Chapter 158 Returning to Sanmu Island

The sea area of ​​Sanmu Island, which has moved in time, is no longer the chaos it was at the beginning. Since Jiang Shang led his people away, the Sanmu old monster has regained his hegemony, and it is more stable than before. Eleven Island is loyal Sincerely convinced, the power is astonishing.

As for Jiang Shang, who used to stir up wind and rain here, he is almost forgotten by people now, because in the land of evil ruins, fighting is a normal thing.

Those who fail are not qualified to be remembered.

But there are still people who remember him, such as the old monster with three eyes, because Jiang Shang snatched the sword of thunder robbery, which made him full of anger.In fact, if it wasn't for the Thunder Tribulation Sword, he wouldn't have started the war so directly.

The purpose is still that he wants to take back the Thunder Tribulation Sword.

But it's too late to say anything now, the other party has long since disappeared, and he can only grit his teeth and suffer this big loss.

But he probably wouldn't have thought that the other party would come back to him!

Over a dark sea.

A floating figure walked with his sword, and it was Jiang Shang who was heading towards Sanmu Island. In order to collect the heavenly magic weapons in his hands, and to settle the original enmity, he came to this remote sea area again, preparing to Find trouble with the three-eyed old monster.

With his current strength, not to mention a mere late Jindan, even a strong person in the first level of the soul altar would have to be suppressed and beaten by him. The once extremely powerful three-eyed old monster could no longer make any waves.

And when he returned to this area, he found out a very interesting thing.

That is the old monster Sanmu, who is growing stronger and stronger, and is planning to take a fox demon as his concubine. Moreover, he has already held a big banquet on Sanmu Island and invited many strong people to congratulate him. It is estimated that the wedding will be soon. .

"Interesting, I caught up." Jiang Shang was a little surprised.

This is obviously an opportunity, as long as you can get in, just find an opportunity to make a move.Anyway, it's just a Jindan late stage, and he can't escape from his palm.

After making some plans in his mind, Jiang Shang pretended a little, and then leisurely headed towards Sanmu Island.It seemed that he had no pressure at all, and the other Thunder Tribulation Sword in the hands of the Sanmu Patriarch seemed to have been regarded by him as something in his pocket.

a day later.

In the sea area near the edge of the evil ruins, Sanmu Eleven Island has a great reputation, one is because they have a lot of gold core experts, and the other is because the three-eyed old monster is very strong, anyway, the reputation is extremely loud.

As for the center of this sea area, there is no doubt that it is the Sanmu Island.

Ascending to the entrance of the island, there is a huge square stone with three big characters of Sanmu Island engraved on it, which is very imposing.

At this time, Jiang Shang had already arrived on the island and was following the flow of people towards the mansion in the center of the island.During the big wedding of the three-eyed old monster, as long as someone is willing to come to congratulate the wedding, and the cultivation level is above the innate level, they can go to the island unconditionally, which is convenient for Jiang Shang.

"All guests are invited here, your accommodation is here." Someone from Sanmu Island is making arrangements.

Since he came to congratulate him, Sanmudao would still arrange a place to stay. After a while, Jiang Shang was arranged to live in one party's house, which looked pretty good.

"It seems that the wedding will be three days later, and I just didn't miss the time, old monster with three eyes, let's see you then!" After murmuring, Jiang Shang started to practice.

Although preparing to make a big fuss about other people's weddings sounds a bit excessive and bullying, but this is a land of evil ruins. Only with big fists can you control the right to speak. No one will blame the strong for half a point. This is the code of conduct in this world !
Who is to say that the opponent is not strong enough, but has a magic weapon of heaven rank?This is self-crime!He deserves it!
So and so, three days later.

The central mansion of Sanmu Island, among the huge palaces, is full of treasure decorations, brilliant and dazzling, with extraordinary momentum.

Looking at the location in the center of the mansion, there is a huge independent palace. A long corridor connects the inside and outside of the palace. It looks very spacious, a few meters higher than other areas, and it is full of atmosphere.

Today is the day of the big wedding, and this place is also the place where the big wedding will be held, so it has been decorated luxuriously, and there are still many people who have arrived, or they are the strong people of Sanmu Island, maybe they invited Strong, of course there are uninvited guys.

Everyone sits according to their strength and status, orderly, without the slightest clutter, only the strong can sit in the shining seats, and the weak can only be crowded together.

At this time, Jiang Shang also came into the crowd. He deliberately disguised his breath, so no one paid attention to him, but his eyes were slightly surprised at the moment, because he found a familiar person on the high platform in front of him. man of.

Yanshan Liu Jue!

In Duan Tiande's mouth, the guy who can rival the soul altar, he has come here, is it an accident, or did he know something?

"This guy..." Jiang Shang's eyes flickered.

The other party also absorbed the existence of dragon blood, and I don't know if he has entered the first-level soul altar now. stubble.

"Boom!" At this moment, the crowd suddenly became noisy, and in the distance of the corridor, a group of figures stepped up. The leader was a crooked old man with a majestic and stern face, with three eyes on his forehead. The old monster of the eye, the strong man of the late Jindan stage.

And beside the three-eyed old monster, is a woman with an extremely hot figure, wearing a long purple dress, with charming eyes, very seductive, and a purple flower crown on her head, which is glamorous and moving.

"What a charming woman, I heard that he is a golden core fox demon, he is really captivating and extremely tender."

"Women of the fox clan have always been beautiful and charming, and extremely hot. The owner of Sanmu Island is really lucky. I am envious of such a beauty, haha..."


Their gazes immediately focused on them, and everyone sighed, the fox women are just different, with hot bodies and enchanting looks, they are simply the best beauties, this three-eyed old monster is blessed.

"Okay, everyone be quiet." At this moment, the old ghost with three eyes laughed and said, his face was full of joy: "Thank you, friends, for coming to congratulate me. I have nothing to say about the old ghost with three eyes. Let's eat and drink whatever we want, and have fun."

Just as he was speaking, dozens of young women walked out of the corridor, each of them with revealing clothes, hot figure, and alluring eyes, walked to the front of the stage, and walked towards the strong man softly.

At this moment, the scene was already heated up, and Jiang Shang was thinking about whether to make a move, but Liu Ye, who was on the high platform in the distance, stood up one step ahead of him, and said to the three-eyed old monster who was enjoying himself: "Three-eyed old monster, there is something I want to ask you something!"

"Damn it." Jiang Shang stared, feeling a little helpless.

Obviously, this Liu Ye knew something.

ps: Four updates tomorrow, please recommend, reward, and collect!
(End of this chapter)

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