Chapter 1187 Terrifying Demon Lord!

Jiang Shang approached the depths of the cave full of excitement. Even though he had been careful enough, he was still discovered by the other party at the last moment.

Before he could sneak through the void, the demon lord suddenly turned his head, and his icy voice came, causing the temperature in the entire cave to drop suddenly.

The tumbling and flickering magical light, like the terrifying head of a ferocious ghost, suddenly devoured towards Jiang Shang.

Jiang Shang suddenly felt disappointed, and fled away without hesitation.

It's a pity to fail at the last step.But it would be unwise to confront this demon lord head-on.

Jiang Shang made a decision in an instant, choosing to avoid the opponent's edge and escape.

The demon lord obviously didn't intend to let him go just now, the figure shrouded in the black robe suddenly disappeared, and in an instant, he passed through a distance of a hundred feet, and struck with his claws, piercing through the void.

clack clack...

The sound of void cracking sounded, and with unparalleled sharp claws, he came to Jiang Shang in an instant, and a cold sharp energy hit his face, and Jiang Shang's whole body tensed up.

"Sure enough. Even though the Dao Body has been hidden in the void, there is still nowhere to hide in front of the Demon Lord."

Jiang Shang's heart was extremely awe-inspiring, and he reacted in an instant, raised his hand and typed out the mysterious Seal Jue, one after another bone god pattern suddenly appeared, and the dense divine light lit up, dangerously blocking in front of the sharp claw.

This claw not only contains unparalleled sharpness, but also has extremely huge power.

Jiang Shang only felt the boundless force in front of him, the bone light in front of him was shattered, and his whole body was also thrown backwards by the bombardment in an instant, and fell to the ground, shaking the uneven mine floor, Hit a big hole.

one move!
With just one move, Jiang Shang was completely at a disadvantage.

After hitting the ground, Jiang Shang didn't dare to stay for a moment, and instantly jumped up from the ground, his body turned into a white lightning, and fled towards the distance.

"Hmph!" The Demon Lord snorted coldly, and said in a low voice, "Human cultivator? His cultivation is not bad."

Although he said so, there was a touch of shock in his heart.

A human cultivator at the fourth level of immortality can block his blatant blow?
"Aptitude is extraordinary. But with this level of cultivation alone, how can I escape from the palm of my deity!"

call out--

The figure of the demon lord suddenly activated and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The air in the mine suddenly oscillated violently, and ripples spread out in circles around the place where this person disappeared.

Boom boom boom!
The ripples and ripples seemed to be silent, but they trembled from the impact of the surrounding stone walls, large areas of rocks collapsed, and the place where the ground-splitting holy emperor stone was located suddenly became filled with smoke and dust.

Jiang Shangfei's speed was very fast, and he didn't dare to stop or delay in the slightest.

He knew that the demon lord would definitely catch up!
There are only the two of them in this mine, and the demon lord can't let him go.


Extreme speed, screaming violently.

Jiang Shang rushed through the mine with a terrifying aura that could tear apart the void.

The next moment, billowing black smoke hit the entire cave, and a body shrouded in a black robe walked slowly, as if strolling in a garden, unhurried.

But his seemingly not slow speed is constantly shortening the distance between him and Jiang Shang.

A thousand feet, a hundred feet, ten feet...

The fast-flying figure in front of him stopped suddenly, and there was a terrifying roar, and a giant palm like a mountain, shining with the light of terrifying gods and demons, rushed towards it brazenly.

Jiang Shang chose to return the carbine in an instant when the opponent was about to catch up.

However, after this blow, Jiang Shang immediately flew away without any hesitation.

The demon lord's footsteps did not change at all, he raised his hand and struck out with a palm, which immediately shattered the giant palm.

Violent roars and violent shocks erupted in the mine, and the entire earth seemed to be rumbling and trembling.

The man sneered slightly, and a hoarse voice like a night owl sounded: "Hehe, are you dying?"

When the voice fell, his figure had disappeared in place, and he chased forward.

In the mine that extends in all directions, Jiang Shang used all his strength to escape quickly.

The demon lord in the rear chased after him like a cat playing with a mouse, unhurriedly, but Jiang Shang was still unable to get rid of him.


Xia Tiandang's back-to-back fight caused him to suffer a lot of damage.

There were four people on the other side, and each of them was extremely fierce, which made this battle extremely difficult.

Xia Dang was seriously injured, but he still stood up in mid-air, looking down at the other party with an incomparable posture.

At this moment, the opponent's three demon monks at the fifth level of immortality were all seriously injured.Two of them have completely lost their fighting power, and now the only ones who pose a threat to him are a demon at the fifth level of immortality, and the saint king whose fighting power has been greatly reduced.

Xia Dang, who caused this scene, paid a heavy price for it, and was almost shattered by the bombardment.

Now Xia Tian's energy is extremely unstable, the huge light wheel condensed by the four-element totem has become somewhat dim at this moment, and the super four-element divine light behind it has also become weaker and stronger.

The devil monk at the level of the saint king smiled coldly at this moment, and said: "As expected of the arrogance of the human race, the strength is indeed extraordinary. But today, you will definitely die!"

Xia Dang laughed loudly and said: "The outcome is undecided, who will die is uncertain! Let's fight!"

The sky above the wilderness swelled with wind and thunder, and the sound of dragons singing and tigers roaring came again, and Xia Dang's whole body exploded with a sky-rocketing divine aura, sweeping all directions.

The five fairy demons were also seriously injured, and the huge demon body that manifested was already covered with scars.

But looking at Xia Dang who was holding on to himself, this person laughed ferociously, and shouted: "At the end of the crossbow, die!"

With a swing of the huge head, a ray of emerald green light spewed out from its mouth, heading straight for Xia Tian.

At the same time, Xia Dang suddenly yelled: "The four phenomena of the sky, seal!"


A violent wind raged between the heaven and the earth, the divine light of the four elephants sealed the sky and the earth, and the ancient totem manifested in the sky, turned into a cage, and shrouded its head.

Immediately, there was an unparalleled and powerful banning force that enveloped the entire world.

The Saint King Demon, whose combat power has been greatly reduced, also laughed ferociously at this moment, saying: "I see how long you can hold on!"

"The roar of the undead, the dark world!"

Waves of gray air swept in and collided violently with the cage of the four-element divine light, causing the universe to tremble and roar endlessly.

The emerald green glow pierced through the sky, and the strong stench hit the face, making Xia Dang frown.


Within this ray of light, there is an extremely strong toxicity, which makes Xia Dang feel extremely afraid.

If it weren't for the fear of the poisonous light, he wouldn't be in such a mess now.

However, until this moment, Xia Dang still hadn't used the strongest attack and kill technique. He was waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the best opportunity for a Jedi counterattack!

The Four Elephant Divine Light spread out, sealed off the surrounding area, and collided with the poisonous glow, and there was a stalemate.

(End of this chapter)

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