Chapter 1178

Feitian Swallowing Golden Leopard's innate supernatural power is not a powerful attacking technique, but a keen perception of all kinds of fairy gold and precious mines.

If one can subdue a swallowing gold leopard, in this endless abyss, looking for rare fairy gold and treasure mines will become unfavorable.

It's a pity that since ancient times, the number of flying golden leopards has been rare, and this creature lives in remote mountains and valleys with few people, so it is extremely difficult to find.

Even if traces of them are found, most of them cannot be caught.

In the name of this kind of monster, there is the word 'Flying', which is enough to show that it can escape quickly and can be called terrifying.

Ordinary Great Saint-level powerhouses, if they hadn't cultivated special supernatural powers, it would be difficult to capture them alive.

This kind of phenomenon has caused many chambers of commerce and auction places in the heavenly world. Once the golden leopard appears, it will definitely cause an uproar.

And the value of an adult Golden Swallowing Leopard has far surpassed that of an ordinary sacred weapon of the Immortal Monarch.

If it is a young Tunjin Leopard, the value will be multiplied even more, and it is not surprising that various forces will scramble to snatch it, causing chaos and war.

Flying to the sky and swallowing the golden leopard, a rare monster that even a fairy would be tempted by, the Son of the Falling Earth is naturally not immune.

Originally, he thought he was lucky, but seeing a gold-swallowing beast with great value just run away, his mood is extremely depressed now.

"It must still be nearby!" The Son of the Earthfall, who flew into the jungle, spread out his powerful divine sense, covering a radius of more than a thousand miles, and searched again unwillingly, and continued to move towards the depths of the mountains...


Princess Baoyue did not hesitate to expend a lot of blood and used the technique of blood escape to escape from birth.

As early as when Jiang Shang and Tian Xingzi were fighting, she sent a secret message to her elder sister to let the other party come to rescue.

But after waiting for a long time, Tian Xingzi was killed before his sister arrived!

Big trouble now!
Princess Baoyue knew very well that this matter involved a lot, and Jiang Shang was too dangerous, so she could only save her life first, intending to seek revenge in the future.

The technique of blood escape, at the cost of burning essence and blood, has extremely negative effects.

After flying in the air for less than a quarter of an hour, Princess Baoyue was forced to stop with a pale face, and fell from the air.

Although it was only a quarter of an hour, she was already thousands of miles away from the area where the lakes and rivers intersected.

Hiding in a cave, she carefully felt the movements of the outside world. After a long time, she took a long breath.

"Fortunately, I didn't catch up to... poof!"

Just as she relaxed, before she could finish her sentence, the backlash force that had been suppressed for a long time broke out completely.

The surging blood in her chest boiled up again, causing her to vomit three mouthfuls of blood in a row, and her breath became sluggish.

Princess Baoyue could clearly feel at this moment that the power of backlash had caused her cultivation base to drop from the fourth half-sage king to the third immortal realm. If she didn't heal her injuries, she might continue to fall.

"Jiang Shang! This princess will make you die!"

Princess Baoyue's eyes were full of resentment, and her beautiful face became distorted and hideous.

She knew that this was not the time to curse Jiang Shang, and healing was the most important thing.

Taking out a bottle of pill, she didn't swallow it immediately, but took out the jade slip again and sent it to her sister.

The two princesses, Xingyue and Baoyue, are in the southern boundary of Qingtianyu and have the reputation of "Jiu Li Shuangshu".

However, in terms of cultivation talent, Princess Xingyue is slightly better.

Among the many geniuses in the south of Qingtianyu, Xingyue's strength can be ranked among the top ten, overwhelming all the veteran geniuses, extremely powerful.

This situation is very rare.

It's not that there are no powerful female cultivators among the Tianjiao characters, but that many Tianjiao women are unable to make decisive decisions, and it is difficult to gain a foothold in the environment where all the heroes are rising together and the world is fighting for the top.

Under Immortal Four, there are a large number of heavenly pride women from all sides, and they are even stronger than the heavenly pride figures of the same period.

However, once the level of Immortal Four is exceeded, there will be obvious differences in the strength of the younger generation of Tianjiao.

Looking at the entire Qingtian Territory, there are very few monks and female cultivators who can be ranked among the Tianjiao.At least, in other places in Qingtian Territory, this kind of situation rarely occurs among young Tianjiao.

It is extremely rare for a delicate and proud daughter of heaven to be ranked among the top ten combat power of the young generation in one region.

And Princess Xingyue is precisely such a special existence.

With such strength and status, among her fans, there is no shortage of famous and talented talents with extraordinary strength.

In less than half an hour, Princess Xingyue's expression darkened when she received two summons from her younger sister, and her walking stopped immediately.

The pair of black eyebrows that looked like distant mountains frowned slightly, and pondered: "Jiang Shang? An evil genius who has risen rapidly in the human race in recent years?"

This woman's voice is agile, and there is always anger in her tone, and it still sounds like the jingle of spring water, which is extremely pleasant.

Princess Xingyue didn't walk alone, she was accompanied by several talented people, like a flower protector.

These few people are all famous people, and they all have a lot of prestige among the veteran Tianjiao in Qingtianyu.

At this moment, when they saw the frown of the person they admired, with a murderous look in their brows, their eyes lit up, and they all thought at the same time: The opportunity has come!

"I don't know why the princess is so worried, why?" A rich god Yulang, a young man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, asked after hearing the voice: "Why did the princess mention the arrogant figure of the human race?"

Several other people also turned their gazes over one after another, waiting for Princess Xingyue to clarify their doubts.

Xingyue frowned, and told the story of Princess Baoyue's encounter with Jiang Shang, which immediately aroused the indignation of several Tianjiao people, and they all spoke angrily that Jiang Shang didn't know what to do.

Princess Xingyue looked up into the distance, a majestic aura rose to the sky, and said: "Dare to insult the princess of my Jiuli clan like this, you will be punished!"

Opening her mouth to determine life and death, this woman showed great power, like a female emperor, majestic everywhere.

Delicate and lovable, blending with this majestic aura, it doesn't feel abrupt at all, but complements each other and exudes infinite charm.

Several Tianjiao immediately asked for their orders and went to chase and kill Jiang Shang.

How could they let go of such a great opportunity?
"Why do you need the princess to do it? Let's see my son take that guy's head!"

"That's right. Such a villain, why should the princess be angry, I will take care of him for the princess!"

"Don't talk nonsense, let's go! This young master wants to see, what kind of abilities does this human race, Jiang Shang, have against the sky!"

For a while, several Tianjiao left one after another, intending to chase and kill Jiang Shang, using this as capital to curry favor with Princess Xingyue.


The sound of piercing the sky exploded, and several rainbow lights pierced the sky, galloping away towards the distance.

Not long after, more than half of the admirers beside Princess Xingyue left.

The rest of the people did nothing and remained silent.

Some people go out to kill people, so naturally some people will stay by Xingyue's side.They all intend to please Princess Xingyue, but the methods are different.

(End of this chapter)

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