Chapter 1143 The next three years

By the riverside of the nameless barren mountain, Jiang Shang was immersed in the sea of ​​memory, frantically looking for a solution to the problem.

For three days in a row, Jiang Shang just sat there, sleepless and motionless.

Black Eagle quietly guarded Jiang Shang, with a smile on his face all the time, looking at Jiang Shang full of gratitude.

In fact, he didn't have much hope for finding a solution.

He thought that Jiang Shang was sitting there, thinking hard about countermeasures.Unbeknownst to him, Jiang Shang has browsed thousands of years of memories in the sea of ​​memory, and although he found nothing, he still has no intention of giving up.

Time passed quietly, and finally on the eve of dawn one day, Jiang Shang was shocked, and a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

But immediately, the smile on his face became solidified, and there was endless disappointment in his eyes.

Jiang Shang turned his head slowly, looked at Heiying with a complicated expression, tried to calm his voice, and said, "Heiying, I found a way to restore you to the original. It's just..."

Black Eagle interrupted him with a smile, and said very openly: "My lord, you don't have to worry about me. This subordinate knows that in terms of this subordinate's current situation, wanting to recover is tantamount to rebirth from Nirvana. To the point of difficulty."

"Black Eagle, remember, I, Jiang Shang, won't let you die, no one can take your life!" Jiang Shang took out a lot of bottles and jars from the storage, all of which were warm A elixir for nourishing qi and blood.All these things were stuffed into Black Hawk's arms.

Jiang Shang got up and said: "Don't put on a heavy twilight posture for me here, get out of here and practice! Even if you have little lifespan left and your blood is empty, you have to live on honestly for me! This is an order!"

Hei Ying was shocked, tears welled up in his eyes, he stood up with difficulty, and said with high spirits: "Your subordinate obeys!"

Jiang Shang said with a cold face, "Let's go. Find a place to retreat for a while."

After a while, Jiang Shang controlled the divine light and flew to the depths of the mountains with the black eagle, looking for a hidden cave. After arranging it, the two retreated one after another to practice.

Jiang Shang did find a way to restore Black Hawk, and he also knew the names of those items.

But each item is a treasure that is rarely seen in millions of years, and with his current cultivation level, even with these treasures, it is impossible to start with.

Not to mention, there is not a single fetish treasure now!

For the current plan, Jiang Shang could only pretend to be indifferent and order Black Eagle to practice.

Even if it cannot get better, the situation must not be allowed to continue to deteriorate.

He is buying time, buying time for himself.

"Xianjun! As long as you step into the realm of Xianjun, even if you don't have those gods, you can reshape the black eagle's body!" Jiang Shang said silently in his heart, feeling extremely urgent.

Time, the only thing that is not enough now is time.

Whether it is looking for those heaven and earth fetishes, or breaking through to the level of a fairy, it will take a long time.

And these times are undoubtedly a huge challenge for the Black Hawk!

This is an extremely helpless thing, but I have to face this problem.

"Practice...practice..." Jiang Shang restrained his wry smile and closed his eyes.


Three years passed in a flash.

After three years of unremitting efforts, Jiang Shang finally broke through the realm of will to the third level extreme.Entering the third-order Great Emperor's realm for the first time is obviously different from the third-order ultimate.

Compared with the former, the latter is at least ten times more powerful and becomes extremely terrifying.

After the realm of will reached the third-level extreme, Jiang Shang's cultivation base also broke through the barrier of the third-level immortal, and stepped into the fourth-half-sacred realm in one fell swoop, and his combat power doubled, which can be called against the sky.

The strange feeling from all the limbs made Jiang Shang feel refreshed.

An endless stream of true spirits circulated endlessly in his body, making him feel that there was endless power in his body.

If he breaks through before, he can destroy the earth with a single blow of the strongest supernatural power.

So now, his divine sense can extend thousands of miles away!Wherever the divine mind reaches, it is within the destructive range of his supernatural powers!

Of course, this is Jiang Shang's current limit.

If he really did this, he would completely consume the true spirit in his body, dry up the sea of ​​qi, and even seriously damage the meridians and affect the foundation.

The final result is no different from the Black Eagle who swallowed the God Burning Pellet.

Jiang Shang broke through the realm, causing violent turmoil in the thousands of miles of mountains, and the vitality of the heaven and the earth gathered towards the mountain where they were, turning into a huge and unparalleled vortex, which looked extremely terrifying.

However, this terrifying scene did not attract the monk's attention.

The mountain range where they are located is more than ten thousand miles away from Amano Daze, which is also the place where the secret realm of Tianding Palace was opened.

This place belongs to the wild and wild mountains with few people, and there are no elixir, treasures and other things born, so basically no one comes here.

On the contrary, many ferocious birds and beasts living in the mountains were alarmed by the vortex caused by Jiang Shang's breakthrough, and thus gained a lot of benefits.

Jiang Shang broke through the realm, which naturally alarmed the Black Eagle not far away.

When Jiang Shang broke through, Black Eagle had been guarding the entrance of the cave to prevent accidents from happening.

After Jiang Shang's aura suddenly rose, it dissipated in an instant, and he almost lost all energy.

But if you feel it carefully, you will find that Jiang Shang's aura is everywhere in the entire cave, as if it has been integrated with the cave.

Hei Ying finally breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head and glanced vigilantly outside the cave, and said with emotion: "My lord's breakthrough in cultivation has made more and more noise. Fortunately, there are few people here, otherwise it will definitely cause turmoil. causing strife and chaos.”

After three years of continuous training, with the help of a large number of medicines that warm and nourish qi and blood, Black Eagle's condition has finally stabilized.

With less than [-]% of the blood remaining, there has been a significant recovery.But the basis did not reach the original [-]%.

But now Black Eagle looks like a strong old man, without the feeling of being old and dying like before.

The only shortcoming is that his lifespan is getting less and less.

Hei Ying doesn't care about these, he still has a belief: he can follow Jiang Shang all the way to the present, he will die without regret.

But the thought in his heart was not expressed.

He knew that Jiang Shang had very strong expectations for him, and he didn't want to see Jiang Shang look sad, so he was optimistic and positive, full of fighting spirit.

Jiang Shang opened his eyes, the pupils of his eyes were like a bottomless sea cave of returning to the ruins, exuding a breathtaking divine light, making people dare not have any eye contact with him.

Hei Ying looked away and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Lord Palace Mistress, for leaving the customs."

Jiang Shang looked at Black Eagle and nodded in satisfaction.He got up and straightened his clothes, stepped forward and patted Hei Ying on the shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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