Chapter 135: Earth Tier Formation Disk!
"I know where Senior Duan Tiande is." At this moment, a weak voice suddenly sounded from the side, and a man in a sun-patterned black robe slowly walked towards them: "Sun Moon Lake, Bai Xin, I met my friends."

"Sun Moon Lake? Sun Moon Lake in Lin County?" Jiang Shang was taken aback when he heard the words, and said in surprise.

Lin County is a state county next to Baizhou County. It also has two top powers. This Sun Moon Lake is one of them. It is basically at the same level as the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect, and it is also a very powerful sect.It's just that people from other counties actually appear here, which makes people a little surprised.

"Bai came to the evil ruins to practice, just in time for this opportunity, so he followed in." Bai Xin nodded and explained slightly.

And at this time, Gu Xinhua who was on the side suddenly said: "You also got poisoned by the octagonal scorpion?"

It turned out that she had been watching the other person's eyes. She found that although Bai Xin's breath was not very sluggish, there were also black lines in his eyes. One could tell at a glance that he had been poisoned by the octagonal scorpion's voodoo, but he seemed to have some restraint. Law, so it doesn't seem so obvious on the surface.

"That's right!" Bai Xin didn't hide anything, and said straight to Jiang Shang: "I want to ask Brother Jiang to make another move to help me suppress the voodoo in my body. I am willing to join hands with you to kill Black Witch Sect Jin Zheye!"

"But what can you do with your cultivation base?" A hoarse voice sounded, and the old hag said flatly, "Although you are a disciple of the top sect, your cultivation base is only at the early stage of Golden Core. Even if you join We seem to be of no use, but rather a burden."

"And!" the old hag said again: "And even if he helps you suppress the voodoo, you can't use your spiritual energy to join the battle, otherwise, you will still be backlashed by the voodoo."

This is an extremely realistic question, and the old hag directly raised it!
"Senior, please take a look at this." Bai Xin was not angry, and took out a disc with a smile, and put it in front of everyone.

The disk was about the size of a fist, and the protruding part in the middle had a crystal blue light, like the sea, with rippling blue waves, full of the vastness of the water system, which made everyone present couldn't help but focus their eyes slightly.

"Sun Moon Lake's earth-level formation disk?" The old hag suddenly asked in surprise.

Sun Moon Lake is very good at formations, and can also engrave formations into formation plates. Its power is very good, and it is loved by many practitioners. It is even famous in several states and counties around it, so she will not be unfamiliar with this thing.

No wonder he has the confidence to join forces, it turns out that he has such support in his hands, these disciples of the big sect are really fat and oily, and they are the treasures of this place if they are casually shot, he is a little ashamed of this soul altar.

"Senior is very knowledgeable!" Bai Xin smiled slightly and said with confidence: "This is an eighth-level formation disk, and the Bibo Qingyu formation is recorded in it, even if the soul altar powerhouse is involved, it will be subject to certain punishment Threat, so if I am willing to take it out, I wonder if senior will let me join?"

"Are you really willing to take out such treasures? Are you not afraid that we will be swept away by you?" Jiang Shang suddenly interjected.

Bai Xin's eyes flickered slightly, and he pretended to be free and easy and said: "I believe that with your character, you will definitely not do something that is shameless for a mere array."

"Let me help you suppress voodoo first." Jiang Shang curled his lips and said with a strange smile.

No character, no principle is false, if you really want to snatch his treasures, you may give up for mere words, the world of cultivators will always be cruel.

He then helped Bai Xin to suppress the voodoo. I have to say that the opponent's strength is quite good, even stronger than Gu Xinhua. He basically didn't have to make any effort, just assisting from the side, the opponent's aura suppressed the voodoo in his body , is worthy of being a disciple of Sun Moon Lake, and presumably he is also a person with peerless talent.

There are still many people in the square who have been poisoned by the black witch sect's voodoo. They look at Bai Xin enviously. Of course they also want to suppress the voodoo, but Jiang Shang has no reason to help them.

He is not a saint, there is no reason to help others for free.

"Brother Bai, please lead the way, take us to find Duan Tiande." After finishing the suppression, Jiang Shang said quietly.

Bai Xin nodded, and said to everyone: "You guys, please come with me."

Following them, they left the square and walked into a long passage again. There were many secret rooms inside. Duan Tiande should be hiding in them. If he wasn't led by someone, it would be difficult to find him quickly.

But Bai Xin knew where he was, so there was no problem.

After a few hours.

"Have you seen that statue? There is an inner hall inside that statue. Senior Duan Tiande should still be inside." Bai Xin walked to a hideous statue, reached out to touch it and disappeared miraculously, Jiang Shang and others followed closely Then followed in.

I saw that in a square hall, there were countless dark blood-colored clouds and mist, blocking the line of sight and containing an astonishing murderous aura. This seemed to be a powerful formation.

"It's Duan Tiande's blood mist killing formation, he should be hiding in the formation." The old hag said slowly.

"The blood mist killing formation has such a cold killing atmosphere." After Jiang Shang muttered, he sent a voice transmission to the formation: "Senior is me, Jiang Shang."

A familiar feeling came, and a voice sounded in his head: "You help me protect the law, I need a month!"

Duan Tiande, Duan Tiande's voice.

"One month?" Jiang Shang frowned slightly, but turned around and said, "He said it would take a month, and he asked us to help protect him."

"Then wait here, find someone to go out to watch the movement, and go find out where the people of the Black Witch Sect are by the way." The old hag didn't mind hearing the words. It will pass quickly, so it doesn't matter if you wait.

It's just that the candidate for this investigation is a bit embarrassing.

Hei Ying, Gu Xinhua, and Bai Xin are all poisoned by voodoo, and there is no way to use their auras rashly, so as not to cause the voodoo to backfire, but if this is the case, should Jiang Shang go to investigate?
"My lord, leave this task to me. The situation outside is not too bad. There should be no danger." At this moment, Black Eagle volunteered.

Jiang Shang nodded when he heard the words, and took out a bunch of sword qi and profound mines: "You can take these profound mines, their power can overlap, and they should be enough to protect you."

There are still about thirty or forty sword qi and profound thunders. Although the power of a single one is not enough, its power can be superimposed, so if they all explode, they should be able to threaten the strong late Jindan. This kind of power is almost enough , Enough to deter those young people.

(End of this chapter)

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