Chapter 130 Labyrinth

Seeing that Duan Tiande seized the opportunity and rushed into the light curtain, someone followed him very quickly and also rushed in. Seeing this, Jiang Shang knew that he could not hesitate, and rushed into the light curtain without hesitation.

It's teleportation again, and it's teleportation again.

After a slight shaking appeared, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed, and it turned into a dark passage. On the left and right sides were walls carved in black stone, and there were many hideous murals of crows carved on it, which made people shudder. feel.

And there was no one around, it was empty.

"A crow?" Jiang Shang's eyes flickered slightly. He thought of the crow's cry at the moonset back then, and he felt an ominous feeling in his heart.

Go ahead and have a look.

With such a thought in his mind, Jiang Shang began to walk forward. The light along the way was very dark, and there were many, many forks in the road. Huge maze.

"Is this the test of the second level?" He muttered in his mouth, and he walked forward again.

But this time, he didn't go foolishly, but used some small tricks, using the sword light in his body as a pathfinding stone, and started to investigate one fork after another.There are three thousand sword lights in his body, logically speaking, this should be very fast, but after a while, his eyes became a little dignified.

Because the maze was astonishingly large, and there seemed to be some danger hidden, his sword light was not able to come back completely, obviously it was destroyed or blocked by something.

"Forget it, go and have a look." After his eyes flickered for a while, Jiang Shang decided to go to those dangerous places first, because maybe those places are the breakthrough of the maze, and the place of death is often the door of life.

His speed began to accelerate suddenly, and he walked quickly through the maze until after passing through many forks, a mysterious stone door finally appeared in front of his eyes.Moreover, the stone door was still slightly opened, and there were strong fluctuations coming from inside, mixed with ear-piercing roars.

It seems, it seems that someone is fighting inside?

Jiang Shang's expression froze suddenly, and the aura in his body turned rapidly, and he slowly moved towards that side. As he gradually approached, he heard a few ear-piercing hisses again.The voice was extremely low and hoarse, and there was a huge stone gate blocking it, so he didn't even hear it just now.

But what is this?
Just when he was wondering in his heart, he had already touched the gap in the center of the stone gate, and looked into the stone gate through the gap, the original weak voice exploded countless times, it was like a mountain and river collapsing. It is the sound that a battle should have.

"Is there a magic circle?" Jiang Shang noticed that even if Shimen looked at it slightly, there was a light film in the gap. It should be some kind of magic circle, which has the effect of weakening the sound.

His eyes swept towards the inside of the stone gate again, and this time he finally saw everything inside clearly.

In a wide and dark hall, a black crow as big as a small mountain was fighting fiercely with six Jindan powerhouses, and there were two corpses not far away, which had been damaged badly by the battle at this moment up.

There is a billowing aura in their bodies, and wherever they pass, there will be faint traces in the void, which shows how powerful they are.

But the most powerful ones are not them, but the huge black crow.

There is a majestic breath of death flowing around it, and the whole existence is like a ghost of death, suppressing the six enemies in front of it. Jiang Shang judged it just by looking at it, that crow was close to a strong soul altar. the strength of the person.

And carefully, he also discovered a problem, that is, none of the six people who were fighting the crow were from the Thunder area before.

Could it be that they were the ones who entered the Dragon Palace together in Uta before, but were immediately assigned to other areas?

"It seems that after the first round of elimination, everyone has begun to gather together." Jiang Shang's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked towards the battlefield again.

I saw the black crow condensed with majestic death energy, and all of them rushed towards its claws, a powerful and terrifying force poured out, unscrupulously pressing towards a black robed man, and suddenly The claws scratched the man's head, and the blood splashed, causing the expressions of the other five people to change suddenly.

"Everyone, make a full shot, the passage is behind it, if we don't defeat it, we will never get out!"

A dwarf roared, and Yin Qi gushed out of his arm, condensed into a huge ghost hand, and violently blasted towards the crow.

Jiang Shang's gaze was fixed, and he turned out to be a foreigner from the Ghost Hand Clan!
The remaining four powerhouses also stopped holding back one after another, took out their strongest means, and blasted towards the crow. Immediately, the spiritual energy, the power of Tao, and the magic weapons danced together, setting off a terrifying wave. The momentum is turbulent.

After all, the five of them are all at the late stage of Jindan, even if they are facing the strong in the soul altar, they still have the strength to fight!
Rolling's powerful attack violently bombarded the crow, tearing its flesh layer by layer, causing it to scream in pain.

The all-out attack of the late-stage powerhouses of the five golden cores made it pay a very heavy price!It has been attacked by such tyrannical attacks several times in a row. If it weren't for the physical terror to a certain extent, it might have died in the hands of these enemies.

And at this moment, a strong foreigner with gray wings on his back, who seemed to be from the gray feather clan, flashed his eyes and shouted in the direction of Jiang Shang: "Friend, come out!"

"Discovered?" Jiang Shang's eyes were suddenly surprised. He was obviously surprised that he was discovered, but he walked out quickly and said slowly to those people: "You should pay attention to that crow, it seems to have been discovered. It's driving me crazy!"

"Roar!" The moment Jiang Shang spoke, the crow roared crazily, becoming completely berserk.

The terrifying breath of death trembled violently, and even enveloped the entire hall. Countless breaths of death began to rise, and emitted bursts of terrifying and powerful black energy, violently killing everyone, putting them in a dangerous situation!

"This friend, let's attack with all our strength. The exit of the maze is right behind this beast!" The gray-feathered strongman shouted, and a gust of wind was blown out from his back wings, containing terrifying storm power, and violently killed the crow.

Jiang Shang glanced behind the crow, and there was a shining teleportation array, which might really be the exit of the maze.

"Kill!" Seeing this scene, he no longer hesitated, the sword light in his body roared out, sputtering out huge power, overwhelmingly condensed into a sea of ​​swords, rolling down towards the crow, still roaring in his mouth: "Sword Haizhen, kill me!"

For a time, the power and influence were extremely astonishing!

(End of this chapter)

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