Chapter 175 Pei Yu vs Gong Qiulan

"What did you say? The Gongqiu family still has a hole card?" Luo Li was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. He was obviously taken aback by Jiang Shang's words. Gongqiu Lan is not the strongest in the Gongqiu family, so the opponent's hole card, Who is it?

Jiang Shang nodded slightly, glanced at the area of ​​Gongqiu's house, pointed at Gongqiu Fang vaguely and said, "Did Senior Brother Luo Li see that guy in the gray robe?"

"Grey robe?" Luo Li turned his gaze away, and then said in surprise, "Gongqiu Fang? Brother Jiang? You say he is the trump card of the Gongqiu family?"

"It's just my feeling." Jiang Shang nodded, and said calmly: "Anyway, in my feeling, he gives me the feeling that he is stronger than that Gong Qiulan. You should know that we For practitioners, the feeling is often very accurate."

Luo Li nodded slightly, his eyes became serious.

If things were as Jiang Shang said, Gongqiu Fang was the opponent's hole card, then things might be a little troublesome.

Because Gong Qiulan took the lead, if he survives two rounds, he will definitely have a great advantage. Putting another hole card at the end will undoubtedly be as stable as Mount Tai. If he wants to compete with them again, it will be a very difficult thing.

Therefore, for Gong Qiulan who is appearing now, someone must defeat him, because only in this way can the plans of the Gongqiu family be destroyed and prevent them from taking the lead.

But now there is a problem, that is, this task can only be handed over to the Pei family, because the next place to play is theirs, and Pei Yu must do it himself, otherwise others may not be able to defeat Gong Qiulan.However, as Pei Yu, the trump card of the Pei family, would he play so early?

Luo Li's forehead ached slightly, and he felt that things were out of control.

While talking below them, Pei Qingzhou and Gong Qiulan on the ring, the two of them have started fighting fiercely.

Gong Qiulan's weapon is a three-xuan dumuqin, he was sitting gracefully, playing the qin on the ring, and then issued fierce notes, golden horses and iron horses, mountains and rivers shattered, the notes seemed to contain amazing The power is constantly swaying towards Pei Qingzhou, making him almost defenseless.

This is obviously an unequal battle, and Gongsun Lan's strength is far stronger than Pei Qingzhou's.

"Gong Qiulan, your way of sound waves has reached the peak of the second level domain?" Pei Qingzhou said solemnly while resisting the opponent's attack.

The opponent's Dao power completely surpassed his level. Obviously, he had no hope of winning this battle.

"Admit defeat!" Gong Qiulan said flatly while playing the piano, and the sound waves continued to blast out.Although he doesn't have a strong talent, but the realm of Tao is very amazing. With the realm of Tao in the double domain, he is indeed qualified, and he is superior to most of his peers.

Pei Qingzhou was taken aback when he heard the words, and he looked a little hesitant. He was still a little unwilling to admit defeat in this kind of competition.

"Qingzhou, admit defeat." But at this moment, Pei Yu from the Pei family's area had already said loudly and slowly: "You have already won one game, and you have made meritorious service for our Pei family. The rest is up to you." Give it to us."

Upon hearing this, Pei Qingzhou nodded, no longer hesitated, and began to admit defeat: "I admit defeat!"

"One member of the Pei family is disqualified!" Pei Xiao, the strong member of the Pei family, said lightly, "The winner can choose to recover or continue to fight. The next battle will be sent by the Pei family!"

"Continue to fight!" Gong Qiulan smiled and said calmly.

"That's good!" Pei Xiao nodded, glanced at Pei Yu of the Pei family, and said lightly to Pei Yu: "Pei Yu, it's time for our Pei family to fight, who do you send to fight?"

"I'll come in person!" Pei Yu lifted his feet without hesitation, and flew to the ring with a high attitude, only to see the light under his feet flickering slightly, and the domineering aura was undoubtedly revealed. Chaogong Qiulan sneered proudly: I know what your plan is, but I still came up in person, and I will let you realize one thing, that is, any conspiracy is false and vulnerable in the face of absolute strength!"

"Gongqiulan, just wait to be defeated by me!" Pei Yu's eyes were full of pride, a domineering aura emerged spontaneously, and he pressed towards Gongqiulan, which was amazing.

At this moment, Gong Qiulan also had a strange expression, because he didn't expect that Pei Yu would actually make a move, which made his previous plan come to nothing immediately.After all, if he can't win two victories, no matter what, it will be a loss.

But the matter has come to this point, there is no other way, so just fight with all your strength.

"Don't talk big, the piano sounds five fold waves!" Gong Qiulan yelled loudly, turning his hands like butterflies, dancing lightly, plucking the strings, and the power of the sound waves suddenly surged and turned into five layers of waves, which is astonishing They roared towards Pei Yu, setting off a strong shock wave.

"Hmph!" Pei Yu's face suddenly changed. Although his strength was very strong, he did not dare to take it lightly in the face of Gong Qiulan's attack. On his fist, facing forward, he punched loudly: "Baquan Wushuang, for me the strongest!"

This is obviously a very powerful punch. Not only is it surrounded by a domineering aura, but it also has the power of Shuangju hovering in it, which made many people look surprised.

"The first level of the Tao of Shuangjue, this Pei Yu is so powerful!" Someone murmured in shock.

"Damn it!" Gong Qiulan yelled, showing a dignified expression, and then flicked his hands, the strings of the qin suddenly trembled violently, like a surging tide, a new force was stirred up, and he slammed towards the opponent violently. .

"Boom!" And at this moment, there was a violent bang, and the strong sound waves dispersed immediately.

It turned out that it was Pei Yu's domineering punch, which had already defeated the initial wave, and without the slightest attenuation, he rushed towards Gong Qiulan, causing the latter to show a little panic, and hurriedly moved Qin Xuan. , and built a new defense, and finally blocked the punch.

"Gongqiulan, if you only have this level of strength, you'd better get out of here, so as not to embarrass yourself, and make people laugh!" Pei Yu mocked proudly.

"Don't be too happy!" Gong Qiulan replied coldly with a gloomy face, and then his breath suddenly changed, suddenly becoming stronger: "If you have the ability, you will take my strongest blow, and I will I want to see how good you are!"

His aura is still rising, and finally reached a limit height, which is the peak level of the double domain.

The power of his Tao has completely boiled.

"Hmph, let the horse come here!" Pei Yu sneered, his eyes full of arrogance and domineering, he is full of confidence in himself, so no matter what the strongest blow is, let me let the horse come back!
(End of this chapter)

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