Chapter 1162

Whenever someone mentions the endless abyss and the kingdom of demons hidden in the abyss, the first reaction of the monks in the heavens is that this place is filled with boundless darkness, and there is a strong demonic energy everywhere.

In fact, many places in the abyss are comparable to the fairyland and the paradise.What's more, the richness of its aura does not belong to the blessed land and caves, and its good fortune is beautiful, which is incomparably strange.

Within the Void Teleportation Array, there are countless paths leading to the endless abyss, which naturally caused many monks to be unable to gather together.

Jiang Shang's speed was very fast. After a few breaths out of the land of golden light, he got rid of the Tianjiao Caijun who was chasing up from behind, and disappeared into the hazy mountains shrouded in front of him.

As soon as he stepped out of the moving formation, Jiang Shang crossed the void for thousands of miles with the power of his body at an extremely fast speed, and escaped into the depths of a barren mountain range.

There is no difference in the sealing power of the world here, but there is a touch of weirdness inside and out, which makes him feel very uneasy.

Jiang Shang felt that it was unreasonable for the demon who had assassinated a group of monks in the Land of Golden Light to not ambush outside the Shimen.

According to the current situation, the advantage of the demon side is very obvious. They are in a favorable position where the enemy is open and the enemy is dark. They can launch a large-scale attack outside the stone gate and seize the opportunity.

But after these demons made a big noise, they disappeared without a trace, which is really confusing.

Jiang Shang was worried that many demons were planning something secretly, so he never dared to act rashly.

The spiritual thoughts spread out, and the mountains with a radius of thousands of miles were all shrouded in his perception.

But everything was so peaceful, unnervingly peaceful.

"They must be planning something... Maybe they are waiting for an opportunity?" Jiang Shang slowly withdrew his divine thoughts, with a look of doubt on his face.

In this mountain range with many peaks and peaks, many people are moving rapidly.However, within a range of thousands of miles, Jiang Shang only found monks from various races in the heavenly world, and there was not even a single abyssal monster in the mountains, which is so strange!

At the same time as the spiritual thoughts were radiating, Jiang Shang also sensed that the depths of certain mountain peaks contained a large number of fairy gold treasure mines, but he did not touch them at all.

These seemingly unguarded treasure mines are like bait no matter how you look at them, bait to lure the monks from the heavens into the fairyland!

Jiang Shang murmured to himself: "We can't wait like this, we have to leave this place first. This place is too weird."

According to the picture in the memory of the demons, the scene of the endless abyss is not what it is now.

Even in a barren mountain range, there will be some creatures from heaven and earth.However, there are thousands of miles around the exit of the moving array, but there is not even a living thing!

Jiang Shang walked out of the cave and looked around, towering mountain peaks were hidden among the clouds and mist, and the rising and rolling mist made everything around him look a bit gloomy, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Jiang Shang's figure flickered, and he used his Taoist body again to tear open the void and shuttle away.

From a certain point of view, Jiang Shang's prediction is somewhat close to the truth.It's just that, the moment he and many talented talents stepped out of the Void Teleportation Formation, they had already fallen into a huge trap.

If someone can take a look at the entire picture of the holy wheel country, it is not difficult to find that in the remote area of ​​the holy wheel country, a large number of demon powerhouses are forming a siege, forming a large and small encirclement circle, moving the void to the exit of the array , to surround.

Just like rounding up prey, circle the prey within a certain range, and then start hunting!

Jiang Shang noticed the abnormality, but he was within the encirclement at the moment, and in the direction he was heading, there was a group of abyssal demons forming a hunting team, galloping towards his direction.

Hunting and rounding up, the large-scale hunting covering the remote and barren lands of the Holy Wheel Kingdom, is just the beginning!

But why do people in the demon kingdom know the location of the void shifting array in advance?And how could all the devil monks be called together, act in unison, and jointly lay out such a range of hunts and hunts?

This starts with the agreement between the high-level and powerful figures of the two parties, one by one.

It turned out that the so-called demon powerhouse with a mid-term or higher cultivation level of the Great Sage did not interfere in the deletion of the Golden Dragon List, and it did exist.

Although the high level of the demon kingdom agreed.But more demon monks think that this is equivalent to a large-scale invasion!
They can't just wait for death, they must take the first step to kill all these outsider monks who don't know how to live or die outside the exit of the moving formation!
At the same time, they also turned this incident into a battle of experience for the young demons.

The only difference is that the tens of millions of talented people in Qingtian Territory rushed in dully, almost ignorant of all kinds of dangers.

But many abyssal demons have learned the practice of void teleportation from their predecessors.

What is a convention?

It turned out that in order to ensure that the teleported person can be relatively safe after arriving at the destination.When monks from all races in the heavenly world enter the demon kingdom of the endless abyss, they will choose remote areas as the destination for teleportation.

Such as uninhabited mountains and wilderness, or abandoned treasure mines and so on.

If it is a normal small number of people teleporting and moving, it is impossible to predict the location in advance.

But this time it's the Golden Dragon List!Tens of millions of celestial monks will all be teleported into the endless abyss!
The countless demon monks in the Holy Wheel Kingdom do not know where they will face the celestial monks from.

But they knew that this time, the number of people being teleported was huge!

As the saying goes, cast a wide net to catch more fish, even if they can't round up the Qingtianyu monks, they have nothing to lose.Once you bump into it, it's tantamount to earning money.

Therefore, before the tens of millions of Qingtianyu monks began to move the void, countless monks in the Holy Wheel Kingdom launched a general mobilization that swept across the entire land, calling on the young demons of the Holy Wheel Kingdom, and all those who have reached the middle saint clan will be killed. join in.

Countless young demons were dispatched one after another, and went straight to the barren areas of the country, surrounding the barren mountains and ridges that no one had entered all year round.

The Qingtian domain powerhouse who entered the endless abyss for the first time was naturally caught off guard by them.

Sitting on the sidelines, when the exit of the moving array flashed, he was noticed by the demon monk at the first time, so there was a scene where many arrogances were counted before.

When the exit was approaching, countless Qingtianyu monks experienced a strange chaos and were unknowingly plotted against.

At this time, they can be described as frightened birds, paying close attention to any disturbance around them.

It's just that the leader who hunted and hunted this time was quite strategic and chose to do the opposite and stand still.

Just as many monks walked out of the teleportation formation, they searched for a long time but found nothing, and their vigilance was a little relaxed, the hunting began!

(End of this chapter)

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