Chapter 1150 Wangtian Ancient City
The ancient city of Wangtian is located in the north area of ​​Qingtianyu, where the three major tribes meet.

This city has a long history and inheritance, and it is the most iconic giant city in Qingtianyu, not one of them.

It is rumored that the status of the ancient city of Wangtian was not weaker than that of the Holy City of Qingtian. It once walked out of a unparalleled hero and giant, a peerless power, and even dominated a certain era before ancient times.

But today's Wangtian Ancient City, although it is still one of the seventeen ancient cities in Qingtian Region, is no longer as powerful as it is said in the legend.

When the three of Jiang Shang came outside the ancient city of Wangtian, they saw an extremely shocking scene.

Countless figures, wrapped in the rainbow light, gathered from all directions.Flying boats and building boats, with different shapes and dazzling rays of light, come across the void.

In the distant sky, the dense clouds were smashed to pieces by the flying Pilian Shenguang.

The deafening sound of breaking through the sky resounded through the sky.

Shouting, shouting, greetings and chatting, outside the gates of this ancient city, there were extremely noisy teachings together, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, the momentum was astonishing.

"Hiss!" Seeing such a scene, both Jiang Shang and Xia Wushang couldn't help but gasped.

This scene is too shocking.

Even Xia Wushang couldn't help showing an expression of astonishment, but this expression was fleeting and didn't last long.

Jiang Shang once imagined, what kind of scene will it be when the world's heroes and talents gather together?
The scene in front of him perfectly explained the doubts in his heart.

A crowd of heroes gathered to compete with the world.

Before he got close to the city gate, Jiang Shang felt a majestic and dignified general trend, covering the sky above the ancient city of Wangtian, which made his heart sink.

This majestic trend is a dignified atmosphere jointly created by thousands of strong men who came from all sides.

These people seem to be very casual, talking with people passionately, but they will inadvertently reveal a touch of solemnity between each other, obviously their minds are not on the conversation.

Just when the three of them were about to enter the city, countless monks in front of them suddenly erupted, and many strong men cheered and cheered.

Immediately afterwards, two terrifying air jets emerged in the sky, almost covering the entire sky, exerting enormous pressure on people.

These two qi machines are clashing and colliding, the two sides refuse to give in to each other, and the fight is extremely fierce.

Jiang Shanghe Xia Tian's face froze, and at the same time, doubts flashed in his eyes.

But Xia Wushang suddenly said, "A fight started so soon? It seems that some people can't wait."

Jiang Shang asked: "Senior God King, do you know the source of these two energy mechanisms?"

"They are all old opponents, so this is naturally very clear." Xia Wushang showed some momentum, led Jiang Shang and the two into the crowd, and said in a seemingly casual manner: "The person on the left is located in the south of the city. Silver Wing, one of the supreme beings. The person on the right is in the west of the city, and his identity is Ye Jiaohuang, one of the twin stars of the Silver Horn Clan."

Jiang Shang's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice: "The competition has not yet begun, and two supreme-level powerhouses are fighting each other. Is this to create a general trend? Do you want to go forward in the deletion battle?"

Xia Wushang nodded indifferently, and said, "Maybe it's like this, or maybe it's other reasons."

Xia Tiandang looked at the sky solemnly, above the extremely high altitude, two figures could be faintly seen flying back and forth, colliding with each other from time to time, and the fierce battle was in full swing.

Xia Dang asked: "Uncle, which of these two has a better chance of winning?"

Jiang Shang was also curious about this point. In the eyes of Xia Shenwang, who is more threatening between the two fighting in the air?
Xia Wushang, the Son of the Yellow Heaven, glanced at the sky, kept on stepping, and continued to lead the two of them forward, saying in his mouth: "They won't decide the winner here. They just want to overwhelm each other in terms of momentum. At most, they are testing each other, and it is not yet time to decide the outcome."

"Hiss! The fight is so fierce, isn't it just about winning or losing? It's just testing each other?" Jiang Shang was speechless, and couldn't help feeling emotional.

Xia Wushang smiled and said: "As you said, it's just to build momentum, there is no need to distinguish between superior and inferior. As long as you have a slight advantage in momentum, that's enough."

Jiang Shang and Xia Dang looked at each other in amazement.

Jiang Shang thought carefully about Xia Shenwang's words, and felt that they were very appropriate.

The two supreme powerhouses in the air were only doing it to create a general trend, and they would not kill you at all.

If it is really necessary to decide the winner, it will be a big deal, and it will definitely cause a lot of turmoil and chaos.

However, Yin Chizi and Ye Jiaoheng had almost the same strength, and it was really difficult to judge who would finally gain the upper hand in terms of momentum.

At least Xia Wushang, who is the son of Huang Tian, ​​has never made an exact evaluation of the strength of these two people.

From a certain point of view, even Xia Wushang couldn't predict which of the two was stronger.

While Jiang Shang was feeling emotional, he couldn't help turning his eyes to the sky again.

This level of confrontation and collision, even if it is not a life-and-death contest, must be very exciting.It will also be beneficial to watch from the sidelines.

Yin Chizi, one of the Four Supreme Beings of the human race, and Ye Jiaohuang, one of the Twin Stars of the Silver Horn Clan, collided with each other, which naturally attracted the attention of many powerful people in the city.

However, none of these people dared to make fun of Yangzi, and interfered with the two supreme beings in the battle.

Except for the applause at the beginning, almost the entire Wangtian City maintained a very tacit silence, quietly looking up at the sky.

Boom boom boom...

There were bursts of huge earthquakes and roars, exploding high above the sky, like the gathering of nine heavenly gods and thunders, the power was violent, and it made people feel frightened.

When Jiang Shang couldn't help being curious and looked up again, the confrontation between the two supreme beings in the sky suddenly turned around.

The two Supreme Beings who had always been evenly matched, when they collided again, the power of Silver Winged had obviously declined, and Ye Jiaoheng took advantage of the situation and gained the upper hand in one fell swoop.

The monks in the city who didn't dare to shout loudly couldn't help but started buzzing and chatting in low voices.

At this time, Jiang Shang and the others had already reached the urban area where the human race counted. Xia Shenwang paused slightly, and continued to walk forward.

He only heard Xia Wushang murmuring to himself meaningfully: "Is this how to distinguish the strong from the weak? It's a bit of a joke."

Jiang Shang was slightly taken aback, not understanding the specific meaning of Xia Wushang's words.

Xia Dang also frowned, looked up at the sky, lowered his head and walked forward in thought.

"It's a bit of a joke? What do you mean? Xia Shenwang thinks that the two above are playing around?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Shang's expression suddenly became a little weird.

But no matter if it was a child's play or to test each other, this supreme confrontation before the big competition successfully ignited the flames in the hearts of many monks, and each of them became extremely excited and bloody.

(End of this chapter)

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