Chapter 1158

Hongliang, the new lord of Qingtianyu, has ruled Qingtianyu Qingtian Holy City for more than 10 years.

The appearance of this person brought an extremely strong shock to everyone.

Forcibly intervening in the confrontation between the three great immortal-level powerhouses, the strength of the lord of a domain is fully revealed.

However, thousands of monks in Wangtian City also understand that the confrontation between Patriarch Bizhong and the Red Lin Emperors did not show the strongest power, otherwise, with the strength of Lord Hongliang, they would not be able to intervene in it.

However, today is the opening period of the Golden Dragon List, and the opening ceremony of the Golden Dragon List needs to be presided over by a domain lord.No matter how powerful the two major tribes were, in such a public occasion, due to the status of Lord Hongliang, they would not continue, and they withdrew their momentum one after another.

The Honglin Shuanghuang naturally felt upset, snorted coldly, and restrained his aura.The tens of millions of monks below suddenly felt a lot easier.

Patriarch Bi Zhong also withdrew his momentum indifferently, and also snorted coldly, lowered his eyelids, and said nothing.

At this time, I saw Lord Hongliang's deep eyes flashing across the place where the human monks were, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

The other three immortals also looked over one after another, with a bit of doubt.

Seeing this situation, many monks in Wangtian City suddenly realized, and they all cast doubtful eyes.

Yuan Shazi, the immortal monarch of the human race...why hasn't he appeared yet?

All the lords of the domain have come, but Yuan Chazi hasn't appeared yet?After all, Hong Liang is also the lord of Qingtian Territory, who holds the power of life and death in Qingtian Territory, and now that the opening of the Golden Dragon List is about to begin, Yuan Shazi has not appeared?
"Hiss! Not good, senior Yuan Shazi is trying to tear his face off with Lord Hongliang?"

"It's too bad. If things go wrong, Lord Hongliang will explode into a thunderous rage and blame the human monks. This is going to be troublesome!"

"Hey, that's not necessarily true. It is rumored that the strength of Senior Yuan Chazi ranks first among the five great immortals in the Qingtian Region. Lord Hongliang is an outsider after all, and he dare not completely tear his face with the human race."

"It's hard to say. How can the contest between immortal-level powerhouses be judged by common sense? But the Lord Hongliang is a majestic immortal, shouldn't he embarrass the monks of the human race?"

For a moment, Tianjiao of all forces in Wangtian Ancient City couldn't help but change his face slightly.The buzz is getting bigger and bigger.

Among the four young supreme beings of the human race, except for Xia Wushang, the Holy Son of Huangtian, the other three all frowned slightly.

Obviously, the current situation is extremely unfavorable to them and to the entire human race.

Jiang Shang's eyes flickered, and he never took his eyes off Lord Hongliang's body. Hearing all kinds of discussions in his ears, he couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly.

"The previous generation's lord has fallen, so it's hard to guarantee that these immortal-level powerhouses don't know the inside story. Yuan Shazi didn't show up at the opening ceremony of the Golden Dragon List? Could there be something hidden in it?" Jiang Shang guessed in his heart, full of doubts for a while .

But at this moment, Xia Wushang's voice transmission sounded in his ears: "Don't think wildly."

With Xia Wushang's extraordinary experience, how could he fail to see that Jiang Shang was affected by some kind of influence, which caused the qi movement to fluctuate very severely.

This reminder, in Jiang Shang's ears, was like a thunderstorm on dry land, which made him wake up instantly, thinking that Xia Wushang nodded slightly and cast a grateful look.

What Xia Wushang said is correct, now is not the time to think wildly.No matter whether there is a hidden secret or not, it has nothing to do with Jiang Shang now.

Immediately afterwards, I only heard the mighty and unparalleled voice of Lord Hongliang resounding through the heaven and earth, like divine thunder exploding in the sky, causing the heaven and earth to resonate, and the void trembled.

"You are able to gather in the ancient city of Wangtian today, which is enough to show your strength. You must belong to the younger generation of Tianjiao talents. Since you are the Tianjiao, you should naturally have the ambition to compete with the heroes of the world. The Golden Dragon List is your one. Are you ready for the stage to show off your supernatural powers?"


There was a dead silence in the ancient city of Wangtian first, and then countless monks roared to the sky, with high passion in their chests, all their ambitions and fighting spirit turned into a loud roar, shaking the universe.

It is also fortunate that the ancient city of Wangtian is now covered by a huge spiritual array, otherwise, the roar of thousands of monks alone would be enough to turn the ancient city of Wangtian into a piece of ruins and completely turn it into ruins.

Even the four immortal-level powerhouses in the sky released a ray of divine light to dissolve the roaring sound waves that soared into the sky.

The yelling of tens of millions of monks in unison has already caused a qualitative change from the quantity.This roar caused the surrounding endless aura to vibrate violently, and its power was extremely terrifying.

Even, if it wasn't covered by the spirit array, the roar would be enough to completely shatter the void of heaven and earth, turning this piece of sky into nothingness.

Qualitative changes caused by quantity are more powerful than people's imagination.

For example, the armies belonging to the major domains are the best proof.

Once the number reaches a certain level, everyone is in step with each other, and orders are banned, the power can be called devastating!

Of course, the current scene is rare in thousands of years.And it is the only time that so many young talents gather together to guarantee consistent behavior.

At this time, the eastern sky had become brighter and brighter. When the glaring sunlight illuminated the sky, Venerable Hong Liang nodded slightly and said, "I will trouble you three to help me."

While speaking, Lord Hongliang's figure swayed, as if making thousands of movements in an instant, so fast that only a shadow could be seen.

The Honglin Shuanghuang looked at each other, and they started together, heading straight to the west and north of the ancient city of Wangtian, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

At the same time, Patriarch Bi Zhong had already flew down and stood above the south gate of the city with a solemn expression.

Lord Hongliang paused, and an unmatched wave of waves spread slowly around him. Everyone felt that the sky was turning into a pool of water, with layers of ripples.

With their keen perception, they felt the power of the ripples, and they were all shocked.

Each of those ripples contained terrifying energy capable of killing the Saint King. The ripples covered a larger and larger area, and their power gradually increased accordingly.

At some point, Lord Hongliang had disappeared in place and appeared in the east of the city.

"Myriad dharmas are boundless, move in the void, start formation!"


The four great immortals shouted in unison, and the ancient city of Wangtian seemed to wake up in an instant, and endless divine light shot up into the sky, flashing a series of simple and simple lines.

At this moment, Jiang Shang was terrified.

He has been in Wangtian Ancient City for so long, and he has heard of it more than once.

The ancient city of Wangtian was jointly erected by four great immortals, an extremely large void teleportation formation, but no one can explain how big this void teleportation formation is.

It wasn't until this moment that Jiang Shang and everyone else really saw what the so-called huge and incomparable 'Void Teleportation Formation' really looked like.

I saw that on the many buildings in the ancient city, there were quaint patterns lit up.

The streets, houses, pavilions, mansions, and all the streets that run through the ancient city all have patterns!

This large formation actually covered every corner of the ancient city?
(End of this chapter)

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