Chapter 1218: The Origin of the Gathering Banner
Five powerful monks who surpassed the level of the Immortal Five Sages launched the strongest ultimate move at the same time, attacking Jiang Shang, and its power was terrifying and jaw-dropping.

Before the attacking technique of the five people approached, the void around Jiang Shang had already collapsed and shattered.

Jiang Shang just stood in the middle of the turbulent flow, like an eternal and hard rock, unmoving.

Despite the shocking killing ahead and the turbulent turmoil around him, he still didn't take any action.

Suddenly, Jiang Shang smiled slightly, and said softly: "Well, it's not bad."

The voice is flat, but it seems to contain a magical penetration, which spreads between the heaven and the earth, like the whispers of the gods of the nine heavens, which makes one's heart tense.

The next moment, I saw Jiang Shang gently raised his hand, pinched the Yin Jue with his palm, and spit out a word: "Ning!"

ka ka ka-

A little white divine light shone on his fingertips, which was immediately magnified infinitely.

The spreading white divine light, like the cold air containing the power of freezing, sealed off the whole world in an instant.

In the midst of the wind and thunder, there is a monstrous aura of gods and demons rising rapidly, soaring into the sky.

The roar of gods and demons from a distant era changed the color of the world and made the universe tremble.

World of Bones!

After undergoing transformation, the world of bones showed a completely different terrifying power for the first time.

The incomparably powerful sealing power froze everyone's ultimate moves almost instantly, and the trace of time became extremely slow, as if the power of time was infinitely stretched at this moment...

Just when the five people were startled and activated their magical powers frantically, intending to break free from the blockade, the world of bones, which was gleaming with light, suddenly ignited a boundless fire.

The flame seemed to be able to melt everything in the world and burn everything into nothingness. .

Bone lines exuding a profound aura expand rapidly in this dense world, and wherever the lines pass, they will be occupied by flames, exuding a scorching aura that makes people shudder.

The sun is so hot!

Today's Jiang Shang has already possessed a terrifying strength comparable to that of the Great Sage in the early days. Facing five strong men who are only at the level of a saint king, he is more or less bullying.

There is no way, the gap between the two parties is too great, and it can no longer be described clearly in words.

There is indeed only a thin line between the five immortal kings and the early days of the Great Sage.

But on the other side of this weak barrier, there is a completely different world.

Those who have not yet broken through to the realm of the Great Sage cannot understand the mystery at all.

In the world of bones, when the terrifying divine pattern covered the whole world, the ensuing raging flames spread forward along the frozen divine light and magic cloud, heading straight for the bodies of the five people. .

The power of burning, which cannot be resisted by any supernatural power, filled the eyes of the five people with infinite horror.

But it was too late for them to escape.

Almost in no particular order, the bodies of the four Tianjiao Supremes and Princess Baoyue were wrapped in flames, and their mournful screams echoed under the billowing clouds.

Jiang Shang shook his head slightly, and murmured: "Victory is not martial."

Before the words fell, the miserable screams of the five people struggling in the Taotao flames stopped abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, the Tianjiao figure who turned into a bull-headed giant was burned into a cloud of fly ash, which drifted with the wind.

The other four also followed suit and disappeared.

In this confrontation, Jiang Shang almost killed the five people in a crushing posture, without any suspense at all.

With a wave of his hand, he put away the world of bones, and the three sealed demon saints were already trembling with fright.

The guy who captured them alive was simply too terrifying.

The five people just now were no worse than them in strength, but they didn't even have a chance to fight back, and they were wiped out by Jiang Shang.

It wasn't until now that they realized that Jiang Shang didn't use his real strength at all when he fought against them before.

"Tell me, what do you know?" A flag appeared in Jiang Shang's hand, and it instantly turned into a three-foot-sized flag. On the flag fluttering in the wind, an ancient demon totem exuded terrifying aura, as if it would break free from the flag at any time , Choose someone and eat them.

"Ju-Yin Banner..." A demon monk was terrified and trembled uncontrollably.

The other two demon monks were also completely swallowed up by fear at this moment, struggling violently and screaming crazily.

"No, I don't want to die..."


Jiang Shang frowned slightly, and thought in amazement: "Even if you recognize the ancient treasure of Juyin Banner, you won't be so scared? Is there any secret in it?"

Glancing at the demon monk who was frightened like crazy, Jiang Shang raised his hand to drive the Yin Gathering Banner, picked up the spirits of the two, and melted them into the banner.

The only devil cultivator who remained sane was completely terrified at this moment, and roared in his mouth: "I said, I said... don't arrest my soul, please don't arrest my soul... I would rather die completely , the soul flies away... Please don't..."

In the intermittent narration of the demon monk, Jiang Shang finally figured out what was going on.

It turned out that in the eastern region of the Holy Wheel Kingdom, there was a heaven-defying evildoer who rose up at the end of the century and swept away all masters. He even trampled under his feet the young demons of the two powerful tribes of the demon dragon and the eight-armed bone demon.

This person is called the Son of Devil Yin by the younger generation of the Holy Wheel Kingdom, and he is one of the three most powerful supreme figures among the younger generation of the Holy Wheel Kingdom.

The rise of Moyin God Son did not rely on his background, but on the inheritance of ancient demons obtained from an abyss Jedi.

Originally, such a sky-defying genius who rose from the humble beginnings would definitely be suppressed by the two major tribes of the Holy Wheel Kingdom, but the development of the matter was beyond everyone's expectations.

Moyin Shenzi has wandered in the abyss for many years, always bringing his younger brother with ordinary qualifications with him.

During an expedition, he saved a woman because of a momentary thought.Not long after, he was summoned by the most powerful figures in the holy wheel country and accepted as a disciple.

This is a serious situation, and because of this, Shenzi Moyin ascended to the sky in one step, and almost became one of the hottest figures in the Holy Wheel Kingdom in one fell swoop.

Moyin Shenzi has risen rapidly, relying on the prestige of his master, he has established a huge force, and his younger brother has also risen accordingly, gaining a high status.

Coincidentally, when the first battle of the Golden Dragon List began, Moyin Shenzi's younger brother brought a few men to the southeast region to hunt down the monks of Qingtianyu, but he was killed by Jiang Shang.

In other words, the Yin Gathering Banner in Jiang Shang's hand is one of the few famous ancient treasures in the Holy Wheel Kingdom, and it has always been held by the Son of Demon Yin.

While Jiang Shang was greatly astonished, what the demon monk said next moved him with horror.

Moyin Shenzi learned that his younger brother died and the ancient treasure was taken away. Although he was furious, he couldn't bear it. He has been looking for Jiang Shang's whereabouts for three years.

However, because Jiang Shang experienced transformation in the secret realm, God Zi Moyin got nothing, and finally, under rage, he launched a terrifying plan.

Kill the supreme figure in Qingtianyu!
(End of this chapter)

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