Chapter 187 Meeting of wind and cloud, the strong gather!
"Who is coming?" The flame speeding car passed through the sky and landed on the inner circle of the Tianwu Terrace. Immediately, a few powerful people, with layers of mysterious sword lights under their feet, came to the flame speeding car and asked.

They are all strong men from Neizong, they may be disciples of Neizong, or they may be elders of Neizong, anyway, each has amazing strength.

Heng Zizhou immediately moved forward, and said to the visitor, "We are members of the Baicao Peak of the Outer Sect, and these two are disciples of our peak."

"Baicao Peak?" The eyes of the inner sect powerhouse moved slightly, his eyes swept over Jiang Shang and Zhou Zihan, and then his tone suddenly slowed down a bit: "The contestants go to the infield to prepare. As for you, follow the According to the rules, it is not allowed to enter the infield.”

"Of course, we know." Heng Zizhou nodded, turned around slowly, stared at Jiang Shang and the two, and said, "I'll leave it to you, come on!"

Nuo Yan also couldn't help but said: "Fight with all your strength, don't let us down!"

"Yes!" Zhou Zihan clenched his fist slightly and said in a calm voice.

Jiang Shangze paused for a moment, and then showed a smile: "Lord Peak Master, master, don't worry, we will do our best and will not let you down!"

"Go!" Heng Zizhou nodded slowly, turned around and stepped on the flame speeding car with Nuoyan, heading towards the periphery of Tianwutai.According to the rules of the Qianfeng Grand Competition, they are not eligible to enter the inner field, so they can only go to the outer field to watch, just as well, they can also join the disciples in the peak.

"You two come with me!" Another Neizong expert said to Jiang Shang and the others.

Jiang Shang and the two immediately followed the man, and entered a very wide square, where many disciples from foreign sects had already gathered, and they seemed to be contestants from all major peaks, and everyone had a strong and powerful aura , which made Zhou Zihan slightly uncomfortable.

He has no way to compare with Jiang Shang, the strength here is too much, which makes him really uncomfortable.

And when they entered the square, there were many sharp eyes that swept towards them one after another immediately, and then revealed solemn expressions.

"It's that person, Jiang Shang!" Many people recognized Jiang Shang's identity through his appearance, but no one cared about Zhou Zihan beside him.

"It's really him. I heard that he disappeared for more than ten years. I don't know how amazing he has grown." Many people showed serious expressions on their faces. They were obviously very afraid of Jiang Shang. It is understandable that as one of the only three double-exclusive bodies in the Outer Sect, can they not feel afraid in their hearts?

And when they were watching Jiang Shang, Jiang Shang was looking at them with interest.

It is indeed the top-level event of the Outer Sect. The disciples who came to participate in the competition are all very good. They have basically reached the innate limit level. The lowest power of Tao is also the limit of acquired perfection. Pei Qingzhou in the Hanging City is first-rate.

He even saw a few acquaintances, Yan Wu, one of the top ten rising stars, Dongmen Bin, Luo Hang and so on.

Luo Li, Li Lingyao and others also arrived, as well as Tantai Feiyu back then, and a few obviously powerful people, all of whom had arrived in the square, which made Jiang Shang slightly excited.

After all, if the opponent is too bad, he will be very uninterested.


And at this moment, a shadow like a breeze stepped out of the void, as if there was something to attract attention, but Luo Li and other top powerhouses all froze in unison, and spit out a name with serious eyes : "Ghost owl."

One of the two overlords of the Outer Sect, a peerless genius with a double body, is this person Ghost Xiao?

"He's Gui Xiao, he seems to be interesting." Jiang Shang narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a rare dignified expression, and murmured involuntarily.

He actually felt a slight sense of danger from the other party's body, which surprised him, because even if they were both of the same body, or the heart of Bai Snake, Pei Yu and Yuan Snake did not give him this. This kind of feeling, obviously this ghost owl is more powerful!
"Boom..." And at this moment, another powerful aura proudly appeared in the void.

I saw a man in golden armor, stepping on the sword light void to reward the square, he looked very majestic, his lips were slightly thin, showing a proud and domineering look.Compared with the former ghost owl, this person is even more arrogant and domineering, more sharp-edged, absolutely extraordinary.

"It's Jin Long, he's here too." Someone said with flickering eyes, revealing the identity of the person who came.

This man in golden armor is obviously Jin Long, one of the other overlords of the Outer Sect.

"Ghost Xiao, Jin Long, and the two overlords of the Outer Sect, it seems that they didn't get it randomly!" After seeing Jin Long again, Jiang Shang couldn't help sighing, these two people are indeed not extraordinary.

The former is like a gust of breeze, hidden too deeply, even he can't see through it, while the latter is completely exposed, without any cover, allowing him to see clearly.The power of this Jin Long's twin powers has all reached the level of the double domain, which made him unable to bear the shock.

His current three absolute powers are only at the level of one domain. If he doesn't reveal his hole cards, he won't be the opponent of the opponent. Do you think this can make him not surprised?
It seems that this time Qianfeng Grand Competition, he has to reveal some of his trump cards!

But at this time, there was another violent tremor in the void, followed by the intense brilliance, and seven or eight figures, either simple, tyrannical, indifferent, or sharp, appeared above the void, shocking everyone A look of shock was revealed.

Powerful and strong, all powerful and strong!
"Greetings, Lord Suzerain, and all elders!" A high-ranking person recognized their identities and immediately saluted them respectfully.

Immediately, nearly 10 people reacted in a daze. It turned out that the suzerain had arrived in person, and there were so many elders following them.

The strong vibrating sound broke through the sky, making those powerful beings smile. I saw an old man in a green shirt stepping out slightly, and said indifferently with an extraordinary temperament: "Be quiet!"

He is the suzerain of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect, Che Xuantian whose cultivation has reached the peak of the second-level Zhoutian. Although he does not have any bloodline physique, his talent is still very powerful. He has two sword vortices in his body. The power of Tao has reached an astonishing level. It is estimated that there are very few people below the triple Zhoutian who can compare with him!

And this kind of powerful person can actually appear on the stage in person today, which naturally made everyone excited and emotional, never expected.

As for the other powerhouses, they are all powerful figures, such as Luomen Patriarch of Haoran Peak, Ming Feng Patriarch who helped Jiang Shang, Tie Granny Patriarch of Chengxia Peak, and Neizong's Patriarch Luomen. Patriarch Zheng Wuyou, Patriarch Feng Xiao and so on.

They are all strong men in the first stage of Zhoutian, and their cultivation base strength is weaker than that of Che Xuantian.

(End of this chapter)

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