Chapter 1170
The two giant beasts fell into a confrontation again, and the abyss dragon obviously had the intention of retreating.

"Roar—" the abyss dragon let out a low growl, and slowly backed away.It is showing weakness and no longer wants to fight.

The Blackwater Flood Dragon roared dully, unmoved in the slightest, and pressed forward step by step, with a fierce and fierce light shining in its scarlet blood-like eyes.

Any creature that breaks into this area is a challenge to it, not to mention that under Jiang Shang's calculations, Jiaolong believed that it was the abyss dragon that challenged its majesty, so how could he just let it go?
Roar! !

Seeing that there was no hope of retreating, the abyss dragon couldn't help roaring wildly, opened its ferocious mouth, and a black beam rushed out, turning into a phantom of the dragon, roaring and rushing over.

Knowing that the Blackwater Flood Dragon was not going to let it go, the Abyss Demon Dragon immediately unleashed its most powerful talent to attack and kill it, preparing to kill it.

At this point, how could the Blackwater Flood Dragon show weakness?

While Menlei roared, light bloomed on the unicorn, and blue ripples rippled out.

In an instant, huge waves appeared between it and the abyssal dragon, sweeping across the sky with overwhelming momentum.

Boom boom boom!
The phantom of the magic dragon struck and shattered layers of monstrous waves, and the water splashed like thousands of arrows flying into the sky.

Suddenly, the body of the Blackwater Flood Dragon swayed, and mysterious lines appeared on the scales, and the endless water between the sky and the earth boiled, turning into sharp blades that roared towards the sky.

Overcast clouds rolled over, lifeless air billowed.

The abyssal dragon fell into madness. Regardless of the endless water flow and sharp blades around it, it roared forward and rushed towards the black water dragon.

The sharp sound of piercing the sky sounded, and behind the abyss dragon, the void shattered, rolling up a torrent of waves and spreading in all directions.

The strongest blow!
This is tantamount to a death-defying counterattack by the abyssal dragon, and it is bound to make the opponent pay a heavy price.

The black water surged, and the light suddenly appeared.

I saw that the huge dragon seemed to shrink a little in an instant, but the mysterious lines on its body became more dazzling.

The unicorn on the top of the head shines brightly, and the azure blue ripples become more and more turbulent.

In an instant, the space between the heaven and the earth seemed to turn into an abyss and a raging sea, with huge waves surging into the sky.Jiaolong stepped on the rolling waves, opened his mouth and spewed out a gust of water, bombarding the top of the dragon's head.

The universe trembled, and the smoke and clouds stirred.

In the mournful howl of the abyss dragon, the phantom of the dragon was submerged by the endless water, and it was shattered by the impact.

The next moment, the gust of water spewed out of the dragon's mouth, like a razor-sharp arrow, cut through the sky in an instant, piercing through the dragon's head in one fell swoop.

The demon dragon that existed for an unknown number of years, at this moment, its skull shattered, and the light in its dark eyes quickly dimmed.

The huge and incomparable body fell from mid-air and hit the ground, splashing large waves of muddy water.


Swooping down from mid-air, the black water dragon that stepped on the skeleton of the dragon roared to the sky, as if it was declaring its hegemony to the surrounding creatures.

However, after this roar, the ferocious aura of the Blackwater Flood Dragon weakened rapidly.

But in the blink of an eye, the Blackwater Flood Dragon, which was originally so imposing, became sluggish, and its aura fluctuated from strength to strength.It roared, and moved extremely slowly, walking towards the black lake, with its cave at the bottom of the lake.

On the mountaintop thousands of miles away, Jiang Shang smiled slightly, stood up, and murmured: "Both sides will suffer, as expected."

While watching the battle, Jiang Shang not only restrained the breath in his body, but also sealed Wanqing Ambergris again.However, it ended in failure in the end.

The aura emanating from the ambergris grass is extremely miraculous. Jiang Shang changed hundreds of sealing methods in a row for half an hour, but he was still unable to completely isolate and seal this aura.

After rummaging through the contents of the sea of ​​memory, he finally sighed and had no choice but to give up and quietly wait for the end of the war.

It is not impossible to completely isolate the aura of the ambergris grass.

The method is very simple, just use a kind of jade to make a box, and put the ambergris in it.Even with this kind of jade, even the seal of the god pattern is not needed, and it can hide the perception of the great saint-level powerhouse.

But this kind of jade is rarer than the dead gold in the abyss. If you want to find this kind of jade, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Jiang Shang flew down from the top of the mountain, thinking in his heart: "I hope the ambergris will not cause any trouble..."

However, the most urgent task at the moment is to kill the Blackwater Flood Dragon, which was seriously injured after the battle.

After waiting for so long, Jiang Shang was waiting for this moment.

Jiang Shang's figure flitted across the sky, raised his hand and released a bone light, which turned into a huge palm, and put away the bones of the abyssal dragon.

This thing is a good material for refining magic weapons, even if he doesn't need it himself, he can still take it out and sell it in exchange for a large amount of Sky Crystal.

The skeleton of an abyssal dragon is much more valuable than a demigod soldier.

At the same time that Jiang Shang was collecting the bones of the demon dragon, the slow walking of the black water dragon suddenly stopped, and slowly turned his head to look over.


Seeing Jiang Shang, the black water dragon fell into a rage again.

Although the dragon's spiritual intelligence is not developed, it does not survive by instinct. Its innate noble blood makes it possess a more powerful wisdom than the abyss dragon.

It remembered Jiang Shang, before the battle with the abyss dragon, it was this ant-like guy who provoked it.

Jiang Shang's eyes were awe-inspiring, and he cast a divine light to protect him.A wave of ferocious energy rushed towards him, forcibly knocking him back more than ten feet.

"You are still so stubborn when you are about to die?" Jiang Shangwu sneered to himself, his eyes flickering, staring at the huge body not far away.

This flood dragon is now at the end of its strength and is on the verge of dying.Even if they return to the lair to cultivate, they will probably not be able to recover to their peak state.

Jiang Shang could even feel that the vitality in this huge body was passing away rapidly.

However, Jiang Shang was very careful, keeping a certain distance, but the air mechanism locked him, ready to go.The terrifying existence that can kill the abyss dragon, even if it is seriously injured, cannot be underestimated.

Jiaolong let out a low roar like thunder, and on the fragmented ground around him, streams of water shot up into the sky.

Jiang Shangyi was not afraid, the bones of the gods all over his body lit up, and he turned into a real body of bones in an instant. In the flash of light, his fist fell to the ground like a mountain of gods, and fell with a bang.

The black water that soared into the sky was smashed by Jiang Shang's punch, but he was also knocked back by more than a hundred feet by the huge impact.

"Fortunately, I was prepared..." Jiang Shang stood in the air, and said with lingering fear: "Injured like this, but still has an attack power not weaker than the fifth level of immortality, this dragon is really worthy of being a monster of the abyss!"

The indomitable white bone avatar launched again, bringing up an endless frenzy, and punched out with a punch, heading straight for Jiaolong's head.

Comparable to the fighting power of the Great Sage in the early days, Jiang Shang naturally had to flee on the sidelines, but now, it's another matter.

But at this moment, a ray of divine light pierced through the air from the southeast.

(End of this chapter)

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