Chapter 202 Birth of the top four!

"The third match, Zhou Zihan won!" Neizong's strong referee stepped onto the stage and began to announce the verdict.

"Win..." Zhou Zihan's expression was ecstatic, he clenched his fists involuntarily, and his eyes shone with excitement.Looking at the defeated Su Rengu again, his expression was pale. After hearing that the opponent had won, he didn't react violently. He just let out a slight cold snort, then turned and left the Tianwu Stage!

In fact, the main thing is not to be able to win the championship. It doesn't matter what place you are in among the top eight. Anyway, you have won the middle peak spot, so why bother?

The referee glanced at Zhou Zihan, indicating that he could leave the ring, and after Zhou Zihan left the ring, the referee slowly said: "Next, it will be the last match. Su Wanran will face Duan Lingyun. Now we will start !"


"Finally, Duan Lingyun is on the stage, come on!"

"It's another battle without suspense, Duan Lingyun will definitely win!"

"Don't be so absolute. Fairy Su Wanran is also very powerful. Maybe she can create miracles, but that's not necessarily true."

"A miracle? Do you believe it yourself..."


The atmosphere became hot again, Duan Lingyun and Su Wanran, at the same time, Void boarded the Tianwu Platform!

Compared with the previous Fairy Xu Yao, this Su Wanran has a more delicate beauty, as elegant as a lotus flower, she is out of the dust and into the world, even the indifferent Duan Lingyun is a little bit restrained at this moment, and slowly said to the other party :"let's start!"

"En..." Su Wanran nodded slightly, her beautiful eyes were bright, her jade hands fluttered, and a layer of cloud and mist was raised, and the cloud and mist rolled into various white cloud beasts, which opened their teeth and claws, and rushed towards Duan Lingyun ferociously.

"What is this?" Seeing such a miraculous method, Jiang Shang was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help muttering in confusion.

This is the first time he has seen this pure white cloud beast!
"This is the Nine Heavens Cloud Beast Art!" Zhou Zihan stood beside him, whispering half understanding: "It is said that on the Nine Heavens, there lived a powerful and pure cloud beast clan. , but they have extraordinary strength, so no one dares to disturb them, only such a legend is left behind, which will be passed down from generation to generation for a long time!"

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, and then said: "The Nine Heavens Cloud Beast Art is based on this. I heard that our Sword Sect only has a remnant of this art, but it is also very powerful, and it belongs to the eighth class."

"It's just a fragment, but there is an eighth class?" Jiang Shang was naturally slightly surprised.

And just as they were discussing below, Duan Lingyun on the ring had already summoned the ghost king Yasha, the billowing ghost energy condensed into a steel fork, a cold star flashed, and descended from the sky, even ignoring the barriers of many cloud beasts, this time Blow, and head towards Su Wanran brazenly!

"Return to the soul!" On Su Wanran's indifferent face, a trace of panic finally appeared, and then she saw her fighting with strength, controlling the cloud beast to start to return to defense, it seemed that she wanted to stop this attack.

"It's so naive!" But Duan Lingyun shook his head, the aura of the Yasha ghost king behind him rose sharply, and the rolling ghost cloud was even more terrifying, and he completely rushed towards the opponent, gaining the absolute upper hand.The ghost king's steel fork smashed through everything in an instant, the cloud beast disappeared, and continued to kill Su Wanran, with shocking momentum!

"Wait... I admit defeat!" Seeing that all the cloud beasts had been destroyed, Su Wanran suddenly revealed a gloomy expression, and said in a soft voice.

Duan Lingyun was slightly startled, withdrew the Yasha Ghost King's attack, and slowly said to Su Wanran: "I've accepted it!"

"Duan Lingyun won the victory!" A light and shadow flashed on the ring, but it was the referee of the strong Neizong who appeared, and the voice rang out: "The final four competitions of the seven groups have now come to a successful conclusion, and now I invite the other three Congratulations to all the contestants on stage!"

The audience is boiling, shouting and agitating!
A total of 10 people shouted their names, it seemed that the entire Tianwutai was trembling, and the frenzy set the sky on fire!
"Okay, be quiet!"

When the shouting reached its climax, the referee suppressed everyone's voices. He looked at the four people in front of him, and said calmly and kindly: "You four, is there anyone who needs to recover? It's for half a month for you to go back to recuperate , or start now and start the championship battle?"

Start now?
Jiang Shang and the others were slightly taken aback, and the audience in the stands were also taken aback for a moment, and then a frenzy rushed away, and the audience in the stands shouted fiercely.

"Start now! Whoever dares is a coward!"

"This is really an exciting time, let's start the championship game now!"

"Come on! Duan Lingyun, come on..."


With overwhelming shouts lingering in his ears, Flying Fish Ankang was the first to step out and said proudly, "I don't have any problems!"

After finishing speaking, he still showed a provocative look, looking at the three people beside him, with obvious meaning!

"I'm fine!"


Duan Lingyun and Jiang Shang narrowed their eyes at the same time, and chose to start the match immediately without hesitation. They are all top talents, full of arrogance, and will never be afraid of this kind of challenge!If there is any trick, just let it go!
Seeing this, Zhou Zihan shook his head, and said with a wry smile, "Well, I have no problem either!"

Originally he had a problem, but judging by the situation, forget it, it's still okay!

"Very good! I appreciate you!" The referee's voice was suddenly high-spirited, and he shouted at the four of them: "Now, you all listen to the rules of the championship game!"

The four pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

"First of all, in order to confirm what I said before, I have already observed your strength. Now I have listed a ranking for the time being. No.1 is Jiang Shang, No.2 is Duan Lingyun, and No.3 is Chang Lingyun. fish……"

Hearing what the referee said, Changyu Ankang couldn't help being dissatisfied and said: "Wait, referee, why am I ranked third, why are they better than me..."

"Shut up, listen to me!" The referee snorted coldly, and continued to speak slowly: "Longyu Ankang is third, Zhou Zihan is fourth..."

He glanced at the four of Jiang Shang, then focused on Changyu Ankang, and said in a cold tone: "Although this is only a temporary ranking, it is observed by my eyes, and it is not your turn." This junior comes to question!"

"Also!" The referee raised his voice, and said indifferently: "Don't think that it is a good thing to be ranked first. From the perspective of the rules of the game, the situation of No.1 should be the most unfavorable!"

What?The worst?
Everyone was stunned for a moment, even Jiang Shang, who had been indifferent before, couldn't help but said at this moment: "Please explain to the referee!"

"Listen to me carefully!" Glancing at Changyu Ankang who had shut up, the referee began to explain slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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