Chapter 1220
With the courage to go deep into the southeast region with the four saint monks, intending to attack and kill them by surprise, such a demon monk is naturally not a simple-minded person.

At this moment, the demon monk is also engaged in a battle between heaven and man, struggling and hesitating.

In less than half an hour, he experienced ups and downs of emotions, which made him unable to calm down at all.

He knew very well that although Jiang Shang didn't make it clear, he entered the Yin Demon Banner in a state of mind and soul. Even if he managed to devour the ancient evil spirit by luck in the end, he would fall into Jiang Shang's control and forever be marked with Jiang Shang's unique identity. There is a brand, and immortality cannot escape.

If you want to get out of control, there is only one way to go, and that is to be completely wiped out. !
"In any case, if you choose to become a tool spirit, there is still a glimmer of hope..."

The demon monk's expression was quite solemn at the moment, he closed his eyes and meditated for a long time, without saying a word.

Jiang Shang also remained silent, waiting quietly.

In fact, even if the demon monk disagreed, Jiang Shang could easily achieve his goal.

But in this way, being forced to become a tool spirit will undoubtedly leave many hidden dangers, and I am afraid that the gains will outweigh the losses in the end.

If Jiang Shang really forcibly arrested this person's soul, it would be a waste of time to turn it into the Yin Gathering Banner's Artifact Spirit after sacrifice.

After thinking in silence for a long time, the devil monk finally opened his eyes, and said with a determined face: "I am Sheng Hui, a branch of the Qianming Blood Clan, and I will follow you from today on..."

"Is there really a bloodline inheritance from the Shura clan?!" Jiang Shang's expression moved slightly, and he said in a deep thought: "You don't have to make a soul contract at all."

The Qianming Blood Clan is a remote descendant of the legendary Shura Clan.Judging from the person's whole body qi and blood, the Shura blood in his body is less than [-]%, which is extremely weak.

But after all, it has some relationship with the Shura clan, which can be regarded as extraordinary.

"I have no choice, right? What's more, this contract can make me live longer..." The demon monk named Sheng Hui was smiling at the moment.

Agreeing to Jiang Shang's conditions is completely different from making a contract with the soul.

The former was done out of necessity to save his life, while the latter became Jiang Shang's follower. As long as Jiang Shang was dissatisfied, a movement of his spiritual thoughts would be enough to make him suffer.

But with Jiang Shang's temperament, he never treats his own people badly.In this way, Sheng Hui entered Juyin Banner in a state of mind and soul, and Jiang Shang had to go to great lengths to help him.

Jiang Shang laughed a little dumbfounded, but he didn't take it to heart.

Ants are greedy for life, let alone a monk who has practiced for an unknown number of years.

"Forget it. Since you have made an oath, I will help you, don't let me down." Jiang Shang smiled lightly and asked, "Are you ready?"

Sheng Hui held his breath and said solemnly, "I can't wait!"

Jiang Shang nodded slightly, the magic light in his hand flashed, and a seal formula was issued, the power of the underworld on the Yin Gathering Banner suddenly amplified, and the terrifying magic light roared and circled, and a powerful tearing force captured Sheng Hui's soul Get up, and slowly float towards the Juyin Banner...

Just when Jiang Shang made a bold and risky move in order to completely control the Juyin Banner.

Many Tianjiao figures who were suddenly attacked also woke up from the initial panic at this time, and launched a strong counterattack.

Which one of the Tianjiao monks who can be taken care of by the devil has not experienced countless times of dangerous baptisms?

Except for the four most powerful supreme figures, and a few of the newly rising evil spirits who are unable to get away and have no time to care about other things, many other arrogant figures are also counterattacking at this time, knowing the truth of the surprise attack.

"It turns out that all of this is a long-awaited conspiracy planned by the three supreme saints of the Holy Wheel Kingdom..."

"They came prepared, it's over now!"

"The target this time is the Supreme Master Poluo of the human race. It is a god-sent opportunity... Hurry up, the opportunity I have been waiting for has come, and go to rescue Shaojun Poluo!"

"Headed by God Son of Demon Yin? This, such a big deal, is almost against the sky!"

"Damn it, who killed Moyin Shenzi's younger brother... Find this person quickly!"

The emotions of many Tianjiao characters are extremely complicated.

Some people are very excited, thinking that this raid will definitely hit the supreme powerhouses, and their chance to rise has come!
Someone was full of worries, and at the same time thought that this was an excellent opportunity to show favor to the supreme figure, so he immediately took action, broke out of the encirclement, and went to support.

Even more frantic, wishing to find out the scourge that caused this shocking mutation and tear his body to pieces.

Such a huge surprise attack came extremely suddenly, causing the countless arrogances in Qingtianyu to be caught off guard, causing a large number of casualties.

It took less than a day for the raid to start, and the number of nearly ten million Qingtian domain experts dropped sharply to five million, and the casualties continued to increase!
This was a battle of great disparity in strength. The Holy Wheel Kingdom side relied on its natural advantages to bring extremely serious losses to the Qingtian Region side with the lives of a large number of saint monks.

After the implementation of the huge plan led by Moyin Shenzi, the initial battle of the Golden Dragon Ranking, which was originally based on their own abilities, gradually evolved into a fierce fight between the two camps.

On Qingtianyu's side, the monks who originally wanted to compete with their peers Tianjiao had to change their original intentions because of this sudden change, united the front, and launched a strong counterattack.

The young powerhouses from Qingtianyu have suffered countless deaths and injuries in just three years since the opening of the Golden Dragon List, from as many as hundreds of millions to the current number of millions. Such a cruel death rate is horrifying.

It's just that many people died on the Qingtianyu side, and even more people died on the Holy Wheel country side!
This confrontation between hunting and anti-hunting has affected almost all the young saints in the Holy Wheel Kingdom.During these three years, as many as hundreds of millions of young saints came from all over the holy wheel country to devote themselves to this area in the southeast direction.

There have even been rumors in the holy wheel country recently, saying that there are other demon kingdoms that are close to the holy wheel country, and young saints have already heard the news and rushed here from hundreds of millions of miles away.

Of course, the authenticity of this news has yet to be demonstrated.But judging from this incident, the collision of young monks from the two camps caused a sensation beyond imagination.

Ye Jiaoheng, one of the twin stars of the Silver Horn Clan, suddenly returned strongly, which had a certain impact on the war and caused some accidents.

But from the overall situation, the appearance of a supreme figure does not seem to change the disparity between the two sides.

The battle is in full swing, and the huge plan that affects the whole body makes this battle enter a fierce stage in an instant...

But he said that Poluo Shaojun, who had fled all the way to the southeast, had become scarred and scarred under the pursuit of the two demon lords.

The awe-inspiring righteousness of Confucianism cultivators has a very strong restraint effect on creatures like evil spirits.If it weren't for this, I'm afraid Poluo Shaojun would have been destroyed long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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