Chapter 1247
The return period is approaching, and 300 million monks from Qingtianyu are heading towards the border of the southeast region.

However, just when many Tianjiao figures relaxed their vigilance and waited for their return, a group of monks who were the first to enter the restricted area of ​​the border were attacked by a powerful demon cultivator.

The two sides fought a battle, but this group of as many as a hundred Tianjiao monks only lasted for less than a moment, and then began to be defeated, and finally the entire army was wiped out!
The sudden change caused countless strong people to be in an uproar.

With the power of one person, killing hundreds of Tianjiao... is simply unimaginable!
Most of the Tianjiao were extremely shocked and were at a loss for a while.A few calm people started to analyze quickly.

The conclusions drawn are even more creepy!

Hundreds of Tianjiao were defeated and destroyed. Even though there were factors of being overwhelmed and underestimating the enemy, the strength of the opponent was frightening.

The supreme person who got the news first was the Holy Son of Yan Xiang who led a large number of Honglin clan powerhouses to the southeast.

"The forbidden area?" The Holy Son of Flame looked gloomy, and murmured: "The place where the peerless fierce monster was born is that forbidden area. Could it be that there are still people in the Holy Wheel Kingdom who hid here and obtained adventures?"

After listening to the report, the Holy Son of Yan Xiang immediately took action and flew to the restricted area.

However, at the same time that he flew towards the restricted area at a high speed, another killing was being staged between the mountains near the restricted area.

A figure with dark eyes and a face covered with strange lines of gold and black, engulfed in billowing smoke, killed all directions.

Dozens of Tianjiao of the Honglin clan joined forces to form an attack and kill formation, desperately resisting.

The rumble and shock were earth-shattering.

The surrounding mountains collapsed, the earth was torn apart, and the smoke and dust filled the air. The magic light and flames danced together, colliding with each other in the air and stalemate.

The roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, dispelling endless dark clouds.

The deep roar was like the death call of the Nine Serenity God of Death, and everyone who heard it was terrified.

These dozens of Honglin clan's arrogances all came to collect the bones after they got the news and couldn't bear to expose the corpses of the monks of the same clan to the wilderness.

However, the terrifying Demon Cultivator, who they thought had left long ago, suddenly rushed out of a valley and launched a powerful attack on them.

After experiencing the initial panic, everyone gradually stabilized their minds, united together, and finally barely resisted the opponent's offensive.

And at this time, they also saw each other's faces clearly, and their expressions changed dramatically.

"Master Poluo? Impossible, this is impossible! He is the leader of the students of Sihai Academy, why..."

"Young Master Poluo is bewitched!"

"Hurry up, send a message to the Holy Son of Flame! Even if we join forces, we will not be this person's opponent. It's too scary..."

No one expected that the terrifying Demon Cultivator, who had been slaughtered bloody for a long time, turned out to be the missing Poluo Shaojun.

"During the time he disappeared, what exactly did he go did he become like this?"

Such doubts surfaced in the hearts of everyone almost in unison, and they were extremely astonished.

The joint efforts of everyone did not stop the casualties.

Poluo Shaojun, who had completely changed his appearance, exuded unrivaled ferocity in every gesture, and every blow would make everyone's chests boil and feel uncomfortable.

Soon, the stalemate lasted less than a moment, and the casualties intensified again.

The dozens of proud members of the Red Lin Clan have dropped to 23 at this moment. The pressure that everyone feels is getting bigger and bigger, and there are already signs of collapse.

Once the combined formation collapses, they will definitely die!
There was a hint of despair on the faces of the people, and the offensive they launched became more and more fierce, intending to die with the demonized Young Master Po Luo.


Just when everyone was in despair, the unrivaled Poluo Shaojun suddenly stopped, turned to the north, and let out a loud roar, full of provocation.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and their faces were filled with ecstasy.

"Someone came to save us!"

"Don't be rescued, and fall here with me..."

"What nonsense! Look, the person here is the Son of Flame!"

The sky was full of flames, and a tall and slender figure of a young man stepped on the endless cloud of fire, smashing the roaring magic light with one blow.

"Wait, get back."

The eyes of Shengzi Yanxiang were dignified, but he said in an incomparable majesty.

Everyone felt the pressure lighten immediately, and retreated hundreds of miles away without hesitation.This group of people didn't just leave, but swept the formation above the sky, looking for an opportunity to make a move.

The battle lasted less than two quarters of an hour, but more than half of them were directly killed or injured. No one knew better than them how terrifying Poluo Shaojun was.

Even though Shengzi Yanxiang's cultivation base is tyrannical, comparable to the early stage of the Great Sage, they are not very relieved.

The Poluo Shaojun after being enchanted seems to be even more powerful than the Flame Prince.

His eyes swept across the bloodstains on the ground, looking at the corpses whose flesh and blood had been eroded, the eyes of the Yanxiang Shengzi lit up fiercely, and he said solemnly: "Para, I don't care why you became like this, but you Kill more than a hundred members of my Honglin clan, you will die today!"

The majestic heat wave swept across the world, and the raging fire spread in the sky. The body of a red flame unicorn slowly walked out of the sea of ​​flames.

Every step forward, its power will become stronger.

However, Poluo Shaojun on the opposite side roared wildly in response to the words of the Holy Son of Flame, appearing extremely tyrannical.

As for the strength of Poluo Shaojun, Shengzi Yanxiang is very clear.

Before the Golden Dragon Ranking, Poluo Shaojun was able to rank among the top three of the Nine Supremes with his peak strength.

Rao is now that the Holy Son of Yan Xiang has entered the country in the past nine years, and if he wants to kill Poluo Shaojun, he has to do his best.

However, when the terrifying demonic light surged towards him, the face of the Son of Yanxiang changed drastically.

The raging flames, scorching heat waves, and the terrifying coercion of the scarlet unicorn seemed unable to affect Poluo Shaojun at all.

Waves of magic light whizzed over, majestic and majestic, breaking through the coercive blockade in an instant, and entering the sea of ​​flames.

Roaring and shaking, the universe trembled.

More than 20 Tianjiao figures in the distance, all exclaimed at this moment, showing a look of horror.

A veteran Tianjiao shouted: "Let's go! Inform the other Supremes to help out, the situation is not good..."

As the magic light surged, the flames boiled and stirred.

The scarlet flame unicorn with terrifying power was almost collapsed by the impact, roaring continuously.

"Jie Jie... If you die, you must die!"

Poluo Shaojun laughed loudly, and there was an unmatched murderous intent in the terrifying laughter.

The two sides shook each other hard, Poluo Shaojun became even more fierce, while Yanxiang Shengzi was knocked back thousands of feet, and his blood surged.

"So strong! He is not weaker than Xia Wushang... How is this possible!"

The eyes of Shengzi Yanxiang showed endless fear, and his face became extremely solemn.

(End of this chapter)

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