Chapter 1156 Move!Stormy sky!

However, when Jiang Shang saw this thing, his mind moved slightly, and he didn't know what he thought of.

But Taoist Qianli said with a wry smile: "Since you are here, you can't let the poor Taoist take this thing back?"

When everyone heard it, they also felt that this was the truth.After all, they have already taken it out, if you let them take it back, it will somewhat embarrass Taoist Qianli.

After all, no matter how you say this trade fair, Taoist Qianli facilitated it all.

As a result, all the people who came to participate got the treasures they wanted, but in the end, Taoist Qianli and his family failed?
Just when everyone was hesitating, Jiang Shang got up and said, "I don't know what the senior wants to exchange for this thing?"

Taoist Qianli looked at him in surprise, and said with a wry smile: "It's not that I want to exchange for something rare, but since this thing has already been taken out, the poor Taoist has no intention of taking it back. If you like it, you can buy it." Just take away those fairy gold, treasure mines and other things."

In fact, at this time, Taoist Qianli had already seen what everyone was thinking from their expressions.

Now that the opening of the Golden Dragon List is about to begin, no one wants to exchange that treasure for such a useless thing, which can't be opened even if you try it, and it doesn't respond to anything, so what's the use of it?

Not far away, the Son of Fallen Earth and Young Master Yinlei showed expressions of disdain.

Young Master Yinlei sneered and said, "This idiot would actually propose to replace this thing?"

"Maybe he can see that this thing is extraordinary?" All the Sons of the Fallen Earth said sarcastically.

Xia Dang also sent a voice transmission in surprise, and said: "Jiang Shang, why are you crazy? Taoist Qianli said that you can change any thing, but don't think that you can change it for anything... Besides, if you want What does this thing do?"

Poluo Shaojun and Xia Wushang were also communicating through sound transmission at this time.

"As you said, this son has always been calm in situations. Maybe he really knows the secrets and wants to go back and learn more about it." Poluo Shaojun said with a bit of a smile in his words.

Xia Wushang said helplessly: "This thing looks very miraculous, but no matter how you look at it, it is not useful. I hope this kid really knows something, otherwise, it is just to give Qianjin a treasure in exchange for such a thing. Li walked down one step at a time, and the gain outweighed the loss."

Naturally, Jiang Shang also knew that Taoist Qianli said that any item would be fine, but in fact he really had to weigh it.

Ordinary treasures cannot enter the eyes of Taoist Qianli.If it is an item that is too expensive, there are some obvious purposes.

Jiang Shang pondered, wondering what he should use so as not to arouse the suspicion of others.

Taoist Qianli looked at him, and asked meaningfully: "Young friend Jiang Shang, do you know the origin of this thing?"

Jiang Shang shook his head very calmly, and said with a sincere expression: "This junior really doesn't know. But this thing can be difficult for so many powerful monks, there should be something extraordinary. The junior wants to change it back and study it. If it doesn't work, you can find a place to sell it. .hehe."

With that said, Jiang Shang took out a pitch-black stone and asked, "What do you think of this piece of Yinming Iron? Can you exchange it for the stone box in your hand?"

As soon as this thing appeared, the surrounding temperature immediately dropped significantly, becoming cloudy and chilly.

There was a burst of exclamation all around, and many Tianjiao people exclaimed.

"Hey, this Jiang Shang is really stupid, isn't he? To exchange such a fetish for a useless stone box?"

"Such a treasure is only in exchange for a stone box? Does this kid really know something about stone boxes?"

"It seems that there is a big secret hidden in the stone box!"

Even Taoist Qianli was quite surprised. At this moment, he even doubted whether Jiang Shang really knew something secret, related to the stone box on the table?

However, I heard Jiang Shang say very sincerely: "Senior, don't think that this junior has plans. It is true that although this Yinming iron is precious and rare, it has no way for this junior. It is also a useless thing in your hand. , I am really ashamed to exchange it for the stone box of the senior."

While speaking, Jiang Shang glanced at Xia Wushang calmly.

Everyone suddenly realized.

"Oh, it turns out that the Holy Son of Huangtian instructed him to do this."

"Is this trying to sell Taoist Qianli a favor?"

"It seems that Huangtian Shengzi is not as strict and cold as in the legend..."

Everyone discussed in a low voice, Taoist Qianli also cast a grateful look at Xia Wushang, if Jiang Shang hadn't stood up, I'm afraid it really wouldn't have ended.

It's not that other Tianjiao won't exchange stone boxes to please him, but if that's the case, Taoist Qianli will be really ashamed, and if it spreads out, people will say that he bullies the younger Tianjiao and has bad conduct.

The appearance of Jiang Shang made this possibility invisible.

Taoist Qianli said with a smile: "Forget it. The poor Taoist will take some advantage today, and exchange this thing for you."

Everyone thought that this scene was secretly ordered by Xia Wushang, but in fact even he felt baffled.

"Hehe, this kid actually used me as a cover? It seems that this stone box should really contain secrets. Whatever it is, let him go."

Xia Wushang didn't care about this matter, he kept his expression on the surface, and nodded slightly at Taoist Qianli.

On the contrary, he felt that Jiang Shang did a good job of embedding flowers and trees with one hand.

In this way, no one will doubt Jiang Shang anymore, and no one will really care whether there is really a secret hidden in the stone box.

Even Xia Dang was deceived by Jiang Shang's seemingly unintentional gaze, and thought: "It turns out that uncle instructed him to do this, no wonder he would go out and do stupid things. Haha, I have to ask him when he goes back. What does it feel like to be a fool."

In this way, the trade fair, which was not very harmonious at the beginning, came to an end amidst the strange expressions of everyone.

The Son of Fallen Earth took the lead, as if he didn't want to delay for a moment, and wanted to hand over the ancestral scales to the elders of the clan.

Afterwards, everyone left one after another, and the fair ended.

Returning to the place where he lived, Xia Wushang did not ask Jiang Shang if there was really something hidden about today's actions, but told him: "There is still half a month before the opening of the Golden Dragon List, the two of you must not delay because of such things. practice."

After finishing speaking, Xia Wushang explained a few more words, then turned and left.

From Xia Wushang's point of view, it doesn't matter whether the stone box really contains secrets or not.The most important thing to do now is to deal with the upcoming golden dragon list deletion battle.

This time the Golden Dragon List is full of wind and clouds!
Half a month passed by in a flash.The much-anticipated preliminary round of the Golden Dragon Ranking has finally arrived.

On this day, around the huge and incomparable Wangtian Ancient City, a sky-covering glow rose.

The Red Lin Shuanghuang, the Patriarch Bizhong, and the Lord Hongliang of Qingtianyu, the four immortal kings descended on the ancient city of Wangtian, causing turmoil in the surrounding 10,000+ miles.

In an instant, Wangtian City turned into a boiling ocean.

The battle of the Golden Dragon List is about to kick off!

(End of this chapter)

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