Chapter 1195 Calculation
Strange golden light fused with extreme real fire, bursting out with terrifying power.

This technique is the top Taoist technique of the Taiyi Palace, but it does not belong to the category of secret techniques of attacking and killing, but a method of refining alchemy to smelt heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

At this moment, Taoist Qianli used this technique, but it was tantamount to adding fuel to the fire, making the true fire of the extreme way burn even more violently.

"No! If this goes on like this, sooner or later the cauldron will be blasted into a pile of scrap iron, and the real fire will not be able to be recovered..."

Taoist Qianli seemed to be sure of victory, but in his heart, he seemed extremely anxious.

The two sides have been in a stalemate for so long, although he has already gained the absolute upper hand, but if he wants to kill the Demon Lord, he can't do it for a while.

Once the stalemate lasts too long, he will undoubtedly lose a lot!
If the cauldron is abolished, the real fire will be completely out of control...

Thoughts were racing through his mind, Taoist Qianli was concentrating on this formidable opponent while thinking hard about countermeasures.


Inside the deep underground mine.

Jiang Shang and the demon lord of the demon dragon clan, the battle between the two sides became more and more intense.

The scope of the battle is getting wider and wider, and this mine, which is hundreds of miles long, has long since become unrecognizable.

Along the direction of the mine, the area of ​​the collapse also spread rapidly, and soil and gravel fell from above, sealing the mine in an instant, but the next moment, it was bombarded by the terrifying magical powers of both sides and shattered to pieces.

The violent roar and vibration never stopped.

Jiang Shang became more and more anxious as he fought, but the Demon Lord became more and more frightened as he fought.

"Damn it... I didn't expect a demon lord in the early stage of the great sage to be so difficult to deal with!" Jiang Shang was extremely impatient in his heart, and the true spirit energy in his body could not last long.

He thought of a way to deal with the Demon Lord.

But there must be a prerequisite for this: the demon lord is injured!

With his strength, it would be impossible to injure such a demon lord.

Magical treasures like the Yin Ju Banner are extremely powerful in attacking and killing.But the gap in strength between him and the Demon Lord is too great.

If the opponent is not injured, it is obviously not an easy task to use the Yin Qi of the Yin Gathering Banner to win by surprise.

At the same time, the demon lord was also extremely angry.

The poison in his body was almost unstoppable. If it hadn't been for spending a lot of true spirits to suppress the poison, how could he have fought a tie with a middle-level holy race little beast? !

At this moment, he felt extremely humiliated, and all this was caused by this little beast in front of him!
However, even if he couldn't use all his strength to kill Jiang Shang, his fighting power was quite terrifying, much stronger than the ordinary five immortal kings.

Jiang Shang became more and more impatient, and there was a slight omission. The demon lord with rich combat experience seized the opportunity and bombarded him in one fell swoop...

"not good!"

Jiang Shang was startled suddenly, but it was too late to escape.

Hearing an incomparably cold low shout: "Forbidden Heaven Demon Ring!"


The horrifying whistling that made people tremble, spread in a messy mine.

Jiang Shang was extremely awe-inspiring, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The demon lord's robe fluttered, mysterious magic light shone between his palms, and black magic energy gathered from all directions, condensing into ancient magic patterns.

The magic pattern trembled and turned into a huge black halo, falling towards Jiang Shang.

The whistling sound was accompanied by a desolate roar that seemed to come from ancient times.

Jiang Shang was startled suddenly, he found that above the black halo, there was a terrifying wave that imprisoned the soul, attacking him at a high speed.

"Forbidden Heaven Demon Ring? What kind of weird supernatural power is this..."

Before Jiang Shang could make a counterattack, the palpitating black halo fell on his head, and he felt shaken, as if he was about to pull out of his body!

But at this moment, the demon lord sneered suddenly, and his figure disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The next moment, the demon lord penetrated the blockade of electric light, and his sharp black palm suddenly protruded out, heading straight for Jiang Shang's chest.

As Jiang Shang, who has experienced countless dangerous crises, how can he still not understand the other party's intentions at this moment?
The so-called Forbidden Heaven Demon Ring is just a cover, the real killing move is this blow to the chest!
"It's over, I can't stop..."

Jiang Shang raised the Thunder Pattern Sword, and in an instant, a dense sword light was released. At the same time as the thunder flashed, it was like a strange flower that suddenly bloomed, dazzling and charming.

clack clack...

A series of fierce collisions failed to stop the opponent's attack after all, and the sharp black and sharp palm slapped Jiang Shang's chest with a bang.

The bone god light shining all over his body was pierced in an instant, and the circles of bone god patterns were cracked and shattered by the impact.


Jiang Shang was hit in the chest by one of his palms, and his whole body was immediately thrown backwards, and the stone wall behind was covered with wide cracks.

The entire mine suddenly became dead silent, and then the hard stone wall collapsed and collapsed.

Jiang Shang, who had no time to get up, vomited blood, and was buried under the earth and rocks in the blink of an eye.

"Hmph! An overestimated idiot!" The demon lord revealed contempt in his eyes, and raised his hand to lift the cloak covering his head, revealing an incomparably ferocious and ferocious face.

He was confident enough that this blow was enough to kill Jiang Shang instantly.

Spiritual thoughts emanated, feeling the power of life under the pile of earth and rocks gradually dissipating, a sneering smile appeared on the face of the demon lord.

Suddenly, his body standing in mid-air shook violently, spurted out blood with a pop, and fell from mid-air.

The poison refined with special bloodline supernatural powers finally played a role, and the demon lord was severely eroded by the poison.

"Hiss! This poison is so terrifying... What the hell is going on, this deity can't suppress it again, it's impossible..."

The demon lord screamed in horror, and became panicked instantly, the magic light around him surged violently, rushing towards his body.

But at this moment, the pile of earth and rocks not far in front of him suddenly exploded. Jiang Shang, who was holding a long sword, slowly straightened up with a cold smile on his face.

"Boy, hand over the antidote quickly, and I will spare you! Hurry up..."

In just one sentence, the demon lord was already bleeding from seven holes, and his ferocious face looked even more frightening.

"Spare me not to die? The antidote?" Jiang Shang slowly put away the Thunder Rune Sword, and said with a smirk, "It's almost as good if I spare you. Do you recognize what I have in my hand?"

With that said, Jiang Shang took out a black flag from the mustard seed storage, on which there would be a totem of a vicious ancient demon, emitting frightening fluctuations.

As soon as the black flag appeared, the mine that had almost become ruins suddenly blew up a dark wind, which was extremely cold.

A ferocious roar suddenly sounded, like a ghost coming out of a cage, the power is terrifying.

The face of the demon lord changed drastically, and his eyes showed a look of incomparable horror, and he roared in disbelief: "The Yin Gathering Banner?! How can you have such a treasure?"

(End of this chapter)

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