Great Demon

Chapter 20 Invitation to Battle

Chapter 20 Invitation to Battle

"Le Xiantian, my hands are a little tight recently, so I want to borrow some Yuanye to spend? Just bet a hundred drops of Yuanye, do you dare to agree?"

"Is there anything you dare not agree to? If an idiot gives me Yuanye, of course I can't ask for it."

Provocative sounds came from each of the two VIP rooms.

I saw a crooked old man in a red robe and a middle-aged man holding a sword entering the hall, their eyes were full of naked murderous intent.

"I am the disciple of Le Xiantian, a disciple of Mr. Le Xiantian, and the immortal will be perfect after practicing Qi."

"I am the guard of Young Master Yue, and the immortal will be consummated after practicing Qi."

The two reported their identities at the same time, and the crystals on both sides of the ring shone brightly, and a huge magic circle was set up, completely enveloping the two of them.

"Junior, die!"

The crooked old man in the red robe took the lead with grim eyebrows, and released a fiery red gourd, which sprayed out large swathes of lava fire.


The expression of the middle-aged man with the sword changed, but he still forced himself to calm down, and charged out quickly with the sword.

call out!
A sword cold light!

"This old man actually possesses a human-level high-grade magic weapon. The middle-aged man with the sword will definitely lose!" Jiang Shang observed the battle situation silently, and then said to himself in his heart.

And the result was not as he expected, the crooked old man in red robe suppressed the whole battle situation, and then won the victory. He belonged to Le Xiantian's sect, another 'Mr. Yue', naturally his expression was extremely ugly.

This is a hundred drops of primordial liquid, even he is hurting his muscles and bones, and he proposed it himself, which is simply embarrassing and embarrassing.

But this bet still has to be paid.

"Yue Laosan, thank you for your primordial liquid, haha..." Le Xiantian laughed wildly triumphantly.

On the other side, Young Master Yue's expression was extremely ugly.


"These two are natural enemies. They have been fighting until now, and they want to step on each other, but no one can really do it. It's just the two of them who are arrogant for a while!" Bei Xun Qianzhou said with a smile. Both of them are from big clans, but they don't know why, they always have to fight to the death, basically everyone in Lan Xuecheng knows it.

"I think it's true that they want to win Yuanye. One game is [-] Yuanye. If they keep winning, wouldn't it be..." Jiang Shang shook his head, not daring to think about it.

"There is no such thing as easy. Although many people are really staring at this trick, how many people are really proud of it?" Bei Xun Qianzhou shook his head and said: "There have been countless people who reported this idea before, but they fell hard. Just go in, after all, this mountain is still as high as a mountain."

But at this time, a loud voice suddenly sounded outside: "Bei Xun Qianzhou, let's gamble too, don't gamble too much, what do you think of two hundred yuan liquid? I know you are as timid as a mouse, Don't you dare to bet with me?"

It was a disgusting loud noise, it was the voice of Bei Xunxiu from before.

Jiang Shang silently looked at Bei Xun Qianzhou, who was about to grit his teeth: "He took this opportunity unexpectedly, and none of my powerful disciples followed. Damn it, how could it be like this..."

If he refuses such an invitation to fight, it means that he is afraid of Bei Xunxiu. This is the rule of their circle. If he is afraid of him, he will be completely unable to hold his head up and will always be caught and laughed at. How can he accept Bei Xun Qianzhou?
However, if he fought forcibly, he would undoubtedly give someone Yuan Yee. Two hundred Yuan Yee was not a small amount, and Bei Xun Qianzhou was caught in a dilemma.

If it's about saving face, do you still want Yuanye?

"My lord, let me try." At this moment a black-robed man said, with a determined look on his face: "I just hope that my lord will take good care of my sister, and the other subordinates have nothing to ask for!"

These are servants of their family line, and they should stand up at this time.

"Don't worry, let's fight." Bei Xun Qianzhou nodded silently, and said slowly: "If you are not strong enough, I will allow you to admit defeat!"

"Yes!" The man in black robe looked happy, and walked out resolutely.

Bei Xunxiu then walked to the window, and his voice came out coldly: "Bei Xunxiu, come on!"

"Hehe..." Bei Xunxiu sneered, and mocked disdainfully: "It seems that you are really an idiot, but you are so stupid as to give me Yuanye, then I will lose weight without hesitation, tsk tsk, two hundred yuan Liquid, hahaha..."

"The Immortal practiced his qi and attained consummation." The black-robed man had already left the stage, and someone immediately shouted: "It's the guard of Lord Qianli."

A tall and burly green-skinned monster walked into the ring, and its heavy footsteps made the hall ring. It turned out to be a perfect monster, and it turned into a human form. This is a very rare existence.

"The gods and demons have perfected their bodies after training, and they are disciples of Mr. Xiu." Another person shouted.

The magic circle starts to activate.

"Go to hell with me!" The green-skinned monster grinned grimly, with a green light emitting from its body, and turned into a huge blue-colored giant ape, which was seven or eight feet tall, and its fists were like sandbags, and his movements were extremely agile. In the blink of an eye, he rushed towards the black-robed man, and his fists fell down like mountains and seas. The scene was very intimidating.

"Not good." Jiang Shang watched the battle and couldn't help but twitch his brows. This green-skinned monster is too strong, and the black-robed man is no match.

Sure enough, in just a moment, the black-robed man was completely at a disadvantage, and even lost one hand. He gritted his teeth and shouted at the green-skinned monster: "Wait, I admit defeat."

"Admit defeat?" Not only the green-skinned monster was taken aback for a moment, but other guests present were also taken aback for choosing to admit defeat in this kind of battle. Isn't this slapping Bei Xunxiu in the face?Or..., he ordered it at all, otherwise, how could a mere family guard admit defeat without authorization?

"Hahaha, admit defeat? Bei Xun Qianzhou, you are really going back as you live, you are really embarrassing to our Bei Xun clan." Bei Xun Xiu sneered unscrupulously, this is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"When you stop talking, you're just a villain taking advantage of others. Just two hundred yuan liquid, you can feed the dog." Bei Xun Qianzhou sneered, his eyes were still extremely painful, this is two hundred yuan liquid.

"Taking advantage of others?" Bei Xunxiu laughed wildly, then sneered again and said, "Don't say I won't give you a chance, since you said I took advantage of others, then I will give you another chance, five hundred yuan Ye, this time we will bet [-] yuan, if you can win, you can earn another [-] yuan, how about it? Dare you?"

Five hundred yuan liquid?

Bei Xun Qianzhou narrowed his eyes.

"Didn't you recruit a little guy? Don't you ask him to help you at this time? If he is willing to come and help you, you might be able to win back your two hundred yuan liquid." Bei Xunxiu said suddenly.

Jiang Shang's eyes were fixed, and Bei Qianzhou's expression changed even more: "Bei Xunxiu, what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? Actually, it's nothing. I just wanted to ask him for advice. How about it? Do you have the guts to fight?" Suddenly there was a gloomy laugh, and there was an extra figure on the ring. It was that weak man, but there was a strong evil spirit in his eyes.

"Hiss, You Hui, it turned out to be him."

"He is a god-devil who trains the body, a celestial being who cultivates both qi and qi. His talent is so high that it is outrageous. Even the Sky Splitting Sword Sect is very optimistic about him, and the attention is only below the level of madness."

"Bei Xunxiu actually recruited such a monster, it seems that Bei Xun Qianzhou will be in trouble in the future!"


"Who is he?" Jiang Shang asked coldly after being so provoked.

"Brother Jiang, don't be impulsive!" Bei Xunxiu's expression changed at the moment, and he quickly persuaded Jiang Shang: "This person is a peerless genius of the You clan. Among the 23 people, he is second only to Hunjiukuang's monstrous existence, Brother Jiang, don't be impulsive, this time I will bow my head."

Obviously, in his heart, Jiang Shang is not You Hui's enemy, otherwise it would not be like this.

"Why, don't you dare? You don't even have the guts to join the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, it's a dream!" You Hui laughed contemptuously, his tone extremely mocking.

"Don't dare? Why don't you dare?" Jiang Shang finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said with a sneer: "Just because you are such a waste, if I don't teach you a lesson, I really don't know the heights of heaven and earth."

Bei Xun Qianzhou's face changed when he heard the words, and he quickly tried to dissuade him: "Brother Jiang, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive!"

"Lessons? The sky is high and the earth is thick?" You Hui was not angry, but still sneered and said: "What you say is useless, come down if you have the guts, I will wait for you here, and see if you are qualified to teach me a lesson!"

"Since you are so confident, how about we make a bet?" Jiang Shang left the VIP room, walked slowly to the front of the stage, and sneered at You Hui on the ring: "If someone loses, how about kneeling down and kowtowing?" Sample?"


You Hui's face changed suddenly, and then he sneered and said: "Okay, get out here." He had already made up his mind, he must kill this arrogant guy, he dared to be arrogant in front of me, You Hui, I really don't know Dead guy!
With a sneer on Jiang Shang's face, he jumped onto the ring without hesitation, and the battle was about to start!
(End of this chapter)

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