Chapter 1222 The Birth of a Fierce Demon
Before opening the seal, Poluo Shaojun also imagined the serious consequences of opening the seal of the Righteousness Monument.

However, the horror of the ghosts and demons suppressed in the canyon completely exceeded his expectations!

Just a sharp claw rushing out of the canyon has the terrifying power to kill the demon lord at will... If the suppressed fierce demon really wakes up, the consequences will be disastrous.

At this moment, Poluo Shaojun became pale, and his eyes became dull and lifeless.

"No, hurry up and find a way to remedy it, we must not let this thing break free..."

The usually calm and steady Poluo Shaojun was a little panicked at this moment, so that he stood up after turning over.His movements became flustered, his hands and feet trembled uncontrollably, and his image was extremely embarrassing.

However, it is easy to open the seal of the inscription, and it is tantamount to fantasy to re-seal the fierce demon.

Even though Poluo Shaojun is familiar with all kinds of sealing methods and knows how to suppress the ominous thing, but with his strength, it is simply powerless to seal such a terrifying ominous thing.

Poluo Shaojun had a determined look on his face, and the printed formulas in his hands were like thousands of flowers flying, and the simple and simple characters suddenly flashed, and then merged into the righteous stone tablet, and the bright golden light became more and more dazzling.

In just a few breaths, Poluo Shaojun tried his best, at the cost of burning blood, and finally reopened the inscription on the stone tablet, and the golden light pierced the sky, illuminating all directions.

The time for a few breaths seems short, but the two demon lords who chased and killed Poluo Shaojun are now one dead and one injured!
The peerless ferocity of that terrifying claw is unrivaled.

After the ghost cultivator died tragically, the demon lord, who looked like a corpse, launched a fierce counterattack without fear of death.

Thankfully, his counterattack worked.

But this kind of counterattack completely angered the other party, making him embark on the road to death!

The surging death energy invaded a finger of the sharp claw, turning that finger into fly ash almost instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the owner of the sharp claw seemed to be in a frenzy, and the earth-shattering roar came from under the thick fog-shrouded canyon, piercing the sky.

This roar, with a terrifying power that made people tremble, swept across the world.

The demon lord, who had just felt a surge of joy in his heart, suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard, and was blown away by an invisible air wave.

The rock-solid body unexpectedly burst apart in an instant.Before his figure fell from the sky, his body shattered and turned into a wisp of smoke in the strong wind, his body and spirit were all destroyed!

The power of a roar turned the world upside down.

The demon lord's counterattack bought Poluo Shaojun a certain amount of time, allowing him to reopen the inscription.

Under the protection of the golden light of righteousness, Poluo Shaojun was shocked by the roar, his seven holes were bleeding, and his energy was disordered.

But he didn't care about his injuries at all, roaring and hitting a scarlet inscription in the center of the inscription!

The golden inscription on the upright spirit exudes thousands of golden lights, and shoots away in all directions.

The stone tablet, which was several feet high, was suspended in the air, like a round of scorching sun suddenly rising, bursting into flames.

After the humming and shaking, the world became silent, all sounds disappeared, and the power of time and space seemed to be stretched infinitely, making it almost impossible to feel the passage of time.

"Escape! This is the only chance..."

Dragging his seriously injured body, Poluo Shaojun forcibly activated his supernatural powers, and flew away without the slightest hesitation, not even daring to turn his head.

It is simply delusion to seal the fierce demon again.

This point, Poluo Shaojun was aware of it the moment the sharp claw appeared.

But he opened the inscription desperately, just to buy time for himself to escape.Even though he had burned his blood essence and performed dozens of taboo sealing methods in a row, the inscription formed by these sealing methods could only suppress the ominous demon temporarily.

As for how long it can be suppressed, Poluo Shaojun never thought about it.

"Xianjun... a terrifying coercion comparable to that of a Xianjun..."

While Shaojun Poluo vomited blood and fled away, an incomparably horrifying thought emerged in his heart. The fierce demon who was suppressed and sealed must at least be the peak of the Great Sage!
Why are these fierce demon giants suppressed and sealed, why people from the demon kingdom have not come to rescue, and what kind of power does the abandoned demon cave belong to?
All of these are intertwined into a huge mystery, and the secrets involved make Poluo Shaojun extremely frightened.

He knew that the seal he had set could not last for too long, and he believed that in the near future, this terrifying ogre would completely break through the seal and reappear in the world.

This action is tantamount to creating boundless murder, indirectly releasing an incomparable and terrifying demon, which will have an unimaginable impact on the Abyss Kingdom and the Golden Dragon Ranking.

However, no matter how much turmoil this accident will cause, Poluo Shaojun temporarily escaped from danger, and at the price of almost falling, he finally broke free from the danger...


The large-scale raids and killings are still in full swing.

In just one month, countless fierce fights were staged on this front that stretched thousands of miles.

Except for Shaojun Poluo who fled away, Shengzi Yanxiang, Shengzi Huangtian, Taoist Qianli, Young Master Yinlei, and Ye Jiaoheng, one of the twin stars of the Silver Horn clan who came back with force, these five supreme arrogances were ranked by the demon side. Focus on killing the target.

A large number of saint monks almost all launched suicide attacks, not hoping to hurt the five supreme beings, but only trying to limit their ability to move within a certain range!

The fearlessness of countless saint monks seems to be just waiting for the emergence of a truly powerful figure on the side of the devil!

However, the strength of the supreme character is that in the face of danger and adversity, he can still be unrivaled and kill all directions.

The qualitative change caused by the quantity has indeed restrained the action ability of the five supreme figures, but it also means that tens of thousands of demon monks died tragically under the supernatural powers of these five people.

In contrast, led by Xia Dang and Dragon Girl Ao Shuang, the latest batch of talented figures who have risen are not performing well.

But this is compared with the five supreme figures. In fact, the record of any one of Xia Dang and others is enough to shine in the annals of history!

The first battle of the Golden Dragon Ranking has developed to this day, and the rise of this group of people is all based on the bones of thousands of demon saints.

The battle situation is changing rapidly, and the collision and fighting between the two sides is intensifying on this vast land shrouded in dark clouds.

The raging and burning flames of war swept across the land for thousands of miles. People died every moment, and at the same time, some people stepped on the bones of their opponents to move to a higher level.

In the canyon between the mountains and peaks, Jiang Shang used the method of controlling the banner, and with the dark power of the gathering Yin banner, he picked up Shenghui's soul and entered the gathering Yin banner.

There is no rush to devour ancient demons and ominous spirits. Jiang Shang asked Sheng Hui to enter the Juyin banner to cultivate for a while, and make plans after returning to the full state.

Jiang Shang walked out of the barren mountain and was about to go to the northern battlefield, but he didn't know that a shocking turmoil came quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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