Chapter 1226 Turmoil in all parties
Although Shengzi Yanxiang seldom showed up, he knew a little about Taoist Qianli.

Seeing that Taoist Qianli didn't look like he was putting on an act, his frightened expression was not fake at all, so he couldn't help but feel a move in his heart.

"Qianli, what did you encounter?"

The three parties faced each other far away in the air, but the Holy Son of Yan Xiang suddenly spoke.But when he asked, it was different from Ye Jiaoheng.

Yan Xiang's words revealed a touch of solemnity, and his expression also appeared quite solemn.

Taoist Qianli glanced at Ye Jiaoheng, secretly sent a voice transmission to Shengzi Yanxiang, and quickly said: "A peerless monster has been born, let's go..."

But before he finished speaking, Ye Jiaoheng and Yan Ping's expressions changed dramatically.

Taoist Qianli knew why they were like this without looking back, he roared: "What are you doing standing there, waiting to die?"

While speaking, he waved his sleeves, spread out the golden Dao pattern, rushed away Ye Jiaoheng and others who were standing in front of him, and fled without looking back.

As soon as he left, a group of Tianjiao people suddenly woke up, they all exclaimed, and quickly cast their escapism magic light, and fled in panic.

Even Shengzi Yanxiang, who was always calm when things happen, had an ugly expression at this moment, stepping on a flash of fire, and galloped towards the sky.

In the southern sky, under the billowing clouds, a huge body that lifted up to the sky slowly stood up.

In the flying and roaring demonic cloud, there were fierce and incomparable faces, and they let out a terrifying roar.

Now, everyone understands why Daoist Qianli, who is the Supreme Being of Heavenly Pride, is in such a mess...

While fleeing in a hurry, someone turned his head and glanced towards the south, thinking: "What the hell is going on here?!"


The peerless fierce demon who broke through the seal came all the way to the north.

Along the way, all the mountains, rivers and rivers collapsed and destroyed, and the monstrous demonic energy ravaged the world. The billowing black smoke seemed to have the terrifying energy of devouring everything, and spread towards all directions at a high speed.

A monster is born!

This news was quickly spread by a large number of fleeing monks.

When Xia Wushang and other monks got the news, they stood on the spot for a while.

Along with the news came another piece of bad news.

When this peerless ominous demon appeared, a large number of monks from Qingtianyu were evacuating to the south, wanting to find a safe place for a temporary rest.

However, this peerless fierce demon caused tens of thousands of monks to be wiped out physically and mentally!

A group of monks headed by Taoist Qianli can be said to be extremely lucky.

If they leave a little later, they will suffer from the terrifying black smoke and the invisible power of eroding their souls, and they will be unable to leave even if they want to.

A few days later, the Qingtianyu monks who fled towards the east and west finally stopped, and everyone was still in shock.

Fortunately, this fierce demon did not start chasing and killing them, and the spreading terrifying smoke only covered a radius of ten thousand miles.

Many monks could not help but heave a sigh of relief knowing that the ominous demon was heading north all the way to the territory of the Holy Wheel Kingdom.

When Xia Wushang, Yan Ping and other Supreme Beings led a large group of monks to gather again, everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

"It seems that the Holy Wheel Kingdom has already received the news, otherwise they would not have evacuated early..."

This idea surfaced in the hearts of everyone almost at the same time.

Yin Chizi, who was still practicing in seclusion, also showed his whereabouts this time, but his image was the most embarrassing.

In the first battle with Ye Jiaoheng, both sides suffered a lot of trauma.

After three years of retreat and recuperation, Ye Jiaoheng not only recovered from his injuries, but also made a lot of progress.

However, Silver Winged's healing process was not so smooth.

Originally, the place he chose to retreat was not far from the canyon where the fierce demon was sealed, and the distance between the two places was only a few thousand miles.

Poluo Shaojun opened the seal of the inscription for the first time, which affected Silver Wing, who was in retreat, and almost went wrong, and went mad.

But before he could stabilize, the fierce demon broke through the seal left by Poluo Shaojun in one fell swoop.

At this time, Silver Winged Zi was at a critical moment of cultivation, and was immediately backlashed, and his meridians were impacted.

For several days, Yin Chizi fled desperately dragging his seriously injured body, which also caused the damage to his meridians to become more and more serious.

By the time he finally escaped, his injuries had reached an unstoppable level.

Facing the other supreme beings who have made great progress here, Yin Chizi couldn't help but look sad, and thought: "The fortune is not good..."

The relationship between the six supreme figures was not very harmonious, but now that the situation forced them to gather here, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Naturally, Ye Jiaoheng would not let go of the opportunity to suppress Yin Chizi. As soon as the two sides met, they started a confrontation in momentum.

Yan Xiang and Xia Wushang also collided frequently in their eyes, full of gunpowder.

Others, such as Taoist Qianli and Young Master Yinlei, also have a dignified atmosphere with each other.

Yan Xiang, who was silently confronting Xia Wushang, suddenly said: "How do you feel about this accident?"

"Pindao thinks that it should be the devil's side who planned this earth-shattering change in secret, and deliberately released this fierce demon, causing a large number of monks to fall on my side of Qingtianyu..."

Taoist Qianli looked at Young Master Yinlei calmly, and opened his mouth to express his opinion.

"The two sides have been fighting for three years, and now a peerless monster suddenly appeared. If there is nothing wrong with it, this young master would not believe such nonsense." Young master Yin Lei's expression was gloomy, and his eyes were cold .

The person who lost the most in this accident was the Tianjiao of the Silver Horn Clan.

The human monks were relatively scattered, and most of them followed Xia Wushang and Taoist Qianli, so the loss was minimal.

Since the Red Lin Clan was headed by the Son of Yan Xiang, most of the Tianjiao also avoided, and the loss was not great.

Only the Silver Horn Clan and the Tianjiao of the tribes attached to it suffered a large number of casualties. In just a few days, almost half of the veteran Tianjiao fell, and the loss was extremely heavy.

Xia Wushang withdrew his gaze, and said in a deep voice: "The most important thing right now is what kind of countermeasures the Holy Wheel Kingdom will take. Let's wait and see how it changes."

This hasty gathering naturally broke up in the end.

Originally, the relationship between the six supreme figures was not harmonious, and there were even some who were sworn enemies with each other, and they were extremely restrained if they didn't start a fight.

On the way back to the temporary residence of the human monks, Xia Tiandang followed Xia Wushang and said in a low voice: "Uncle, there has been no news of Jiang Shang, I am worried..."

Xia Wushang smiled slightly, and said: "Hehe, Dizhuo didn't appear here, do you think he was killed by a fierce demon that suddenly appeared?"

"What? Uncle means..." Xia Tian was shocked and exclaimed in disbelief.

Xia Wushang looked at the mountains and rivers shrouded in smoke and clouds in the distance, and said quietly: "If it is not bad, it should be like this..."

(End of this chapter)

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