Chapter 137 Fight!
Inside a boxy, spiral-shaped vast hall.

Jin Zheye sat on a high place in the Spiral Hall, breathing in and out evenly, and his aura seemed to be a little different from a month ago.And at this moment, the octagonal scorpion entrenched in his heart suddenly moved, as if sending some message?
"En..." Jin Zheye opened his eyes, looked at the ghostly Jiang An and the others in pitch-black robes not far away, and said in a rather cold tone: "Someone came to the door."

Jiang An and the others opened their eyes, and an old man with an abnormally large head asked with some doubts: "Xiao Ye, why did someone come to the door?"

"I have left my voodoo in the surrounding passage area. As long as someone approaches this area, I will know immediately. Someone has already rushed towards this area, and it seems that the person who came is not good." Although Jin Zheye said This said, but he didn't seem to be in a panic, and there was still a sneer in his eyes, as if he was extremely disdainful.

But it's right to think about it, with the strength of their combination, who are they afraid of in the Dragon Palace?

"It should be because of the poison of the aniseed scorpion. Xiao Ye, you have planted voodoo on many people. Those old guys probably can't sit still after seeing them." Another thin old man sneered.

Jin Zheye smiled irrefutably, and respectfully said to Jiang An: "I will trouble Elder Jiang An to take action in a while, those people dare to challenge the majesty of our Black Witch Sect, we must let them know You have to know how great it is.”

Jiang An is already a strong person in the double soul altar, so he is naturally one of the most powerful people in the Dragon Palace. With him, he is naturally safe.

"I know." Jiang An's eyes flickered, and he said slowly.

In fact, he hated Jin Zheye's attitude very much, but the other party had a great background, even Jiang An couldn't offend him.


The octagonal scorpion in Jin Zheye's heart sent another trembling reminder.

"There seem to be three people, all of whom are very powerful." Jin Zheye grinned grinningly and said, "I just don't know who they are, but counting the time, they should be here soon. Let's get ready and welcome the guests!"

"You can't let them get out alive!" The thin old man smiled coldly.

While they were talking, three flashing lights appeared, and Jiang Shang and others came to the hall.

"Welcome, all guests." Jin Zheye looked at the other party with a grin, with murderous intent in his eyes: "This is the place of our Black Witch Sect. What do you three want to do here?"

"You are Jin Zheye?" Jiang Shang stared at him, and suddenly said with a sneer: "What a disgusting guy, neither human nor ghost."

It turned out that Jin Zheye was the only one among the other four who was exposed to the witch worm. The disgusting feeling of the witch worm sticking to his body was really disgusting, neither human nor ghost, that's why he said these words .

"Neither human nor ghost?" Jin Zheye's eyes suddenly changed, looking at Jiang Shang gloomily, "Very good, very good, I will make you regret what you said just now."

"What's the nonsense, let's go to war, Jiang An, I know that you have broken through the double soul altar, so let you try your strength." Duan Tiande directly interrupted the other party's words, and rushed towards Jiang An ferociously.

The powerful killing spirit emerged, and Jiang An couldn't help but change his expression: "Double Soul Altar? Be careful!"


Just when he realized something was wrong and spoke to remind others, the old hag had already thrown out the formation disk, and a huge force of the water system gushed out, forming a blue formation that pulled the enemy's two soul altars together. After entering, the whole scene immediately became turbulent.

"Get over here!"

Seeing this, Jiang Shang immediately stopped hesitating and released Jiang Guang's condensed palm into a huge palm, apparently wanting to capture Jin Zheye.

Generally speaking, they are still at a disadvantage here, so he must take Jin Zheye away first, so as to take the upper hand, otherwise it will be very difficult for them to do anything if the strong opponent escapes.

"Duan Tiande, get out!" Jiang An immediately wanted to kill Jiang Shang, and the powerful witch energy in his body turned around, like a demon god, amazingly powerful.

But Duan Tiande is very obvious that he will not let him succeed, I saw him pulling out a blood-red knife, the blade condensed an amazing aura, the murderous aura was as thick as blood, he slashed towards Jiang An brazenly, and immediately blocked his rush to help , The two fell into a fierce battle.

Both of them are new to the second level soul altar, but it seems that Duan Tiande is stronger, presumably they have some powerful background.

Look at the other side of the battlefield.Jin Zheye looked at the giant sword-like palm that struck him, but he didn't show any panic at all. Instead, his eyes were cold and ferocious, revealing murderous intent. A fierce aura erupted from his body, and a powerful voodoo power immediately filled the air. Jiang Shang couldn't help but change his face slightly.

'Snapped! ' With a bang, the giant sword light palm shattered, the aftermath began to spread everywhere, and the battle situation became confusing.

This genius from the headquarters of the Black Witch Sect seems to have extremely astonishing strength.

"Early stage of Jindan? It's interesting." Jiang Shang's eyes flashed solemnly, but they were more meaningful, obviously he was hooked.

At the early stage of Jindan, this realm that he has crushed countless times finally emerged a genius who can confront him head-on, how can you say this can make him unhappy?Fighting spirit rises!
"Sword light comes out, condense sword skills!"

He immediately released the sword light in his body, a total of nine thousand rays of light covered the sky, and then condensed into a giant mountain sword, and slashed fiercely at Jin Zheye. The power was simply destructive, crushing everything along the way Unconvinced breath.

Although he didn't use the Bone God Rune at the moment, it still seemed to be able to suppress the opponent.

"Wan Jian Jue? A member of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect?" Jin Zheye cursed furiously, knowing that he had met an opponent, so he immediately burst out with the strongest force, and the octagonal scorpion let out an astonishing scream.


A series of invisible silk threads spit out from the teeth of the octagonal scorpion, contaminated with horrific voodoo, first soaked all the surrounding air, and then violently blasted towards Jiang Shang, all in all directions, densely packed, making people tremble .

This Jin Zheye was worthy of being the elite of the headquarters of the Black Witch Sect, and he cultivated one of the three top witches. Even Jiang Shang was a little pale under such a full attack.

Voodoo is pervasive, and the battle situation is critical!
"I'll let you know how powerful it is. The voodoo will soon seep into your body, and then I will use my most powerful force, the Octagonal Scorpion, one of the three top witches in my Black Witch Sect. It will completely kill you. Tear it up, let you understand what the price is for offending me!" Jin Zheye roared proudly.

"The price? You're dreaming!" Jiang Shang's sword light exploded even stronger, and he took out the most powerful power of Wanjianjue, and blasted towards the enemy again.

Although this Jin Zheye was really powerful, he hadn't used the Bone God Rune yet, and his hole cards were still well hidden, so everything was still under his control, and it all depended on when he was going to use his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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