evil monks in the Scarlet Desolation time and time again. Bravery and bloodshed have forged Jingyuan City's terrifying reputation today.

The tragic lessons of countless rivers of blood in the past made the monks of Chihuang fear Qingtianyu and the monks of Jingyuan City like snakes and scorpions.

Compared to the chaos at the border of the Golden Wolf Ancient Region, the place where Jingyuan Ancient City is located appears to be extremely peaceful and peaceful.

But many Chihuang monks knew that under this peace and tranquility, the sharp fangs of the monks in Jingyuan City were hidden.Once there is a change in Chihuang, these countless monks in Jingyuan City will burst out with incomparable ferocity and launch a deadly attack.

This also led to the Chihuang Canyon, which is [-] million miles from east to west, the further east, the higher the cultivation level of the leaders of the major forces.However, the number of evil monks active in the eastern part of Chihuang will gradually decrease.

The two of Jiang Shang came all the way east, and they have a deep understanding of this.

The scorching sun is like fire, and the clouds are floating.Today's Jingyuan Ancient City is quite restless.

Standing outside the city, you can see the rainbow light flashing from time to time above the distant sky, the figure of the monk.

In front of the majestic city gate, a powerful monk fell from the sky, blended into the bustling crowd, and entered the city.

What is striking is that no matter the powerful monks falling from the sky or the crowds flocking to the city gate on the ground, everyone is talking about it.

These people talked and behaved quite excitedly, and some even danced and argued endlessly with others.

Jiang Shang and the two looked at each other, and they became more and more curious about the upcoming "big event" in Jingyuan City.

It can be seen at a glance that none of the monks entering the city right now are from Jingyuan City, but came from other places.

"My lord, looking at their posture, it seems that they are about to witness a shocking decisive battle?" Black Eagle also seemed very excited.

For monks from all sides to gather in the ancient city of Jingyuan, it seems that this shocking battle is by no means ordinary.

Jiang Shang glanced around, and said with a smile: "Go into the city and inquire, don't you know? I am also curious now, what kind of decisive battle will attract the attention of the powerful from all sides?"

At this moment, the curiosity in Jiang Shang's heart was also aroused, and he was quite surprised.


Xianlu Winery is located at the end of Wenfeng Avenue in the west of the city, facing the square in the west of the city.

The area of ​​the square is huge, and there is a mountain peak tens of feet tall in the center, with small bridges, flowing water, pavilions and pavilions, which are quite elegant.

There are no ordinary people in Jingyuan City, and the people who come and go in and out all have tyrannical cultivation.

Even the work of the winery has the cultivation base of the Jindan period, and the breath is calm.Jiang Shang and the two entered from the west gate and ran all the way to the square. Jiang Shang felt that the winery was quite artistic, so he came up to take a rest.

At the moment, he is sitting in the third-floor hall of Xianlu Winery, facing the window looking at the bustling pedestrians in the square.

"My lord, go down and inquire about the situation." Hei Ying put down his wine glass, got up and wanted to leave.

Jiang Shang waved his hand and said with a smile: "No need to be so troublesome. Just sit here and listen."

At this moment, the halls on the third floor were already filled with strong men from all sides. While drinking, they talked loudly with those around them.

Only a monk sighed: "Hey, the biggest thing I want to do when I come to Jingyuan City is the fine wine from this winery. Being able to drink a sip of Xianlu old wine is a worthwhile trip!"

"Haha, this old man also came here for the sake of Xianlu wine. But the main purpose of entering the city this time is to watch this shocking decisive battle." A grey-haired old man smiled and said to the kind old man: "A battle of this level, thousands of It is rare to see it in a hundred years and must not be missed.”

A middle-aged man with an elegant appearance said with emotion: "If the level of this duel is replaced by the participation of the two parties who are feuding, it will definitely cause a greater sensation, and the entire Qingtian Territory will be changed!"

Jiang Shang and the two of them were in a fog, and they didn't know why.

"Both parties? It seems that there is something hidden in this war?" Jiang Shang thought to himself.

But at this moment, someone not far away said in a mocking tone, "Want to watch a confrontation at the level of the Holy Son? Will it be there when the Golden Dragon Ranking Competition starts? One of them is one of the four supreme beings of the young generation of the human race." , one is one of the three holy sons of the Red Lin family, you let them come here to settle their grievances? Are you kidding me!"

"This brother is right." A young cultivator agreed: "If these two fight, if there is a good or bad... then it will cause chaos in the Qingtian Region!"

"The four supreme beings of the human race? The three holy sons of the Honglin clan? Who are these people?" Hearing this, Jiang Shang and the two became even more puzzled.

They had just walked out of Chihuang Jedi and knew nothing about the current situation in Qingtian Territory. No wonder they couldn't understand what these people were saying after listening for a long time.

"It is said that this decisive battle was due to the direct blood relatives of the Holy Son of the Red Lin clan who uttered nonsense in front of many monks, and even insulted the Holy Son of Huangtian. This shocking showdown!" A monk lowered his voice and said mysteriously.

But who is not a person with advanced cultivation?No matter how low the voice was, it was clearly heard by everyone.

"Holy Son of Huangtian?!" Jiang Shang's heart twitched, surprise flashed in his eyes, and he had a faint guess in his heart.

At the same time, Black Eagle was also terrified, and looked up at Jiang Shang.Jiang Shang looked at Black Eagle's expression, and he knew it: the two of them probably wanted to go together!
The discussion among the monks was still going on. It was originally a discussion among their friends, but now it has gradually evolved into a large number of monks present, all of whom participated in it and expressed their opinions.

"It's true. The battle of the Golden Dragon Ranking is imminent, and the existence of the four supremes and the three holy sons has no time to take care of these things. This duel is a battle initiated by their younger generations. However, the outcome is a bit unpredictable!"

"It is said that the Holy Son of Huangtian and his direct disciples all came from the lower realms. Moreover, the Holy Son of Huangtian was born decades ago. With his superb Huangtian divine skills, he swept all directions, swept all the talents of the human race, and became the fourth generation of the young generation. One of the Great Supremes."

Hearing this, Jiang Shang and the two smiled tacitly, and sighed in their hearts: "It really is him!"

There is no doubt that this Huangtian Shengzi, one of the four supreme beings of the human race, is the god king Xia Wushang from the lower realm Xuanyuan!
Confirming his judgment just now, Jiang Shang and Hei Ying were both extremely excited.

Jiang Shang tried his best to calm down the restless blood, and then murmured to himself: "So, one of the participants in this peerless confrontation, the descendant of the Holy Son of Huangtian, should be Xia Tian."

(End of this chapter)

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