Chapter 1359 Revenge!The final chapter!
The fleeing Celestial Clan and Kunlun Daoist Palace powerhouses were ignored, but the Nine Heavens True Dragon Clan powerhouse who fled was hunted down by the Scarlet-Eyed Immortal Clan, Undead Caifeng Clan and Void Royal Clan.

This extermination operation lasted for 10 years, which can be called protracted.

In the end, the remnants of the Nine Heavens True Dragon Clan were wiped out by the three major tribes. Among the Nine Great Emperor Clans in the Heaven Realm, the Nine Heaven True Dragon Clan in the Central Heaven Region was completely eliminated from the Heaven Realm!

Soon after, the power of the imperial family in charge of the Central Tianyu became the lineage of the Void Royal Family, completely changing the world and taking on a new look.

After Jiang Shang left the customs, he went to Zhongtianyu for a while, and left soon after.

The ancient demon world.

Now Jiang Shang's cultivation has reached the level of the Immortal Emperor, and the realm of will has reached the peak of the sixth level.The strength of the physical body is comparable to that of an imperial weapon, and the supernatural power of the Tomb Slayer Demon God Hand has also reached the most terrifying stage of perfection.

It can be said that Jiang Shang in this state is no weaker than the Supreme True Dragon Emperor who was ranked first among the top ten immortal emperors in the heaven!

With this level of cultivation, Jiang Shang felt that he already had enough background and strength, and was qualified to touch the grievances of the Demon Ancestor, so he returned to the ancient Demon Realm alone, and came to the Bone Sea Emperor Palace.

Seeing Jiang Shang again, the Bone Demon King was extremely shocked by Jiang Shang's rapid progress.

The Bone Demon Lord couldn't help testing Jiang Shang's strength, he was so shocked that he couldn't answer for a long time, and couldn't calm down for a long time.

Then the Bone Demon Lord revealed everything that had been investigated over the years, and all the clues pointed to the Wanmo Emperor in the end.

These clues are enough to show that the Great Demon Emperor is likely to be the murderer who caused the death of the Demon Ancestor in the first place—Zone!
After listening to Bone Demon Lord's analysis, Jiang Shang let out a long sigh, and then said in a deep voice: "If that's the case, then I'll go to the Ten Thousand Demon Dynasty!"

Under the rule of the Ten Thousand Devils Dynasty, each of the eight great devil emperors sits in one side.The Myriad Demon Emperor sits on the Myriad Demon Dynasty and holds the life and death power of hundreds of millions of demon cultivators.

Among the eight great devil emperors including Bone Demon Lord, the two ancient devil emperors ranked sixth and eighth are the right-hand men of the Wanmo Emperor, and they are also the most loyal lackeys under the command of the Wanmo Emperor.

Jiang Shang appeared so blatantly, and came straight to the Wanmo Dynasty, so he was the first to alarm the two ancient devil emperors.

The two demon emperors were so arrogant that they joined forces to attack Jiang Shang regardless of their reputation.

Now, Jiang Shang, whose cultivation base can be called terrifying, will naturally not be afraid. A big battle has just begun, and the sky is dim, and the sun and the moon are dark.

Under the joint siege of the two great devil emperors, Jiang Shang did not lose the wind in the slightest, and his bone supernatural powers were rampant and invincible.

A streak of divine light piercing the sky and flying in the sky, containing unparalleled killing power, it can be called horrific.In such a scene, even if the Bone Demon Lord took action himself, it might not be possible to do it.

But he said that not long ago, Jiang Shang did not listen to anyone's dissuasion, and went to the Ten Thousand Demon Dynasty alone. No matter what he said, the Bone Demon Lord felt uneasy, so he quietly followed.

Before he approached the place of the great battle, the earth-shattering siege came to an end.

With super terrifying supernatural powers, Jiang Shang severely injured the two demon emperors, leaving them powerless to fight.

Now, the Ten Thousand Demons Palace of the Ten Thousand Demons Dynasty is right in front of them, Jiang Shang said with a sneer, "Don't do that mantis' arm. If you don't want to die, get lost!"

Endless mountains, rivers, and palaces collapsed and destroyed, and terror swept across hundreds of millions of miles of land, and people were devastated.

But at this moment, an extremely indifferent voice came: "I heard that you are a disciple under the Bone Seat, but you came here to make trouble, why?"

The voice was still floating in the air, and a burly figure wearing a black gold robe appeared, as if he had stood in the air for thousands of years, exuding an ancient and strange aura.

The Great Demon Emperor, the ruler of the Ten Thousand Demon Dynasty in the Primordial Demon Realm, possesses mighty demonic power!

Jiang Shang was too lazy to talk nonsense, and took the initiative to put away the bones of the gods, and the lights of gods and demons shot up into the sky, and the billowing waves swept across the world.

I saw him staring at the Great Demon Emperor, all kinds of visions evolved from the aura of gods and demons around him, and he shouted: "I just want to ask, why did the ancestor of the demon who ruled the heavens fall?!"

The Emperor Wanmo's eyes were still indifferent, like a pool of stagnant water without any waves.Glancing at Jiang Shang, he said calmly, "Of course it was the emperor who killed him."

Jiang Shangwen's eyes froze, and he said solemnly: "Okay, very good! If you admit it, then die for me!"

A simple sentence from the Great Demon Emperor undoubtedly revealed his identity. He was the one who killed the ancestor of the Demon.
Jiang Shang made an attack, and the Great Demon Emperor would not stand up and be beaten. Even though his cultivation was unfathomable, Jiang Shang was a terrifying existence comparable to the Supreme True Dragon Emperor, and he was not allowed to be underestimated.

Once the two sides fought against each other, Jiang Shang was utterly astonished.

The strength of the Wanmo Emperor far exceeded the level of the Supreme True Dragon Emperor, and Jiang Shang was shocked by the terrifying power emanating from his gestures.

But the Bone Demon Lord, who couldn't help showing up and wanted to help Jiang Shang, was stunned in the same place: "He, he has already touched that level..."

Above the immortal emperor and the devil emperor, there is another supreme realm: mythology!
Now the strength of the Great Demon Emperor is far beyond the peak of the Demon Emperor, but he has not completely reached the mythical realm, but a half-step mythological level, but no matter what, he has touched the legendary realm and is already invincible!

Jiang Shang saw the gap between them, and also realized that this gap cannot be made up by relying on the power of supernatural powers.However, Jiang Shang was unwilling to give up.

Under the dangerous situation where the opponent pressed every step of the way, but he had no power to fight back, Jiang Shang managed to barely block the opponent's terrifying divine power with his body and avatar as two enemies and one enemy.

But the opponent is half a mythical level after all, and with these alone, it is still unstoppable.

At the moment of desperation, Jiang Shang was about to be killed by the opponent on the spot, Jiang Shang used the bone god pattern to fuse the most perfect transformation of the tomb-suppressing demon god's hand - the tomb-suppressing sky, and successfully broke through the realm of his will to the seventh level!
The hand of the tomb-suppressing god and demon descended suddenly, ruining the world!
Under the blessing of the seventh-level will, the power of the tomb-suppressing god and demon hand was exerted to the extreme.

The seventh-level will is the height that can only be achieved by the strong in the legendary mythical realm.But the current Myriad Demon Emperor is only a half-step myth after all, touching the edge of the mythical realm.

Therefore, this blow, the Great Demon Emperor could not bear it at all!

With the battlefield as the center, the horrific turmoil sweeping in all directions, and the surrounding mountains, rivers, palaces and pavilions for millions of miles, all turned into fly ash and disappeared in smoke!
The Great Demon Emperor was buried in the ravages of void energy, and Jiang Shang finally fulfilled his long-cherished wish to avenge the Demon Ancestor.

Jiang Shang, who no longer had any burdens, found a quiet place after staying away from the ancient demon world, retreated for millions of years, stabilized the realm of will at the seventh level, and raised his cultivation to the peak of the half-step myth.

Finally, on the day he left the customs, the mythical catastrophe ushered in. Jiang Shang broke through the shackles with the most terrifying supernatural powers in the world, successfully passed the mythical catastrophe, and flew away...

(End of this chapter)

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