Chapter 1243 Yin-Yang Dragon Venerable Attacks!

While fighting against the two great masters, Xia Wushang has been secretly paying attention to the movement in the distance.

The sudden appearance of the Yin Yang Dragon Venerable caught him by surprise.

Prince Youming secretly set up a shocking trap, but in Xia Wushang's view, a killing array handed down from ancient times does not seem to be enough to pose a threat to him.

And even if the three lords shot together, they still couldn't put him to death.

In this way, where does Prince Youming's firm words come from?

Now everything is clear, it turns out that there is still a powerful existence hidden in the dark, the leader of the three supreme monsters in the Holy Wheel Kingdom-Yin Yang Dragon Venerable!
Although there are hundreds of miles between each other, Xia Wushang can clearly feel that the tyrannical power emanating from Yin Yang Dragon Venerable seems to be no worse than him!
Xia Wushang secretly heightened his vigilance, suppressed the three thousand white hairs with the seal of Huang Tian, ​​and dispelled the terrifying karmic fire that invaded.

Yin Yang Longzun still didn't make any movements, just stood in the air and watched silently.

However, the more Yin-Yang Longzun remains unmoved, the more serious the terrifying pressure will be.

Xia Wushang is now in deep siege, already dangerous, but now there is another Yin Yang Dragon Venerable standing aside who may strike at any time, he suddenly feels pressure like a mountain.

All the way up to today, Xia Wushang has experienced countless life and death situations. According to the experience he has accumulated over the past ten thousand years, Yin Yang Longzun is looking for opportunities, looking for a slight flaw in him.

Once Xia Wushang showed his weakness under the siege, he would definitely receive a thunderous blow from this person!
If a powerful existence of the same level of strength suddenly strikes and kills, even if Xia Wushang's cultivation is as high as the sky, he will still be seriously injured, or even fall away.

"I have a sword that can shatter the sun, moon and galaxy!"

There was a murderous intent in Xia Wushang's eyes, which immediately made the hearts of the two lords feel panic.

The endless sword light condensed into a line and swept out.

If the previous Huangtian Sacred Swords were all majestic and powerful, but now this sword shows a completely different scene.

The sword energy is condensed into a thread, but its power is incomparable.

The moment it passed across the sky, the space where the turbulent flow of the void was flying was suddenly shattered again, spreading away in all directions, making people involuntarily feel fear and have the idea of ​​​​running away.

In the distance, Yin Yang Longzun's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "Here we come."

The voice was still floating in the air, and the figure of the Yin Yang Dragon Venerable suddenly disappeared, and at an extremely fast speed, he crossed hundreds of miles of sky and shot with one blow!
He was indeed waiting, waiting for the moment when Xia Wushang showed his flaws.

Yin Yang Long Zun has boundless arrogance in his heart, but he is not stubborn and rigid.He knew under what circumstances was the best time to make a move, so he didn't take it into consideration at all, let alone miss a good opportunity because of his identity.

This person's consistent style is to only care about the result, not the process.

In his opinion, getting rid of Xia Wushang is more important than anything else.

At the same time, Xia Wushang's terrifying potential made him extremely afraid, an opponent who was not weaker than him at all, and a powerful opponent who was about to break through, let him choose to attack and kill without reservation!

Prince Youming's eyes flickered, and he sneered, "Sure enough, you're still so shameless..."

The fist prints flashing yin and yang qi approached silently, and hit the protective divine light on Xia Wushang's back, immediately shaking the whole world.

The three thousand white hairs of Prince Youming who had been suppressed took the opportunity to break free, and with a wave of his hand, the karmic fire of the underworld lotus became more and more vigorous.

The huge roulette that gradually dissipated after being pierced by Xia Wushang before slowly condensed again and turned.

Chi Chi!

The terrifying sword light pierced through the heavy magic light, and sent the two lords flying with one blow, causing extremely serious wounds.

At the same moment, the sudden attack of Yin Yang Dragon Venerable also caused Xia Wushang's body to shake, his blood boiled, he staggered a few steps forward involuntarily, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Injury for Injury!

Forcibly resisting the blow of the Yin-Yang Dragon Lord, in exchange for the two masters being severely injured, it is obviously a profit.

But in this way, Xia Wushang's situation has become more dangerous.

With the addition of Yin Yang Dragon Venerable, Xia Wushang was completely at a disadvantage even without the two great masters.

Yin Yang Longzun alone is enough to fight against Xia Wushang, not to mention this person is joining hands with Prince Nether now!

"Xia Wushang, let's slaughter you! This deity can leave your whole body."

Yin Yang Dragon Venerable unleashed a mighty coercion, forming a pincer attack with Prince Nether, and said slowly: "Even if you resist, you are dying, why bother?"

"Hahahaha..." Xia Wushang looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, what was contained in the laughter was not anger, but unparalleled joy and majestic fighting spirit.

Xia Wushang turned around slowly, and said: "If you want this deity to lead your neck, you will be slaughtered, but this has not been said for many years."

The majestic power broke out again, and above the already shattered sky, a hazy sky appeared, engulfing a vast pressure and gradually falling.

"Tianqiong...the root of Huangtian's secret technique, so it is!" Prince Youming's expression was extremely ugly, but there was a look of suddenness in his expression.

Yin Yang Longzun's eyes turned, and the two streams of life and death suddenly magnified and turned into a storm.

I just heard him shout: "There is no point in struggling, just die!"

The storm swept out like a dragon, with unmatched tyrannical power, and the hazy sky that shrouded the sky suddenly shook.

The technique practiced by the Yin Yang Dragon Venerable is the way of life from death, which contains the truth of the great way, transcending the ordinary and becoming holy.

To be able to cultivate such a tyrannical supernatural power all depends on his yin and yang twin souls.

But there is a saying: the same is true for success, and the same is true for failure.

Two souls are not only his advantage, but also his defect.

Probably because of his two independent souls, he couldn't achieve the unity of yin and yang. The power of this yin and yang avenue supernatural power was greatly reduced, otherwise Xia Wushang would definitely not be his opponent.

Xia Wushang was at full strength, intending to fight with all his strength to break through the shackles.

I saw him standing in the sky, and said softly: "The ancients once said: Qing Tian is dead, and Huang Tian will stand. Today, use your power to help me climb to the top in one fell swoop!"


With a loud shout, the sky and the ground shook, and the two yin and yang dragon qi trembled, and they seemed to be collapsing.

The Yin Yang Dragon Venerable was shocked and said in shock, "He wants to..."

The terrifying thought that swept over made him shudder, and violent fluctuations spread out, and Xia Wushang's aura soared, reaching an unbelievable height.

"Hiss! This lunatic actually wants to break through in the battle... Fuck me!"

While Prince Youming was extremely shocked, he roared in disbelief, seals quickly condensed one after another, runes containing unparalleled death energy rose into the sky, and the phantom of the Nine Nether Lotus became more and more solid.

The huge roulette containing the power of reincarnation crushed down from the sky and collided violently with the hazy sky.

"Xia Wushang, you don't want to succeed!" Yin Yang Dragon Venerable roared, his expression became ferocious and terrifying, extremely frightening.

(End of this chapter)

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