Chapter 1147 That Finger

Tomb Slayer God Demon Hand!
It is rumored that the terrifying supernatural power that seriously injured the Saint King in one fell swoop.

This time, even Pan Yuelun, who was rebellious, had a look of horror on his face.

No matter how detailed the description in the rumor is, it is only a rumor after all.

Today, when they were trapped in the world of bones, they really felt the terrifying aura of the gods and demons, and boundless panic rose in their hearts.

"Jiang Shang, how dare you!!"

Pan Yuelun's voice became shrill and piercing because of extreme panic.

Zhao Guanhai exclaimed again and again: "Jiang Shang, stop! We admit defeat..."

But Jiang Shang, roaring at the yells of the two, turned a deaf ear to them, and had no intention of stopping at all.

He stood in the center of the world of bones, his expression was cold, and he murmured: "Why don't I dare? Why should I stop?"

From the moment Black Eagle suffered the backlash of the Divine Burning Pellet and almost lost his life, Jiang Shang almost searched the sea of ​​memory of the Demon Ancestor in order to find a way to help Black Eagle recover.

But when he found a solution to the problem, he watched that memory helplessly, powerless.

From that moment on, there was a rage in his heart.

In the past seven years, he had personally watched Black Eagle grow older and his life force weakened little by little, and this suffocation grew and swelled step by step.

For a long time, Jiang Shang has been suppressing this hostility, trying to find an appropriate time to vent it, but there has been no chance.

Xia Shenwang is still retreating, but Black Eagle's condition is gradually deteriorating, causing him to feel extremely irritable.

Today, Zhao Guanhai and the two came to the door to provoke, and immediately detonated the fierceness hidden in Jiang Shang's chest. Jiang Shang, who had already suppressed his irritability, was completely furious.

People who angered Jiang Shang usually end up miserable.

Hei Ying, who has been by Jiang Shang's side all the time, is no longer surprised by this kind of thing.

Now his condition is deteriorating again, and with his immortal level cultivation base, he can't help at all.So what Black Eagle can do is to stay obediently and watch Jiang Shang pour his anger on Zhao Guanhai and the two of them.

In fact, Hei Ying felt a little bit of gloating in his heart, and said to himself: "You two, what are you doing when you have nothing to do? You kicked the iron board now? You deserve it."

In the fierce battle in the world of bones, Jiang Shang has an overwhelming advantage, and it is easy to seriously injure the opponent.

At the same time, a servant walked out of the palace where Chu Yutang was located, and rushed towards the distant mountain quickly.

That mountain was where the elders of the Palace Master line lived, and this servant followed Chu Yutang's order to tell the elders the news.

The status of an elder-level powerhouse in the early stage of the ancient great sage in Tiansheng Palace is naturally self-evident.

Moreover, the timing at which Chu Yutang arranged for someone to notify the elder was quite delicate.

In his plan, when the elder arrived at the scene, it should be the moment when Zhao Guanhai and the two pretended to be seriously injured, and the timing was perfect.

However, when the timing was right, things didn't develop like this at all.

His two men were not pretending to be seriously injured, but were really seriously injured by Jiang Shang.

The degree of serious injury has already affected the foundation of the two of them. I am afraid that from now on, the two of them will not be able to reach a higher level.

It is extremely fortunate to be able to keep the cultivation base of the fifth level of immortality. It is more likely that the realm has fallen below the fairyland, which is weaker than Black Eagle's current cultivation base...

Time passed quietly, and all plans were moving forward according to the originally planned trajectory.

Sure enough, not long after the servant went up the mountain, an incomparably powerful aura flew across the sky, and a white-haired old man rushed out of the mountain palace and came straight to the courtyard where Jiang Shang was.

In the quiet courtyard, a hazy and strong aura enveloped the sky, making it impossible for outsiders to see the scene.

Standing outside the courtyard gate, Hei Ying suddenly trembled and raised his head in shock.

I saw a powerful air machine in the distance coming across the sky.

At the same time, the aura surrounding the courtyard dissipated, and two bloody figures fell from midair and fell outside the courtyard gate.

At this time, the figure that came across the sky descended on the sky above the courtyard.

It was really just as Chu Yutang planned, the timing was right!
The figure descending on the sky is naturally the elder of the Tiansheng Palace in the early days of the Great Sage.This person's white hair flew up, his robes fluttered, his eyes swept down, and he was instantly furious.

"You are Jiang Shang?!"

The elder of Tianding Palace was full of anger, his eyes locked on Jiang Shang sharply, exuding a strong murderous intent.

Jiang Shang glanced outside the courtyard, Zhao Guanhai and his body were broken, their meridians were broken, and they were lying on the ground moaning in pain.They looked at Jiang Shang, full of resentment.

Then Jiang Shang looked back, realized something, and said: "Senior, is it for the two of them?"

The elder of Tiansheng Palace said angrily: "Old man, no matter how unscrupulous you are in the lower realm, but when you first came to Tiansheng Palace, you dare to hurt my disciples, how can I tolerate you!"

That's right, Zhao Guanhai and Pan Yuelun are the disciples of this elder.However, it is a bit far-fetched to say so.

Because Zhao Guanhai and Zhao Guanhai worshiped under another elder at the beginning, but when the two grew up, the elder's lifespan was exhausted, and his body died and his dao disappeared.

So the two worshiped this person as their teacher again and entered under his sect.

But because the two of them already had profound cultivation, the elder didn't teach them carefully, but only gave some pointers when he had free time.

However, the entire Tiansheng Palace knew that the old and dying elder had a high prestige and influence in the palace lord line, so he couldn't ignore what happened today!
While speaking, the elder raised his hand with a palm, and the majestic and terrifying coercion enveloped the universe.

Jiang Shang suddenly felt his body sink, and his figure involuntarily dropped a few points.From this coercion, Jiang Shang felt the chilling murderous intent, and his heart tightened immediately.

In an instant, the whole world was darkened, and an incomparably huge palm fell straight on top of Jiang Shang's head.

This blow was unparalleled in terror.

Hei Ying's face was pale, and he exclaimed: "My lord..."

Even he could tell that this elder's strength was the real early stage of the Great Sage, and Jiang Shang was definitely not his opponent when he was furious.

Jiang Shang looked cold, and boundless anger rose in his heart.

This person didn't ask why, but he wanted to kill him again, making it clear that he was coming for him.Even if Jiang Shang revealed the truth of the matter, he would not change the result.

A hint of ferocity emerged in Jiang Shang's heart, and he said ferociously: "Since..."

But before he finished speaking, in the depths of Tiansheng Palace, in a very hidden place, a heaven-penetrating divine light suddenly rose, and a yellow sky pure land was bathed in the divine light, shining in all directions.

An elegant man in white shirt walked out of the pure land, came to the front in an instant, and pointed out!
(End of this chapter)

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