Chapter 1120 The legendary sacred tree of the monster clan! ?
In fact, not only Black Eagle's mentality was completely relaxed, but even Jiang Shang was the same.

Ever since they came to the heaven, the spirits of the few of them have been tense, and there are crises waiting for them everywhere, so they dare not relax at all.

Now that they have gone through untold hardships, they have finally arrived at the Qingtian Territory where the human race is located. The sudden relaxation made them feel quite happy.

As a result, even Black Eagle, who is usually quiet and reticent, couldn't help teasing Xia Tiandang time and time again, making jokes.

Xia Dang also knew their experiences over the years, so he smiled and said nothing more.

When night fell, the three of them came to a city and chose to rest temporarily.

Coming all the way north from Jingyuan City, although their speed was neither too fast nor too slow, they had traveled more than [-] li in the past few days.

This small city named Qiushan City is jointly controlled by several nearby tribes, and it is also one of many small cities attached to the human race.

It is said to be a small city, but in fact this city is much larger than the Beiming Holy Land in the lower realm, with a radius of [-] li, it is still astonishingly large.

Originally, the three of them planned to continue their journey the next day, but they got a piece of news in the city, which made them hesitate for a while.

The beautifully built courtyard is located on the hillside of a hill. There are waterfalls and springs not far from the courtyard, and the scenery is quite elegant.

At this time, Jiang Shang and the three were sitting in front of the stone table in the middle of the courtyard, frowning in silence.

"Heavenly Cauldron Palace? It can change your face on the spot, it must have a lot of background." Jiang Shang said suddenly, looking at Xia Tiandang.

Xia Tian let out a long breath, restrained his expression and said: "Of course the Tianding Palace has a lot of history, you listen to me slowly..."

It turns out that the so-called Heavenly Cauldron Palace is a sacred place of chance left by a great immortal king.

In the past million years, the Heavenly Cauldron Palace has appeared dozens of times, with varying time intervals.

Not only did the holy land of the Heavenly Cauldron Palace appear without warning, but it even disappeared very suddenly, disappearing inexplicably into the void, without any traces to follow.

For millions of years, countless strong monks and many powerful figures tried their best to find the whereabouts of Tianding Palace, but in the end they found nothing and could only give up sadly.

According to legend, in this extremely mysterious Tianding Palace, there are all kinds of divine fires, strange fires, treasures and divine materials, and countless types of elixirs.What makes the monks all over the world feel crazy is that deep in the secret realm of Tianding Palace, there is an ancient sacred object hidden, which seems to be similar to the legendary sacred tree of the Golden Crow family - Fusang, but it is in the seedling stage, and no one can be sure Come down, is it the legendary hibiscus tree sapling, so it looks extremely mysterious, and many super strong people want to go in and check it out.

"What? Hibiscus tree?!" Hearing this, Jiang Shang suddenly stood up with a look of shock on his face.

What is a hibiscus tree?
I am afraid that when it comes to this thing, monks all over the world can introduce it eloquently.

It is rumored that at the beginning of the ancient times, on the banks of Tanggu in the land of the rising sun, there lived a powerful race named Jinwu.

This tribe has a sacred tree that has been passed down from generation to generation. It grows on the edge of Tanggu and is born by bathing in the scorching sun and real fire. It is named Fusang.The branches and trunks of the hibiscus tree are extremely tall, the branches and leaves go up to the nine heavens and the blue falls, and the roots go down to the underworld and the underworld, it really reaches the heavens and the earth!

In the ancient years, the demon god Jinwu, who once made the powerful people of all parties fearful, was recognized by this sacred tree, and cultivated the sky-defying flame road, which shocked all directions.

Since then, the inherited fetish of the Jinwu clan has become famous all over the world, and has been spied on and coveted by powerful tribes from all sides, which has also triggered a series of terrifying battles that have shocked the heavens and the world.

There are actually seedlings of Fusang Shenmu in Tianding Palace?Although it is only said that it does not necessarily exist, it is shocking enough.I am afraid that all the monks in the world know that Fusang Shenmu is born with the real fire of the sun. If you can get the seedlings of this thing and cultivate them, it will definitely become an invincible help in cultivation!
As long as he has Fusang Shenmu as his support, he can become the Supreme Fire Element... It will be a matter of time!
Moreover, this is the holy tree of the top monster clan in the heavens——the Golden Crow clan. How could it appear in such a place? It's simply too inconceivable.

I have to say that my heart is excited, Tianding Palace is indeed a holy place of chance!How can such a fetish be missed?

Jiang Shang's thoughts coincided with Xia Dang's, the two of them smiled tacitly, and the next itinerary was self-evident.


Amano Osawa is a water area with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. From a distance, it is vast.

Speaking carefully, the timing of Tianding Palace's appearance undoubtedly gave them a big advantage.

From Xia Dang's detailed introduction, Jiang Shang learned that there is a special seal in the secret realm of Tianding Palace, and those who have surpassed the fifth level of immortality cannot enter at all.

Now that the battle of the Golden Dragon Ranking is imminent, almost all the supreme beings and holy sons of all parties are practicing in seclusion.Those who have not retreated also went to some special and dangerous places to practice, intending to improve their cultivation level before the opening of the Golden Dragon Ranking Battle.

Therefore, most of the Tianjiao figures who agree with this condition cannot come quickly.

Originally, the sky over Amano Osawa was shrouded in overcast clouds all the year round, and the climate was rainy.

But now that the Cauldron Palace reappeared today, a large number of monks were attracted, and their auras swept across the sky, scattering the dark clouds in all directions.


The sound of speed breaking through the sky exploded, and three figures wrapped in the rainbow light rushed towards the sky above Daze at high speed.

The sonic boom piercing the sky attracted the attention of many monks, and everyone turned their heads to look.

I saw that the person in charge was radiating four-color divine light all over his body, accompanied by the roar of dragons and tigers, with a frightening aura.

Behind him, two black figures control two divine lights, one white and one yellow, and they are equally terrifying.

The speed of these three people was extremely fast, and they flew from the sky to the front in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the sky above Amano Daze was already full of monks from all sides, densely packed like a dark cloud cover.

The rainbow light in the sky dissipated, and three young monks walked out.

Only the leader said: "The Holy Land of Tianding Palace has not been opened yet, let's catch up."

These three young monks were Jiang Shang, Xia Dang and Hei Ying who came from Qiushan City.

Jiang Shang dissipated his divine light, stood in the air, his eyes flicked around, and found that the people present were all fairyland monks, and their minimum cultivation had reached the level of the fourth and half saints.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Shang couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring: "Even without the participation of Tianjiao Supreme, these monks are not easy to deal with."

At the same time, there was a commotion among the monks in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, there was an uproar, and all the monks looked over.

"It's them! The descendants of the Holy Son of Huangtian..."

"Aren't those two just...they showed up so blatantly?"

"It's really desperate! Don't they know that a large number of elite children of the Honglin clan are chasing and killing them all over the world?"

The exclamation one after another made many strong people present understand the identities of the three in an instant.The monk who was a little closer backed away quickly, as if avoiding the plague, with a horrified expression.

(End of this chapter)

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