Chapter 1193 The situation is not good
After killing the last demon monk, Xia Dang smiled wryly, and sighed: "The strength is still too weak... It seems that we have to retreat for a while."

When the Yellow Heaven Sacred Sword in his hand turned into a little aura and disappeared, Xia Tian flew away, and soon disappeared at the end of the world.

This battle made him aware of his own shortcomings, and he also deeply realized that the battle on the Golden Dragon List was far more dangerous than what the older generation of monks said.

Among the lofty mountains, under a majestic mountain peak, in the bottomless treasure mine cave, there was a faint roar and vibration.

But this place is inaccessible, so no one noticed the abnormality here.

Go deep into the underground, inside the winding mine.

Between the dazzling lightning flashes, thunderbolts, sword qi bursts, and roars and vibrations, Jiang Shang's expression became more and more dignified.

The situation was somewhat different from what he had expected. Even though the demon lord was already poisoned, he sealed and suppressed the poison with his supreme magic power, so he couldn't exert much effect for a while.

Jiang Shang's face was a little ugly, and he was very anxious.

"Such a violent and highly poisonous poison has been suppressed? How abominable!"

Jiang Shang swung the Thunder Pattern Sword, killing the array with the Thunder Dao, increasing the powerful sword energy, but it was difficult to cause substantial damage to the Demon Lord.

On the contrary, the demon lord, after realizing the poison in his body, fell into a complete rage, and his attack and killing methods became more and more fierce.

The magic light surged violently, and a huge force crushed forward. It was so powerful that Jiang Shang was a little terrified.

If he hadn't set up the Thunder Dao killing array early in the morning, which weakened the power of the demon lord, he would have been killed by the opponent on the spot!
"We can't go on like this. We must find a way to detonate the poison and cause damage, otherwise we will definitely die!"

Jiang Shang's eyes flickered, thoughts were spinning in his mind, and he was thinking hard about countermeasures.

With his current state, he can't last long at all. If he continues, he will be killed by the opponent sooner or later.

The fierce collision continued, and Jiang Shang swung the Thunder-Wen Sword while using his supernatural powers to resist the fierce attack of the Demon Lord.

The demon lord's advantage became more and more obvious. Under the crushing situation, Jiang Shang's Thunder Dao killing formation was on the verge of collapse.

"Hand of Huang Tian!"

A sword strikes out, and there is a terrifying thunder in the light of the peerless sword, and it rushes out rumble.

Without the slightest pause, Jiang Shang activated Huang Tian's hand in an instant, a wave of air billowed across the sky, and the giant palm holding up to the sky fell down with an incomparable power.


Hearing the demon lord's disdainful cold snort, one after another demonic light shone, turning into ferocious giant beasts, roaring and slaughtering them.

There was a violent shock, and the mountains shook and the ground shook.

The mine has long been changed beyond recognition, and the aftermath of the collision is fragmented.

Large pieces of shattered rocks and soil fell from above, and were crushed into fine powder by the killing moves from both sides, floating in the air.

"Jie Jie..." The demon lord let out a piercing and ugly laugh, and said solemnly: "Boy, I didn't expect you to be able to support until now, which is really beyond my expectation. But, everything should be over, so stop here Bar!"

"Baji Buddha, kill!"

The extremely cold low voice came, and Jiang Shang, who was in the big formation, suddenly changed his face.

"Oops! It's the forbidden ultimate move of the Buddha Demon Sect..."

Before he had time to think about it, Jiang Shang roared violently, waved his arms, and immediately struck out the thousand seals.

Immediately, the roar of gods and demons sounded in the mine, and the billowing aura of gods and demons soared into the sky, turning into smoke that covered the sky, and an incomparably huge palm fell down along with the ancient tombstone.

"Tomb Slayer God Demon Hand!"

I saw the demon lord on the opposite side waving his hands, his wide sleeves fluttered, and the wind howled in the mine, and the wind was blowing everywhere.

Within the violently surging magic light, some ancient creature seemed to wake up and let out a terrifying roar.

This sound alone made the void crackle and crack, which was extremely terrifying.

Without hesitation, Jiang Shang activated the magic hand, intending to smash the magic light and interrupt the demon lord's taboo ultimate move.

This move of the Baji Buddha is one of the most powerful taboo secret techniques in the inheritance of the Buddha Demon Sect. It once shined brilliantly in ancient times and made many strong people frightened.

In the fragments in the sea of ​​memory, there are many scenes about Buddha Demon Sect's magic cultivation and forbidden secret techniques. The power is simply destructive and terrifying.

Jiang Shang was not sure how much of the Futu Demon Sect's inheritance this person had inherited, which made him extremely vigilant and did not dare to take any risks.

If this guy who is neither human nor ghost really uses such a terrifying killing move as the Baji Buddha, he will be miserable.

Jiang Shang made a move, and the gods and demons came first, but they still failed to interrupt this magical move. Eight phantoms rushed out of the palpitating magic light, the image was either human or beast, but Without exception, they are full of magical light and full of evil spirits.

The combination of the eight phantoms in one place actually shattered the hands of the gods and demons!
Before the hand of the god and demon fell completely, it was shattered by the magic light that shot up into the sky, and the ancient tombstone also shattered and disappeared invisible.

"Overestimating one's abilities!" The Demon Lord said solemnly: "Although your supernatural power is passed down from the ancient magic way, its power can be called enormous. However, your cultivation base is too weak to display the true power of supernatural power. How dare you plot secretly My lord, now, obediently suffer death!"

The eight phantoms suddenly turned around and rushed towards Jiang Shang.

At this moment, Jiang Shang didn't panic in the slightest, but raised the corners of his mouth, and murmured: "I'm so dizzy, I actually forgot that thing behind my head, I made a mistake..."

At the same time, thousands of miles away.

Above the mountain forest shrouded in heavy mist, Taoist Qianli looked slightly embarrassed at the moment, but the majestic aura on his body became more and more fierce.

The person he was fighting against was the demon lord of the eight-armed ancient demon clan. He was an old monster who had entered the early stage of the Great Sage for many years, and his strength was extremely powerful.

Facing such a powerful existence, Taoist Qianli didn't dare to hold back even the slightest bit, and took out the most powerful attacking weapon as soon as he made a move, a cauldron that reached the ultimate level of demigod soldiers, and its lethality was astonishing.

The monstrous fire wave rises, and the cauldron emits a majestic suction, as if it wants to swallow everything in the world.

The billowing mist was absorbed by the cauldron in an instant, revealing the dense jungle below.

In fact, Taoist Qianli brought the Demon Lord into the formation, which had already suppressed part of the opponent's strength, making it difficult for him to exert his full strength.

At this moment, with the help of this ultimate demigod weapon, they should have the upper hand when launching an attack.

But the early stage of the Great Sage is the early stage of the Great Sage. Even if Taoist Qianli's combat power is comparable to it, there is still some obvious gap.

For a while, the two sides can only be regarded as evenly matched, almost equal.

However, judging from the current situation of the battle, Taoist Qianli has obviously fallen behind.

The flickering Xiaguang ban around it has now been shaken under the fierce impact.

If this stalemate continues, it will be very unfavorable to Taoist Qianli.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Taoist Qianli's mouth, and he suddenly yelled softly: "Huh! The early stage of the Great Sage, but that's all! Standing in the universe, shattering the divine light!"

(End of this chapter)

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