Chapter 120 Thunder Area
Jiang Shang stepped on a pitch-black land, but he felt a familiar feeling in the gaps of this land.

"The power of thunder?" Jiang Shang looked a little stunned, because the gloomy scenery in front of him really had nothing to do with the majestic atmosphere of thunder.But he also knows that one cannot look at the surface when looking at things, maybe there is really some thunderous treasure under this dark land, but he can't get it for the time being.

Shaking his head slightly, he chose a direction and slowly moved forward.

Since that mysterious voice said to gather ten keys to open the Dragon Palace, it must not stay in one place, otherwise, the keys would not fly out automatically.

Then, Jiang Shang began to explore the unknown area. As he gradually went deeper, he was a little surprised to find that this place really seemed to be an area of ​​thunder.Although the sky was shrouded in large clouds, thunder would thunder down from time to time.The thunderous aura on the ground seems to be formed because of this.

Moreover, the thunder here is violent, and the environment can be said to be extremely harsh, and the strength of ordinary people will definitely be affected.

The strength is greatly reduced, which is a very dangerous thing.

But fortunately, he has comprehended the way of thunder, and will not be affected by the harsh environment here. I am afraid that others will not be treated like him.


At this moment, a thunderbolt suddenly resounded through the void, the roar was extremely ear-piercing, and the huge thunder crashed towards the earth, like a falling meteor, exuding a terrifying thunderous aura.


Jiang Shang suddenly looked aside, and the sword light flew up under his feet, trying to escape outside the range.

There is no need to doubt the power of such a huge thunder falling, even if he has the protection of the way of thunder, it is also very dangerous.

In a moment, he escaped a thousand meters away from the thunder area.


The terrifying thunder fell into the ground. Although it was immediately sucked by the ground infinitely, the aftermath of the remaining power, mixed with the terrifying thunder aura, sputtered in all directions, triggering crazy explosions on the ground.

Just when those forces were raging, a faintly flickering light suddenly sputtered from the center of those thunders, crystal clear like pieces of silver iron, immediately making Jiang Shang's eyes stunned.

"Thunder Meteorite Silver Crystal?" He swallowed, his eyes filled with splendor.

This is a heaven-level refining material above tenth level, and it can even be used as the main material of a heaven-level thunder magic weapon. It is invaluable. Jiang Shang never thought that it would be a stroke of luck to meet such a treasure in such a place!

"Stop! Get out of here!"

Seeing the direction where the Thunder Meteor Silver Crystal fell, Jiang Shang immediately flew away, but at this moment, there was a sharp roar from a distance, and a powerful breath shot towards him quickly.

"Death!" I saw an old man with a long beard and a black robe, with a ferocious smile on his face, first greedily looked at Leiyun Silver Crystal, and then immediately attacked Jiang Shang without hesitation. Pierce the long sword through the sky.

As long as Jiang Shang is dead, the Thunder Meteor Silver Crystal will be his.

Such a heaven-level precious treasure, even a Zhou Tian expert would be tempted, how could he let it go.

"Dream!" Jiang Shang's eyes showed a ferocious color, and he quickly grabbed the Thunder Meteor Silver Crystal, and a huge force surged out of his body: "Sword Sea Formation, kill me!"

The comer is only a middle-stage golden core, and it is absolutely impossible to be his opponent.

The dense dark golden sword light covered the sky and the earth, and instantly condensed into a huge sword array sky net, crushing towards the enemy aggressively, making the old man in black look shocked.

"No, cut it off for me!" After an exclamation, he used the long sword in his hand to forcibly block the forward trajectory of the sword net. He glanced at Jiang Shang behind him in horror, and immediately moved quickly without hesitation. escaped.

He already knew that his skills were inferior to others, so he decisively used the secret technique, forcibly broke through the sword sea formation, and escaped.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Shang did not choose to pursue, but silently hid his figure and walked in other directions.This place is really full of dangers, it's better to be careful and prudent.

And just as the two of them left one after another, three figures suddenly appeared flickeringly, and they turned out to be the old man Bai Xuexiao and others from the red wood in Amethyst Valley.This time, they dispatched three people in the late-night dragon chant, one is the strong man of the soul altar, the old man Hongmu, one is Bai Xuexiao, the peak of the early stage of Jindan, and a woman in blue clothes, who is also the cultivation base of the early stage of Jindan.

They seem to have been sent to this Thunder area just like Jiang Shang.

"There is a strong kendo atmosphere. It should be two masters of kendo. Could it be someone from Jianmen?" Sensing the atmosphere around him, the old man Hongmu asked with his eyes flickering.

Bai Xuexiao heard the words and said: "There is a huge thunder power remaining here. It should be that nine days of thunder fell from the void, and there must be some treasures in it. I suspect that the two people who fought here were attracted by that treasure." of."

It turned out that they had also encountered the same thing.A terrifying thunderbolt fell from the void, and then they found a treasure, Thunder Soul Iron, which is also a heaven-level material above tenth level.

So they rushed over so quickly after they felt that a huge thunder had fallen here, but it was a pity that it was still a bit slow.

The old man Hongmu swept his eyes away, and said in a calm tone: "Let's go, since the treasure is gone, let's go to other places to look." Since the treasure here is gone, it's better to go to other places to find it.

Looking at Jiang Shang who had already left a long way, he came to a mysterious valley at this moment.

This is a valley full of thunder, and there are traces of howling thunder arcs everywhere. He discovered this place by accident, and was immediately attracted into it.

Jiang Shang cautiously moved towards the depths, and then a huge lake appeared in his field of vision. It was a dark lake with black water, but faint thunder streaks appeared on the surface of the water strangely. If someone touched those things rashly He has no doubt that he will be torn to pieces by the violent thunder power.

Fortunately, he had the body protection of the way of thunder, so he could barely resist that coercion, and was not affected by the power of thunder.

"Wait, what is that?"

But at this moment, his gaze suddenly froze, revealing a look of shock.

I saw an inconspicuous gray figure with a chain-like thunder in his hand. The chain was connected to the depths of the lake, and it seemed that something was involved and was pulling it up from the lake.

That figure was obviously a strong person in the soul altar, and the lake thing he pulled gradually revealed a bit of a ferocious shadow.

"Thunder-eyed Lion, what kind of aura is that, hiss, the body of the Thunder-eyed Lion in Zhoutian Realm?" Jiang Shang, who recognized the origin of the shadow, immediately couldn't help but his eyes trembled.

The corpse of the strong Zhou Tian, ​​this...

(End of this chapter)

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