Chapter 166 Overbearing Pei Yu!

"What do you mean why am I here?" Li Lingyao in a long purple dress is as beautiful as a lotus out of water. She is so beautiful that she doesn't know where she is. When she heard Jiang Shang's words, her beautiful eyes were depressed and said: "I said Anyway, we are also friends, you bastard, you don’t care about me too much, my family is in Hanging City, and I came back this time to participate in a grand event.”

"Accident, accident..." Jiang Shang could only laugh awkwardly when he heard this.Unexpectedly, she turned out to be from the Hanging City, which really did not occur to him.

But at this time, another man came out. This man was extremely handsome, with sword eyes and star eyebrows, and a sharp sword aura exuded from his body. Even Jiang Shang couldn't help being slightly surprised when he saw him, because this man's Kendo seems to be very powerful.

"Look at that person, isn't that Luo Li from the Li family? This evildoer has come back?"

"I heard that he is the outer sect of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect, and is recognized as one of the five most powerful people. Looking at the younger generation in the entire Hanging City, I am afraid that there are not many people who can compare with him!"

"That's true. I heard that he was able to enter the Golden Core long ago, but he has been suppressing his cultivation. For the sake of the Qianfeng Grand Competition of the Outer Sect of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect, so I estimate that his strength should be terrifying, reaching unfathomable depths. boundary."

"If you put it this way, the entire young generation in Hanging City, except Pei Yu, no one can suppress him?"


The crowd was discussing for a while, but Jiang Shang couldn't help being surprised when he heard those people's discussions: "You are Luo Li?"

Once one of the top five powerhouses of the Outer Sect, Luo Li was ranked fourth, especially when he was still in the Outer Sect, this ranking was widely spread, so he was very impressed, he did not expect it to be him .

"Jiang Shang, right?" Luo Li said with a smile: "This should be the second time we meet, nice to meet you, my name is Luo Li, and I'm Ling Yao's elder brother."

So he is Li Lingyao's brother?No wonder they are so close, it turned out to be the reason.

"Brother?" Jiang Shang was also taken aback, and asked Li Lingyao doubtfully, "He's your brother, shouldn't he also be surnamed Li?"

"What an idiot, listen to me, my brother's name is Li Luoli, Li Luoli, do you understand?" Li Lingyao looked at Jiang Shang speechlessly, his eyes looked a little like an idiot.

"Li, Li Luoli..." Jiang Shang said in a daze, speechless, "Okay, that's fine."

Luo Li looked at them chatting and laughing, as if he didn't mind anything. After Jiang Shang was overwhelmed, he smiled and said: "There is a party here today. If you are interested, do you want to join me?" Shall we go up and see together?"

"Go up? The fifth floor?" Jiang Shang heard the words.

"That's right, it's on the fifth floor." Luo Li explained with a smile: "The Ice Heart Profound Qi Fruit in the Hanging City is about to mature, so we young people have been called back, and there will be a contest after that to compete for the fruit Belonging. As for today’s gathering, it’s just a prelude, I’m afraid it’s going to be very interesting if the disciples of the major forces compete with each other.”

Li Lingyao said directly: "Stop talking so much nonsense, hurry up and go up with us, just to talk to me, you have disappeared for so many years, what are you doing?"

"Since Senior Brother Luo Li invites you so kindly, I'd rather be obedient than respectful." Jiang Shang nodded naturally.

The three talked and laughed and walked towards the fifth floor. The boy naturally didn't dare to stop Jiang Shang, just joking, with two geniuses from the Li family as invitations, he was naturally qualified to enter the fifth floor.


The fifth floor of Pei's Restaurant is an independent space, with a calm and elegant lake, and an exquisite building, which looks very elegant and charming.And just when Jiang Shang and the others came up, he heard a faint sound of playing the piano.

"Is someone playing the qin?" Maybe others can't detect it, but he can clearly feel that the strength of this qin player seems to be extraordinary.

"It's such an elegant piano sound, but why, I feel that this piano sound is unusual!" Li Lingyao seemed to understand some rhythms, frowning to distinguish the charm.

"The player who plays the qin has a mind that embraces the world, and his ambition is not small!" Luo Li squinted his eyes slightly, and stepped out with sudden steps towards the lake, and his voice rang out: "Gongqiu Lan , is that you?"

"Of course it's me, Brother Luo Li. It's been a long time." An elegant, very cold voice came from the building in the lake, and suddenly emerged with the rhythm.

Feeling the powerful aura of the rhythm, Luo Li murmured in surprise: "This guy is so powerful!"

At this moment, Li Lingyao and Jiang Shang chased after him, and the former asked in surprise, "Brother, is the person playing the piano Gong Qiulan?"

"Do you still remember what I said back then? Gong Qiulan of the Gongqiu family, in my eyes, he may be more terrifying than Pei Yu!" Luo Li murmured lightly in response to the question.

And at this time, another extremely domineering aura emerged from the building in the lake, and a light and shadow wearing a long robe stepped out of the void, with a very proud aura in its eyes, condescending towards Luo Li : "Since you're here, why don't you come in."

Although it was just a ray of light and shadow, it was full of domineering temperament, obviously an extraordinary character.

"Pei Yu!" Luo Li raised his head and said indifferently.Although his words were full of indifference, in fact his heart was already serious. Pei Yu, this name represents extraordinary meaning.As far as the current situation is concerned, among the younger generation in Hanging City, Pei Yu is the well-deserved No.1!
Pei Yu looked at Luo Li proudly, his eyes were domineering, but when he turned his eyes to Jiang Shang who was beside Li Lingyao, his eyes turned cold.

"Who are you, stay away from Miss Lingyao!" With a loud shout, his eyes were extremely cold and fierce, and his strength poured down, attacking Jiang Shang with amazing domineering aura!
It turns out that everyone in the Hanging City knows that Pei Yu has admired Li Lingyao for a long time, and completely regards him as his own. Therefore, anyone who dares to approach Li Lingyao will generally end up miserable.

"Pei Yu, what are you doing?" Li Lingyao said angrily.


Immediately, the silver-white sword light roared out, exuding strong water power, condensing into an astonishingly powerful sword sea technique, which directly blasted through Pei Yu's attack, and the aftermath immediately rolled and spread, forming a rolling impact in all directions , the power is extremely astonishing.

Obviously, these years are not in vain, Wan Jianjue has an innate limit, and the first level of the water domain, these are all her achievements over the years!

(End of this chapter)

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