Chapter 155 Interception!

"Boy Jiang!" Duan Tiande couldn't help asking when he saw Jiang Shang break through the barrier, "I said, what are you doing in there, why did you delay for so long!"

"Master Palace Master!" Hei Ying just saluted respectfully and didn't say anything else.

Jiang Shang floated down from the void, came to the side of the two of them, and then said apologetically: "Some accidents happened temporarily, so it took a little longer, sorry, sorry."

It turned out that when he washed his body with dragon blood, he happened to enter a mysterious state, which caused his body to start a new round of transformation. Although he failed to activate any physique and blood in the end, it still made him It was a lot of gain, so it was delayed, which is also excusable.

Duan Tiande smiled when he heard the words, and didn't really mind, but said to Jiang Shang: "I have a surprise for you!"

As soon as the words fell, he looked at Hei Ying, who immediately understood, and said mysteriously to Jiang Shang: "My lord, look into my eyes!"

"What?" Jiang Shang looked suspiciously, and his expression changed immediately, because there was a force of earth, extremely thick and vast, just like the real earth, appearing from the eyes of the black eagle, attacking him with a bang Come on, the power is a bit amazing.

"Broken!" However, his strength has improved greatly anyway, and he circulates his spiritual energy quietly, and the power of the bone god pattern is condensed on his fist.

One punch easily smashed through that force, which made the originally confident Black Eagle immediately show a depressed expression: "As expected of the Palace Master, you are still so powerful!"

"Are you the pupil technique? Wait, let me think about it, it seems, it seems to be the pupil of the thick earth, Black Eagle, what's going on?" Jiang Shang was startled, and the black eagle awakened the pupil technique , he immediately asked suspiciously.

"Do you know these eyes? What grade?" Duan Tiande asked curiously.

As soon as the words fell, he said again: "It should be the power of the dragon's blood that helped him awaken these eyes. I am afraid that among us, he is the one who has gained the most."

Hei Ying immediately said: "It's also thanks to the Palace Master who brought me in, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to awaken."

"This is your own potential, and it has nothing to do with me." Jiang Shang shook his head and began to explain: "The pupil of the thick earth, the full name is the pupil of the vitality of the thick earth, it is a kind of blood of the way of earth, depending on the level , should be a bit stronger than Shuangjue, belonging to the top ninth class."

Due to the complicated situation of constitution and blood, there is no complete classification of grades, but there are vague grades.

For example, the double body belongs to the ninth class, the pupil of the thick earth belongs to the top ninth class, and the triple body belongs to the top sixth class.

Only then did Hei Ying realize his pupil technique, and a look of excitement surged in his heart, and he suddenly knelt down on one knee towards Jiang Shang and said, "My lord, everything that Hei Ying has today is yours. Give it to me, I will always remember this kindness, from now on, my Black Eagle life is yours!"

This is the second time he said such words, the first time was in front of Duan Tiande, but this time, he spoke from the heart in front of Jiang Shang, showing his determination!

"Get up!" Jiang Shang yelled softly, and asked Hei Ying faintly: "Do you still remember what I said to you at the beginning?"

Hei Ying nodded immediately, and a scene appeared in his mind. On that deserted island, Jiang Shang once swore: "Believe me, no matter when in the future, you will not make this decision for you today." , and regret it."

Although he didn't care about it at the beginning, but now he firmly remembers it, because his future has changed!Become more expansive and full of hope!
"Just remember, get up." Jiang Shang smiled slightly, and said to Duan Tiande: "Senior, let you watch a joke, let's go, get out of here."

"Don't call me senior, just call me by my name." Duan Tiande glanced at Jiang Shang, then at Hei Ying who was getting up, and sighed in admiration: "Maybe it won't be long before you two This one has to surpass me, what kind of senior is it, let’s call it by name.”

"That's not necessarily true. Your cultivation is triple soul altar, right?" Jiang Shang shook his head and smiled mysteriously.

Hei Ying was taken aback when he heard the words, and couldn't help but said: "Third level soul altar? Senior Duan, is it true or not?"

"Your eyes are a bit poisonous!" Duan Tiande looked at Jiang Shang in surprise, shook his head in admiration and said, "You all have made such great progress, what if I don't show some results?"

Jiang Shang smiled slightly, and then said to him: "Let's go!"

Duan Tiande nodded, the black eagle was of course meaningless, the three of them flew up into the sky and galloped towards the exit, and this journey about the Dragon Palace finally came to a perfect conclusion, and everyone gained a lot.


Outside the Dragon Palace, above Uta.

There were a few tyrannical auras, and their eyes were fixed on Uta, as if they were waiting for something to appear.

And at this moment, an old man slowly soared into the air, his old eyes were full of obstinacy, his lips were slightly thin, showing a cold color, exuding a powerful aura of cultivation, he turned out to be a strong man of the second level of the soul altar, right now It was the old man Xihe from the Thunder Fire Palace.

From Qi Canghua, he knew the truth about the deaths of the two Shang Jie, so he joined forces with Jiang An and the others to stay here and prepare to kill people!
That's right, killing people!
There are three of them in total, he, Jiang An, and the old man of the Black Witch Sect. He and Jiang An are the second-level soul altar, and the old man of the Black Witch Sect is the first-level soul altar. It is enough to kill a mere junior!

"Boom!" Suddenly there was a loud noise in the sky, and a river appeared strangely in the void above Uta, and the river circled around Uta, which was a scene that Old Man Xihe was very familiar with.Because every time someone appeared, such a strange scene would appear in the sky above Uta, and it was obvious that someone was about to come out again.

Just when their eyes were slightly cold, three figures rushed out of the Wuhe River, it was Jiang Shang, Hei Ying, and Duan Tiande.

"Come on, I'll hold Duan Tiande, you guys go and kill that kid!" But just as they appeared, there was a loud voice in the sky, and it was Jiang An who stepped out of the void, with a terrifying voodoo power gushing out of his body , unscrupulously slaughtered Duan Tiande.

Just like what he said, he wanted to hold Duan Tiande back with his own strength, and then let others kill Jiang Shang.

"Kid, give me your life!" The elder Wu Zong roared, turned into a snow shadow ferociously, and blatantly killed Jiang Shang.His action determined the target for the old man Xihe. He smiled grimly, waved his hand, and a billowing river gushed out, crushing down with great force, and the target pointed directly at Jiang Shang, with astonishing power!

The three of them launched an attack without hesitation, making the whole world dark.

(End of this chapter)

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