Chapter 112 Finding Reinforcements
"Sword Qi Profound Lightning?" There was a look of surprise in the eyes of the Iron Hand old monster, and then hesitatingly said to Jiang Shang: "My lord, what kind of Sword Qi Profound Thunder, can you show me?"

Jiang Shang didn't refuse, he took out a Sword Qi Profound Thunder and handed it to Iron Hand Boss: "Take it."

"What an exquisite arrangement?" After taking the sword energy and profound thunder and putting it in his hand, the iron-handed old monster just looked at it briefly, and he immediately murmured in surprise: "What kind of construction method of the aura pattern is this? Xuan Lei is completely different."

"Do you know the refining method of Thunder Fire Palace Xuanlei?" Hearing the whisper of Iron Hand monster, Jiang Shang asked with puzzled eyes.

"Eh..." The old monster Iron Hand became a little embarrassed when he heard the words, and said in a low voice: "Actually, I was originally a disciple of Thunder Fire Palace, but because I offended a big man, I had to hide here .”

Although it was said to be taking refuge, in fact, he was expelled from the sect.

"Are you a disciple of Thunder Fire Palace?" Jiang Shang asked in surprise.

Hei Ying was also a little surprised, and couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "You hide quite deeply."

The iron-handed old monster continued to smile awkwardly, and then asked Jiang Shang seriously: "My lord, can you answer my two questions?"

"What's the problem? Tell me." Jiang Shang said.

The iron hand old monster sorted out his thoughts, and said to Jiang Shang in a serious tone: "Dare to ask about the refining method of the sword energy and profound thunder, but is it the secret method that is not passed on within the Sky Splitting Sword Sect?"

Jiang Shang heard that his eyes flickered slightly, he seemed to have guessed what the other party wanted to say, then shook his head lightly and said: "This is not a hidden secret, but it is difficult for outsiders to learn, it involves a little skill, is What my master gave me."

In order to prevent outsiders from easily stealing their skills, he set up a small mechanism inside Xuanlei, unless someone who is a master does it himself, it will be difficult to restore the refining method.

"Is that so..." Tie Shou looked a little disappointed, but he continued: "My lord, please forgive me for asking, are you willing to use this sword energy and profound thunder to exchange for our Black Eagle Palace? Where are the reinforcements?"

"Reinforcements? Continue talking." Jiang Shang said calmly.

Tieshou couldn't guess what Jiang Shang was thinking, so he could only bite the bullet and continued: "I can build a bridge for the Black Eagle Palace and recommend the strong men of the Thunder Fire Palace. As long as the palace owner is willing to exchange this profound thunder, I believe they will definitely Willing to help us."

"You want me to use the refining method of sword energy and profound thunder to exchange with Thunder Fire Palace?" Jiang Shang frowned.

"It doesn't have to be the method of refining Xuanlei. It can be discussed, and it should be possible to discuss." The iron-handed old monster avoided his eyes.

Jiang Shang became silent, and after a while he said: "Go back first, let me think about this matter..."

"Yes." Although Iron Hand was a little disappointed, he still obeyed and left. After he left, Jiang Shang turned to Black Eagle beside him and said, "Black Eagle, what do you think?"

"He probably wants to borrow our springboard to help him return to Thunder Fire Palace." Black Eagle mocked, "What about refuge? I suspect that he was expelled from Thunder Fire Palace. So if he can help Thunder Fire Palace, If he finds out the refining method of Sword Qi and Profound Thunder, it must be a great contribution, and then the Thunder Fire Palace will definitely let him go and allow him to return to the Thunder Fire Palace."

Although this is just his guess, it is very close to the truth.

"That's not what I'm talking about." Jiang Shang shook his head and said, "Reinforcement, do you think we should seek reinforcements?"

Hearing the words, Black Eagle was stunned, fell silent, and spoke after a while: "My lord, I think that although Iron Hand is selfish, his words are correct. Our Black Eagle Palace really needs a reinforcement."

"Huh..." Jiang Shang let out a foul breath, his eyes flickered and he murmured, "I see."


In the center of the Xiexu Land, there is a huge island named Xiexu Island, where the five major forces stand, and it is the most prosperous area in the Xiexu Land.

Jiang Shang finally made up his mind and decided to go to the Leihuo Palace first. A mere refining method of Xuanlei is not very precious to him. If he can use it to survive the crisis, it is worth the money. Not bad.

In the early morning of the next day, he set off with Tieshou and headed straight for the island of Xiexu.

The sea area where the Black Eagle Palace is located is only the outermost periphery of the Xiexu Island, and the Xiexu Island is the center, with a distance of at least [-] miles between them. There are various island forces scattered along the way. The more powerful it is.

And when it was only about 1000 miles away from the island of Xiexu, the iron-handed old monster finally couldn't help but said: "My lord, let's fly lower."

"Fly lower?" Just when Jiang Shang was wondering, suddenly there was a loud roar from under his feet, more than a dozen huge tentacles were thrown out from the dark sea, and they struck straight at the two people in the sky, bringing Intense bloody and murderous aura.

"It's the golden core demon cultivator!" The iron-handed old monster suddenly changed his expression, and immediately released a shield to resist, then flew towards the sea quickly, and shouted at Jiang Shang: "My lord, fly low!"

However, Jiang Shang ignored his roar, instead he snorted coldly at the huge black shadow under the sea, and directly released a dense and powerful sword light, forming a dark golden giant sword like a mountain, towards the bottom of the sea Ruthlessly pushed away: "Concentrate swordsmanship!"

The frighteningly huge lightsaber sank into the sea, and the terrifying power caused huge waves. The sea surface was immediately dyed bright red, and the black figure fled away in embarrassment.

"What a scary guy, at least he is a mid-stage Jindan strongman, so don't provoke him!"

"That seems to be the condensed sword technique of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect. Is that guy a member of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect?"

"Anyway, his strength is terrifying. No wonder he dares to ignore the rules and fly directly in the sky. Let's not provoke him."


The black shadows hiding in the dark talked a lot, and then dispersed in a very tacit understanding.


Jiang Shang vaguely heard the discussion, full of doubts in his heart, flew towards the sea, and asked with doubts towards Tie Shou: "What rules are they talking about?"

"It's like this, you can't fly high in the evil ruins, otherwise it will be regarded as a provocation, so I just..." Tie Shou explained.

Only then did Jiang Shang wake up and said, "So that's the case, so let's fly at low altitude."

The two then set off again, heading straight towards the island of the evil ruins. After about half a day, a long blood-red line suddenly appeared on the sea level in the distance, and the iron hand suddenly showed a gleam of joy, and moved towards the island. Jiang Shang beside him said excitedly: "My lord, that is Xiexu Island, we are almost there."

When Jiang Shang heard the words, his eyes were also slightly happy.

(End of this chapter)

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