Chapter 1118 Killing the Saint King Again

At the same time, the situation on the other side also changed.

I saw the black eagle holding the big seal, walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, with a magnificent momentum.His opponent, the Saint King of the Honglin Clan, was already covered with scars at this moment.

Sensing the movement of the battle situation on Jiang Shang's side, the Saint King's face turned pale, and a hint of madness flashed in his eyes.

The emerald green flame turned into an ancient unicorn beast, rushing madly amidst the rising flames all over the sky.

Heiying's expression changed, and the appearance of the Qilin ancient beast immediately made him suffocate.

He could clearly feel that this ancient Qilin beast contained extremely rich energy and blood, and it was not transformed by ordinary magical powers at all!
But at this moment, the aura of the saint king opposite him increased wildly, and in an instant, his aura was approaching the realm of the great saint!
Bloodline supernatural powers!
The few strong onlookers could see the clue at a glance.

It's just that this bloodline supernatural power is completely a lose-lose style of play, hurting the enemy by one thousand and self-damage by eight hundred!
Once such supernatural powers are used, the caster will definitely suffer backlash immediately, and his cultivation base will be greatly damaged, and he will never recover from it.

A group of strong men couldn't help but sigh with emotion, thinking: "This old guy is really cruel to me!"

The life-saving technique that the strong people of the Honglin tribe will only use when they are cornered. I did not expect to see them here several times in a row today. It is an anecdote through the ages!

But then, something unexpected happened.

The saint king broke through the enveloping power of the black eagle in one fell swoop, turned into a rainbow light, and galloped away without looking back.

Actually escaped?

A moment ago, everyone thought that he was going to die with his opponent and die together.Who would have thought that the old guy would actually run away?
While the group of strong men were extremely disdainful, they couldn't help feeling a little admiration for the escaped Saint King of the Red Lin Clan.

Able to put aside face and run away?
Ordinary famous and powerful people can't do such embarrassing things.But everyone knows that if this person stays, he may also fall here, dead and gone!
Compared with his wealth and life, that bit of face seems really nothing.

The people present did not stop them, and their expressions were quite strange.

This escape, the saint king's life was saved, but the face of the Honglin clan was lost, and the face was disgraced!
Today's battle may directly affect the relationship between the two tribes, not much worse than the impact of the life-and-death confrontation between the Sons.


High above the sky, the scalp-numbing crackling sounds became more and more dense.

The powerful and powerful men who watched around them all looked dignified and majestic at this moment.They hope to see the outcome of the battle, but they are also ready to escape at any time!

Everyone present is very clear about the consequences of the complete collapse of one side of the world.

They dare not be careless in the slightest. It can even be said that they are risking their lives to wait for the end of the war by staying here.

The opponent fled far away, which was beyond Black Hawk's expectation.

But he was unable to pursue at this moment, the ancient Qilin beast had rushed over irresistibly, just cutting off the way of pursuit.

There was a flash of light in Hei Ying's eyes, and a look of determination appeared on his face.

The radiant energy around him boiled, and the phantom of the ancient holy emperor swooped down, and the big seal in his hand was thrown out by him again.

The ancient holy emperor rushed into the ancient seal, and the ancient seal of Huangshan swelled like a huge mountain in an instant, and bumped into the ancient Qilin beast.

There was a rumbling earthquake, and everyone felt suffocated.The collision roared, intensifying the spread of void cracks.

The crackling sound of crackling was continuous.

After a reckless blow, Black Hawk's blood surged, and a stream of blood welled up in his throat, overflowing the corner of his mouth.

But at this moment, he didn't stop at all, and his figure violently retreated at an extremely fast speed, like a black lightning, which was a hundred miles away in an instant!

In the distance, the Saint King of the human race, who was always paying attention to the changes in the battle situation, immediately mobilized, and two blue rainbow horses straddled the sky, rolled up the black eagle, and flew into the distance.

At the same time, holy light erupted from Xia Dang's body, and a huge roulette formed by four-color totems appeared behind him again, shouting: "Jiang Shang, hurry up!"

The sword energy trembled like a dragon's chant, and the sky and the earth were pale.

The Saint King, who was fighting Jiang Shang, was determined to die at this moment.I saw this person roaring ferociously, and his burning blood continued to collide.

The power of the ban around the Saint King continued to shatter and reunite, forming a terrifying vision.

But at this moment, Qingtian Sword slashed down with light power, passing by him at a high speed.

The Saint King trembled all over, the roar stopped abruptly, his body froze in place, his eyes were dull.

The sword light shattered and turned into bits of light.The dao body holding the sharp sword disappeared again like a phantom, escaping into the void.

Jiang Shang's Qi was shaken for a while, but soon stabilized.

He shook his head and sighed softly: "It's still a bit short..." While speaking, the hands of the gods and demons and the ancient tombstone shattered, turning into billowing gods and demons, soaring into the sky.

In this vision of soaring demonic energy, Jiang Shang's aura instantly disappeared.All the mighty and powerful men changed their faces one after another, and swearing loudly, set up Dunguang and scattered away.

"Damn it! This kid still has energy?"

"I don't think he was seriously injured, but he was exhausted and his energy was not stable."

"Today is really an eye-opener, are today's young juniors so powerful?"

"If this matter gets out, it will definitely cause an uproar... Just look at it, before the battle of the Golden Dragon Ranking, the Qingtian Territory is definitely full of turmoil and undercurrents everywhere!"


Several rainbow lights pierced the sky, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

In the next moment, the space of thousands of miles around Chixia Ridge completely collapsed.

Horror cracks spread, and the sky collapsed.

A black vortex appeared, expanded instantly, and swallowed everything around it...

Void black hole!

In the heaven where the power of heaven and earth is so terrifying, a void and black hole was born!
There is nothing strange about the void black hole, but it is a young monk who has not yet broken through the Dao Immortal Four that caused all this.

This is scary, and quite scary!
Soon after, the black hole gradually expanded to hundreds of miles.But at this moment, two powerful figures came through the air.

One of them raised his hand and emitted a terrifying divine light, covering the sky and the sun, and the ancient talismans flickered, wiping away the black hole.

"Hehe, this group of juniors is really noisy, the void and black holes have been created." A middle-aged monk in a blue Taoist robe said with a smile on his face.

This person's breath is peaceful, but his demeanor exudes the charm of austerity and simplicity, as if he is in the middle of heaven and earth, with a detached atmosphere.


"It's noisy enough. It reminds me of the time when all the heroes in the world were fighting for each other. It's interesting." The other figure is a skinny old man, leaning on a dead wooden crutch in his hand, with faint signs of energy.

Another fairy!
The appearance of the two great immortals together shows how terrifying the impact of Jiang Shang's great battle will be.

"The battle of the Golden Dragon List is coming, let them fight." The middle-aged monk turned around and escaped into the void.

The skinny old man paused on his crutches, and sighed: "Your human race has two more plastic talents, which is very enviable..." While speaking, the skinny old man's figure gradually disappeared, as if he had never appeared before.

(End of this chapter)

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