Chapter 116
A month later, in a certain island area far away from Thunder Fire Palace, more than a dozen people in cloaks and black robes suddenly appeared outside the island, heading cautiously towards a hidden valley on the island.

And at this moment, a figure flew out of the valley. Upon closer inspection, that person turned out to be Jiang Shang. He was wearing a black robe and said in a slightly raised tone, "Very well, you didn't disappoint me."

A leader in black robes lifted his cloak, revealing a familiar face. This person turned out to be Black Eagle.

I saw him bowing slightly, and respectfully said to Jiang Shang: "My lord, I have followed your order and temporarily disbanded the Black Eagle Palace. These are all disciples who are willing to follow you, and I brought them all here. .”

"This subordinate has seen the Lord Palace Master!" Those men in black robes lifted their cloaks and said respectfully one by one.

Two congenital late stages, seven congenital middle stages, and five congenital early stages.

Jiang Shang looked at those faces, and slowly said in satisfaction: "Since you are still willing to follow me, then I will treat you as my confidantes. Believe me, no matter when it is in the future, you will not do it for you today. I regret this decision.”

"Never regret it! Never regret it! Never regret it..." Those disciples shouted immediately.

They have already made a choice, and naturally they cannot regret it.


Jiang Shang sank his consciousness into the mustard seed, took out a large amount of essence liquid from it, put them in front of those people one by one, and said calmly: "This is a reward for you, 2000 yuan liquid per person, you can use it to practice Bar."

"this is yours."

He took out another 1 yuan liquid and handed it to the Black Eagle in front of him.

Although his reserves of primordial fluid were not much left, he still tried to be brave and took out the few primordial fluid.These subordinates are so loyal to him, how can he be mean to them?

"Thank you, Lord Palace Master, for the reward!" Hei Ying said excitedly.

He didn't have much primordial liquid left, and these happened to be just in time.

"Thank you, Palace Master, for the reward!" Those disciples also thanked him.

Although 2000 yuan liquid doesn't seem like much, it's only for Jindan. For those innate disciples, 2000 yuan liquid is definitely a big number.

"You don't need to thank me, this is what you deserve." After Jiang Shang smiled, he said to Black Eagle: "Black Eagle, I give you a task, you go and help me collect some refining materials, remember there are You can charge as much as you want, and you don’t need to care about the price, it’s best to replace all the Yuanye with materials, you know?”

Jiang Shang took out another mustard seed, which contained 3 yuan liquid, which was his last reserve of primordial liquid.

Although it is reasonable to say that these primordial fluids should be kept to help him attack the late stage of the innate life, but the amount of these primordial fluids is too small, it is better to exchange them for refining materials, refining sword energy and profound thunder, after all, the number of things If there are many, it is also a huge deterrent.

As for the rest, we will talk about it later.

"Yes, my lord, I understand." Hei Ying took the mustard seed and acted immediately.


Time passed in a hurry, and another three months passed.

During these three months, Jiang Shang spent most of his time in cultivation, but even so, he would still spare some time to teach those disciples in cultivation.

Although the strength of these people is really not good, but their loyalty is impeccable. As long as they can be cultivated, it will definitely make him a lot easier in the future, so Jiang Shang is very careful in his guidance. With his strength, he can completely Competent for these.

And under his careful guidance, those disciples made rapid progress.

The original five innate early stage disciples have all entered the innate middle stage now, and one of the innate middle stage disciples has also successfully entered the innate late stage.

this day.

Hei Ying, who went out to collect the materials of Xuan Lei, finally returned, and at the same time he brought back an amazing news.

"My lord, someone heard the dragon chant late at night in Wudao, and many strong men have gathered away. I'm afraid there is something serious!" As soon as he returned to the valley, Hei Ying immediately approached Jiang Shang and reported eagerly.

"Late night dragon chant?" Jiang Shang stared blankly, extremely surprised.

This dragon is the existence of Xiaoao Jiutian. As long as it is an orthodox existence with dragon blood, the lowest level of cultivation is the level of an immortal. Someone actually heard the dragon chant in the middle of the night. Could it be that there is any chance to appear in this world?
If this is the case, we must rush there immediately!
"Is this true? Also, where is that Wudao?" Jiang Shang asked.

"This matter should be true, because there are already many strong people who have already gathered, and the five major forces have also appeared. If it is false, it is impossible to attract so many people." Black Hawk confirmed: " Wudao is the territory of Old Crow, and I heard that that person is a strong soul altar of the second level, even if you look at the entire place of the evil ruins, he is also a very top existence."

"Double soul altar?" Jiang Shang's eyes showed fear.

With his current strength, even the first-level soul altars are no match at all, let alone the second-level soul altars, they are not at the same level at all, and their strengths are very different.

"Let's go, hurry up!" But even so, Jiang Shang still made up his mind. Even if the crisis is huge, he must not give up. You must know that this is the dragon chant in the middle of the night, which involves the existence of the legendary dragon. A real chance!
"Yes!" Black Hawk nodded immediately, his eyes were full of light.

In fact, if it wasn't for Jiang Shang, it would be impossible for him to come back, because chance represents everything, it is something that can change fate, and it is worth fighting with his life.

All kinds of hardships and dangers, skyrocketing, this is a practitioner, the most authentic portrait of reality.

Immediately, the two arranged everything, each turned into a light, rushed out of the island quickly, and rushed towards the flying direction of Wudao.

three days later.

On a certain island group outside the northwest of Xiexu Island, there are occasional gusts of wind blowing in the sky. In the high altitude, Jiang Shang stepped on the sword light, looking at the island not far away with an undercurrent, a flash of love flashed in his eyes. kind of light.

"Is there Wudao?" Jiang Shang asked.

Hei Ying nodded and said: "Yes, my lord, there is Wudao!"

"Wu Dao, what a weird place." Jiang Shang's eyes flickered, and he said slowly, "Do you feel it? There are weird things here, and there are many masters."

"The palace lord is talking about the cold surroundings? This is indeed very strange, because it was not like this before." Hei Ying looked around cautiously, and said in a low voice: "I heard that after the appearance of Dragon Yin in the middle of the night, The air here is slowly getting colder."

"Is there such a thing?" Jiang Shang's eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart became more vigilant.

(End of this chapter)

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