Chapter 1111 Shameless in full view

Xia Dang's figure reappeared again, causing many powerhouses to be amazed in an uproar.

"Hiss! What a terrifying sword energy!"

"As worthy of the name of the Yellow Heaven Sacred Sword, this power is simply against the sky!"

"Even the forbidden supernatural powers of the Honglin clan can be broken, it's too powerful!"

At the same time, everyone also shook their heads and sighed when they saw the young master Chi Lin's state.

At this time, the Chilin young master was bleeding from seven holes, and his aura fluctuated from strength to strength.

The huge backlash force made him suffer heavy injuries the moment Xia Tian swung through the fire pillar.

Holding the Yellow Heaven Sacred Sword in his hand, Xia Dang pointed at Young Master Chilin, and whispered, "I have a sword that can break the stars, the sun, and the moon!"

The third sword!
This is the third strike of Huangtian Sacred Sword, and its power is more terrifying than the sum of the previous two strikes.

The sky roared, and endless clouds enveloped the sky.

The berserk and terrifying energy poured down from the nine heavens, gathering into a peerless sword light, ready to go.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang had mixed feelings.

Thinking back to the Human King Conference back then, because Xia Dang's cultivation base was too weak, he could only use the first two swords and was defeated sadly.

Now, Jiang Shang finally saw the third sword of the Xia family's most powerful supernatural swordsmanship, and he felt an incomparable terrifying power that was condensing.

Young Master Chi Lin was defeated, completely at a disadvantage.

At the same time, Jiang Shang also noticed some shortcomings.

The Yellow Heaven Sacred Sword is the top supernatural power of the Xia family, and its power is extremely terrifying.This point can be seen from the words and sentences whispered by Xia Tian.

I have a sword that can break all laws in the world!

I have a sword that can break through the nine gates of heaven!

I have a sword that can break the stars, the sun and the moon!

How domineering is this!What an incomparable power!
These three sentences alone are enough to prove the terrifying power of the Huangtian Holy Sword.

Fundamentally speaking, Xia Dang's cultivation is still too weak, and he can't exert the terrifying power of the Yellow Heaven Sacred Sword at all.

If he stepped into the realm of the great sage, the power of these three swords would be completely different.

As soon as the third sword came out, Young Master Chi Lin's expression changed completely.He knew very well that he would never be able to stop this sword!
The mighty power of this sword made him terrified!
Just like the beginning of the creation of the world, the peerless sharpness in the hands of the ancient demon god is enough to kill any creature in the world!

"Ahhhhhh—all fires come from the same source, burn them for me!!"

Young Master Chilin's blood was rolling all over his body, his muscles and muscles were torn apart, and a large amount of blood gushed out, which turned into a bloody divine light in an instant, soaring to the sky.

A scorching wave swept across all directions, causing many monks to change countenance and retreat again and again.

Within a radius of thousands of miles, all were shrouded, eroded, and burned by this unbearable heat wave.

The Chixia Ridge, with its jagged rocks, was completely turned into a sea of ​​flames in an instant, the rocks were melted, and the magma was rushing like a big river. The scene was extremely terrifying.

The fire waves are raging, burning everything, comparable to a catastrophe, subverting the universe.

Xia Dang's face remained unchanged, his robes fluttered, and he raised his hand and slashed out with a sword.The terrifying sword energy filled the void in an instant, and condensed again in an instant, with unparalleled sharpness and indomitable progress.

The turbulent flame was split by a sword, and the sword glow pierced the sky, making it unstoppable.

Swish swish!
Three sounds of cracking the sky exploded, and the young master Chilin looked ferocious, and raised his hand to point at the center of his eyebrows.Immediately, the three scales erupted with unmatched light, facing the sky-reaching sword energy, and shot out.

Clang clang!
An ear-piercing scream came from the void, and the flames splashed in all directions. The three scales were sent flying by the sword light, but there was no damage at all.

chi chi chi-

The three scales flew across the void, and after destroying one mountain after another, they flew back again.

But at this time, the fiercely burning flames became more and more turbulent, approaching the sharp sword aura of Young Master Chi Lin, which had a tendency to melt.


Young Master Chilin screamed fiercely, and the scale armor on his heart also lit up with divine light, flew out through the air, gathered with the three scale armors that flew back, and turned into a shield to protect him in front of him.

The scale armor on the heart and heart is a symbol of the blood concentration of the Honglin family.It is also the most powerful life-saving hole card for many children of the Honglin clan!

The red scale armor has a terrifying defensive power comparable to that of the basalt tortoise shell, even if it is good at attacking and killing demigod soldiers, it is difficult to injure it in the slightest.

However, at this time, the young master Chilin was seriously injured, and his blood and vitality continued to weaken, reaching the verge of collapse.

The sword light struck and shattered the scale armor shield.


The young master Chilin had no way to hide this time, his chest was pierced by the sword light, and his blood spilled into the sky.

Xia Tian swung his sword forward, his eyes were extremely cold.

I saw him raising his hand again, swinging his sword to kill the young master Chi Lin.

"No! I can't die! I can't die!"

Young Master Chi Lin screamed hoarsely, his voice made the scalp tingle and his heart palpitations.

Everyone present was stunned when they saw such a scene.

Suddenly, a roar came.

"Xia family kid, how dare you!"

At the edge of the battlefield, the three masters of the Red Lin family who came to help out suddenly looked frozen, and suddenly shot violently.

A saint king roared and punched with a wave of his hand.

The fist storm is fierce, and the situation is turbulent.

The Sage King made a move, which was really extraordinary.Just a violent punch just now completely shattered the momentum that Xia Dang had accumulated.

In desperation, Xia Dang had no choice but to turn around and fight back, missing the best time to kill his opponent.

In no particular order, the three saint kings rose up almost at the same time and rushed to the center of the battlefield.

The faces of the two saint kings on the human side suddenly changed drastically, and they cursed angrily: "You are shameless!" While speaking, the two also released majestic power, roaring and charging forward.

The two saint kings of the human race have always been vigilant, guarding against each other's shots.

But there were three saint kings on the other side, even if they shot with all their strength, they could only stop two of them, and watched a saint king fly towards Xia Dang.

I saw the three saint kings with blood surging to the sky, crushing them with unparalleled power.

Two of them were blocked by two strong men of the human race, and the two sides fought instantly, with overwhelming power.

The unstoppable Saint King of the Red Lin Clan came straight to Xia Tian with a cold smile.

"Death to me!"

The vast air machine rolled, and the endless flame rose and fell with a crash.


The surrounding powerhouses suddenly went into an uproar, some shouted angrily, some cheered loudly, it was extremely chaotic.

"Tiandang be careful!"

The two human saint kings hissed and roared, but he was entangled by his opponent and could not escape at all.

At this moment, they were almost desperate.

There was an uproar from tens of thousands of monks, and it was boiling.

"Damn it, it's too shameless!"

"The majestic saint king unexpectedly attacked?"

"So shameless, I have only seen it in my life!"

Xia Dangxian's fourth-half sage cultivation base is at best slightly stronger than the five immortals.

Facing the sudden attack of a saint king, he has no power to resist at all!

Fast, too fast!
Before Xia Tiandang had time to turn around, the terrifying giant palm burning with raging flames had already smashed down from the sky.

The killing blow of the Saint King and the strong man is absolutely terrifying!
Young Master Chilin was drenched in blood, laughed ferociously, and roared: "Hahahaha... Xia Dang, today is your death day! Your death time!"

(End of this chapter)

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