Chapter 1114

Xia Dang said that Jiang Shang and the two were old friends, and the two saint kings couldn't help but look at each other.

But they are very clear that among the five major forces of the human race, there are no more than five young juniors who have a good relationship with Xia Dang!

And there is no evildoer with such fighting power as Jiang Shang and Hei Ying among them!
That's all for Black Eagle, anyway, he is also a strong man in the Immortal Five Realm, and it is reasonable to fight against the Saint King without losing.

But Jiang Shang... the Tianjiao among the Tianjiao is not so outrageous!

With the ultimate cultivation of Immortal San, the terrifying fighting power is not weaker than that of the Saint King?

"Monster!" Another saint king also asked: "Tiandang, who is he?"

The current performance of Jiang Shang and his wife has exceeded their imagination.

Looking at the battlefield in Xia Tian, ​​with the color of memories and thousands of emotions, he sighed: "Who is he? He is the evildoer supreme who has overshadowed an entire generation and made all geniuses and heroes in the lower world look down. Jiang Shang!"

Recalling the rise of Jiang Shang back then, with his incomparable posture against the sky, he killed countless powerful enemies and became famous all over the world.

At that time, geniuses from all walks of life, any talented generation, were overshadowed by the taboo body Jiang Shang.

Especially the battle of the Human King Conference made Jiang Shang's prestige spread throughout the land of Xuanyuan and the void beyond the sky!
Xia Dang originally thought that after decades of hard work, he could catch up with Jiang Shang and compete with him.

Now it seems that the gap between the two seems to be getting bigger and bigger!

The eyes of the two saint kings froze immediately, they looked at the battlefield in shock, and murmured: "It turned out to be him! The heaven-defying person that Huang Tian said, the No. 1 younger generation in the lower realm..."

Jiang Shang's name has been heard by many powerful people in the heavenly human race.

Not only the sensation caused by the fairy gate incident in the myth of the lower realms, but also Xia Dang, Chu Zhongtian and other arrogant figures repeatedly mentioned it. Even Xia Wushang, the holy son of Huangtian, often mentioned this person's name.

The name of Jiang Shang has long been spread among the five major forces of the human race in the heavenly realm.

It's just that the two saint kings who came to hold the line never expected that the first time they met Jiang Shang would be on such an occasion!
And Jiang Shang brought them an unimaginable shock.Immediately afterwards, the two saint kings looked at each other and laughed tacitly.

He only heard his name but didn't see his person. The No.1 of the younger generation from the lower world finally came to the heaven. It is a great thing for them and the whole human race!

With such an astonishing fighting power, Jiang Shang and Jiang Shang will surely shine in the Golden Dragon Ranking Battle soon!

Thinking of this, the eyes of the two saint kings suddenly changed, and they moved almost at the same time, sending a message back quietly.

But on the battlefield where the battle was in full swing, Jiang Shang and the two were completely unaware that their performance had already attracted the attention of the Human Saint King, and he was even ready to help them at any time.

The three saint kings who came to fight for the red lin young master this time were all people who had competed with the three great saint sons of the red lin clan back then, and their strength was quite terrifying.

Facing an opponent of this level alone, Jiang Shang's face became extremely solemn.He immediately took out the top demigod weapon, Thunder Rune Sword!
Since the sword was forged, it was the first time Jiang Shang took it out to meet the enemy, and it was considered to be the first to show its edge.

As soon as the Thunder Rune Sword came out, it immediately attracted the attention of many experts.

Previously, he and Black Eagle killed a saint king, and used the god-defying supernatural power, which was so terrifyingly powerful that it amazed everyone present.

Now that weapons are used, wouldn't they be more lethal?

But Jiang Shang is very clear about the current situation.

Before being able to kill a saint king on the spot, the factor of surprise played a decisive role.

This is the fall of a saint king created by various chances and coincidences, and it is absolutely impossible to replicate it a second time.

Therefore, Jiang Shang was more cautious than ever, not daring to be careless.

I saw that in the battle group on the right, Jiang Shang was holding a Leiwen sword, his figure was erratic, and he was moving back and forth.

Occasionally a sword stabs out, the power is unparalleled, and the edge is unstoppable.

The Saint King of the Red Lin Clan who was caught in a rage had a ferocious face at this moment, and there was a murderous intent between his brows and eyes, which changed the color of the world.

"Gather the divine fire, burn the heaven formation pattern!" The Saint King shouted angrily, blood filled his hands, and the sea of ​​fire boiled.

Circles of red lines appeared in the void, covering the universe.

A palpitating terrifying coercion emerged above Chixia Ridge, slowly retracting, sealing off the world.

The attacking methods of the Five Immortal Saint Kings are by no means comparable to that of Young Master Chilin.

It is also a supernatural power of blood, but it reveals an unrivaled power, which makes people feel suffocated and frightened.

At the same time, the Black Eagle in the battle group on the left suddenly changed its momentum, and its whole body was full of brilliance, like a golden dragon robe added to its body, majestic and majestic.

Black Eagle's face was stern and fierce, and he launched a continuous offensive with the ancient seal of Huangshan in his hand, majestic.

On the opposite side of the black eagle, the sage king, covered in emerald green runes, roared again and again, waving his arms like mountains that lifted the sky, attacking frantically.

Unlike Jiang Shang's side, Black Hawk's fighting style is completely head-to-head, straight to the point, without fancy.

The roar continued to explode, turning the Chixia Ridge below into a dead place!

This battle has been going on until now, and the Black Eagle has completely gained the upper hand. Every time the ancient seal of Huangshan falls, it can make the opponent's blood surge.

Suppress, suppress a saint king with an incomparably fierce posture!

Suddenly, Jiang Shang, who was shuttled in the sea of ​​flames, shook his body at this moment, and the long sword in his hand burst into divine light, and the thunder and lightning turned into sword energy, covering the sky and covering the earth, rushing in all directions, and the sound of piercing the sky was continuous.

Boom boom boom!
Wherever the thunder sword light passed, there was an incomparable fluctuation.The violent energy is like thousands of divine thunders splitting the sky, like the doomsday thunder calamity, it is extremely frightening.

The supernatural power of the blood is enough to kill the strong in the same realm, not to mention that Jiang Shang's cultivation is only the ultimate of the three immortals?
The red pattern erupted with fiery flames and moved towards the center at a high speed!
The sage Wang Senran sneered, and said: "You only have magic weapons in your hands, let me see how long you can be arrogant!"

But at the next moment, the smile of the saint king of the Honglin clan froze, and an unprecedented sense of crisis rose from the bottom of his heart.He saw Jiang Shang on the opposite side, who was empty-handed at the moment, and formed the mysterious Yin Jue like lightning.

"Tomb Slayer God Demon Hand!"

The sky was torn apart, the terrifying palm that covered the sky and the sun slowly fell, and the ancient tombstone exuding a strong death aura also emerged.

In the distance, a crowd of onlookers saw this scene, and they all gasped.

"Hiss! It's this supernatural power again!"

"Where's the magic sword in his hand? How could he give up the weapon at such a moment?"

"I don't know if this terrifying supernatural power can break the burning sky pattern? For thousands of years, there are countless strong people who died under the burning sky pattern!"

"From this point of view, the black-robed young man holding the great seal has a slightly higher cultivation level, and his combat effectiveness is also slightly better."


The unparalleled power of killing swept all directions, and the hands of gods and demons crushed it, bringing the aura of gods and demons all over the sky.

Circles of miraculous red lines began to vibrate violently, making crackling sounds.

The sage king raised his hand and pointed out, the brilliance shone brightly, and a ray of light condensed by flames pierced through the void and came straight to Jiang Shang's eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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