Chapter 1357 Void Royal Family!

Facing the pursuit of the Immortal Emperor of the Nine Heavens True Dragon Clan again, Jiang Shang, whose strength has skyrocketed, naturally chose to fight back brazenly.

A bloody battle broke out, and in the end, Jiang Shang beat this mighty Immortal Emperor until his body manifested. With the supreme blade of the Ancestral Dragon Dagger, he chopped off the dragon's head and died miserably on the spot.

After the battle, Jiang Shang and Hei Ying left quickly, hiding their whereabouts.

However, the news of the death of the immortal emperor of the Nine Heavens True Dragon Clan caused an uproar after it was transmitted back to the Central Heaven Territory.

As a result, the entire Zhongtian Territory fell into chaos, and various forces took advantage of the chaos to act brazenly to get what they wanted.

No one expected that in this heaven, someone would dare to oppose the Nine Heavens True Dragon Clan so boldly, and even slaughtered an Immortal Emperor powerhouse of that clan!
You must know that the most powerful Supreme True Dragon Emperor of the Nine Heavens True Dragon Clan is the leader of the top ten immortal emperors in the heavens, and he deserves to be number one in the heavens!

While the world was in turmoil, the furious Nine Heavens True Dragon Clan members, after a heated debate, finally decided to use taboo techniques to sacrifice to the dead True Dragon Clan Immortal Emperor powerhouse.

Finally, after burning the remnant of the dead Immortal Emperor powerhouse, they learned the identity of the murderer, and they were furious.

"Jiang Shang?! How unreasonable! This damn human child, actually..."

An old monster from the True Dragon Clan jumped into a rage, and then the group of high-ranking old guys issued a kill order, dispatching the three great immortal emperors from the True Dragon Clan to hunt down and kill Jiang Shang, making sure that Jiang Shang died without a place to bury him.

These three immortal emperor-level powerhouses are all old monsters who have been famous for a long time. Each of them is much stronger than Jiang Shang, who has just entered the realm of immortal emperor, far beyond the reach of ordinary immortal emperors.

As soon as the news came out, the already turbulent Zhongtianyu immediately became even more chaotic.

Jiang Shang decisively broke up with Black Eagle and started a journey of escape.

In the pursuit and escape again and again, Jiang still fought and retreated.Facing a real dragon immortal emperor alone, he would choose to fight, and once the opponent reached two people, Jiang Shang would retreat without hesitation.

This journey of escape was long and boring. Jiang Shang fled all the way from the Central Heaven Territory to the South Heaven Territory. After making a circle in the vast South Heaven Territory, he crossed the Central Heaven Territory directly from the South Heaven Territory and arrived at the area of ​​the Northern Heaven Territory. In this way, he traveled to all major regions of the heavens, and the places he passed were all devastated.

However, the imperial clan to which the nine heavenly gates belonged and the ancient royal clans of the major states did not want to be enemies with the nine-day true dragon clan who ruled in the central heaven region, so Jiang Shang was still unable to get rid of the pursuit of the three great immortal emperors of the true dragon clan.

Compared with the theft of the hibiscus tree that shocked the heavens, this hunt has a wider scope and is more tragic.

Finally, ten thousand years later, Jiang Shang fled to the farthest region from the Central Heaven Territory—the end of the Northwest Heaven Territory!

This place is called the ancient Jedi by the people of the Northwest Tianyu, and its name is: Aurora in the Beginning.

When Jiang Shang fled all the way and arrived here, he was already exhausted, and the true spirit in his body had been completely consumed during the halfway battle.

Jiang Shang didn't want to run away, the ten-thousand-year-long road of escape made him tired.When he stopped in the land of aurora in the beginning, the three great immortal emperors of the true dragon clan followed closely behind.

Jiang Shang suddenly looked back, and the will to die emerged in his heart, to fight to the death with the three great immortal emperors of the true dragon clan!
But at this critical moment, a smear of darkness and death swept across the world, and three extremely terrifying dark creatures emerged from the void of the polar region in the beginning. Jiang Shang and others turned their heads and looked at it while they were horrified. Void royal family!
At the Human King Conference in Xuanyuan Great World, Jiang Shang had collided with the Void Beast Horn in amazement, and he is still deeply impressed by the aura of the Void Clan.

It is said that the royal family of the Void used real dragons as their food in ancient times, and they were hunted down by the Nine Heavens True Dragon Clan in the end, and they were on the verge of extinction. However, they did not expect that there was a terrifying existence at the level of the three-headed immortal emperor hidden in this polar region.

Especially when one of them focused on Jiang Shang, suddenly showed a sincere smile, and said excitedly: "Jiang Shang, it really is you!"

Before the words were finished, the faces of the three great true dragon clan immortal emperors changed on the spot, and each of them turned extremely ugly.

Suddenly, Jiang Shang felt the familiar aura, and immediately smiled.The member of the Void Royal Family who spoke was the Void Beast who had fought against him back then!
In the end, Jiang Shang cooperated with the three great void royal families to kill the three great true dragon clan immortal emperors, and was invited to the boundless void where the void royal families hide.

In the depths of the boundless void, Jiang Shang met the strongest king of the void royal family -- Immortal Emperor Zhankong after being recommended by the void beast!
Repelling all the clansmen including the Void Beast, Immortal Emperor Zhankong didn't pretend to be polite, but explained his intention very directly.

It turned out that the lineage of the Void Royal Family knew Jiang Shang's heaven-defying aptitude and background through the narration of the Void Beast, and was willing to use the solid background accumulated by the Void Royal Family for hundreds of millions of years to assist Jiang Shang to make further progress.

However, as a condition of exchange between the two parties, Jiang Shang must let the royal family of the void completely leave the land of aurora in the beginning, so that they can see the light of day again.

What's more, they must let their natural enemies, the Jiutian True Dragon Clan, give up their pursuit of the Void Royal Family, and give the Void Royal Family a peaceful and peaceful living environment.

Jiang Shang fell silent after listening to Immortal Emperor Zhankong's words.

For the two conditions proposed by Immortal Zhankong, it is difficult to fulfill any one of them, let alone fulfilling two conditions!
However, Jiang Shang, who had pondered for a long time, finally nodded and agreed to these two conditions, because now Jiang Shang has reached the point where he has no choice but to retreat.

However, once he has the powerful background of the Void Royal Family as an assistant, I believe that Jiang Shang will be able to aspire to the peak of the Immortal Emperor in one fell swoop, and then he will have the capital to face head-to-head with the Nine Heavens True Dragon Clan.

Moreover, the Nine Heavens True Dragon Clan has dominated the heavens for a long time and has suppressed many powerful tribes. Once Jiang Shang completely breaks with the Nine Heavens True Dragon Clan, it will be equivalent to having many forces and tribes that can be drawn over.

If these tribes and forces can be united to counter the Nine Heavens True Dragon Clan, it is not impossible.

Not long after, under the watchful eyes of many powerful members of the void royal family, Jiang Shang stepped onto the ancient altar at the end of the boundless void, accepting the baptism and bestowal of the will of the ancestors of the void royal family.

Time is like water, quietly.

In the blink of an eye, ten thousand years have passed. During the ten thousand years, Jiang Shang, who had been baptized by the will of the ancestors of the Void Royal Family, finally showed signs of a breakthrough. Horror thoughts spread through the void, forming a series of invisible terrifying auras. The endless void was torn apart.

The range of mind fluctuations is getting bigger and bigger, Immortal Emperor Zhankong and others who have been paying attention to the changes here from the beginning to the end, can't help but change their faces drastically at this moment, and they are all shocked.

Jiang Shang has been continuously baptized for 1 years, and his will state has reached the sixth-order peak level, and he has become the best in the heavens in one fell swoop!

(End of this chapter)

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