Chapter 209 Killing!condemn?

Dong Xiu charged at Jiang Shang with a sword, all of his moves were ruthless, all aimed at his vital parts, causing an uproar in the audience.

"This Dong Xiu is going too far, look at his ruthless battle, does he want to abolish Jiang Shang?"

"He has the Zhoutian Guardian Talisman, so he is naturally unscrupulous. Anyway, Jiang Shang can't break through his defense. As long as he doesn't admit defeat, isn't it up to him?"

"Hey, this is still... a good Qianfeng qualifying match, but it was destroyed by such a shameless person who relied on magic weapons. I don't know what the higher-ups think, but they don't care about it."

"Shh, stop talking, if you want to die, don't drag us!"


Hearing such a heated discussion below, several powerful men in the void frowned slightly, and the ancestor Luomen couldn't help but said: "Listen, listen, those disciples below are all talking What are we?"

Hearing the words, several powerful men, especially Che Xuantian, looked a little ugly.

So many disciples suspected that they were unfair and questioned their previous decisions, which made them feel ashamed!
"How about... how about giving up this match and letting them compete again?" Elder Zheng Wuyou, who had thought it was indifferent before, couldn't help but change his attitude at this moment: "In the match at the innate level, It is indeed inappropriate to use the Zhoutian Guardian Talisman."

Seeing Zheng Wuyou's betrayal, Hei Yun said in a cold voice: "How can there be such a statement? My disciple didn't violate the rules, why should he be allowed to rematch?"

"Wait, stop arguing, hurry up and see, what does that guy want to do? Does he want to kill someone?" At this moment, the red-haired middle-aged woman suddenly changed her expression, and said in a cold voice.

I saw Dong Xiu on the stage, who was stimulated by what, suddenly became mad, and violently slaughtered Jiang Shang, and every move was a killer move, the kind that killed people, it was simply It's a blatant violation of the rules!
Che Xuantian's eyes suddenly sank, and he wanted to stop the match!
"Boom..." But at this moment, only a loud bang was heard, and Jiang Shang, who was forced into a desperate situation, finally burst into fury.

"Kill!" I saw him suddenly pulling out the sword of thunder robbery, and the majestic sword light burst out, and it was not two thousand strokes, but three thousand strokes. Jiang Shang, who was furious, finally pulled out all his strength, The Sword of Thunder Tribulation slammed into Dong Xiu, and the latter's aura disappeared in an instant, and he died just like that!

After all, the Sword of Thunder Calamity is a real heavenly rank, and the semi-finished Zhoutian Guardian Talisman is as fragile as tofu in front of it, and it will break if touched!


"Hey, what kind of treasure is this? Didn't he have the Zhoutian Guardian Talisman to protect his body? He was cut off by Jiang Shang's sword?"

"That's a heaven-ranked magic weapon, Jiang Shang actually possesses a heaven-ranked magic weapon?"

"Also, did you see clearly just now? Jiang Shang's sword light is not two thousand, but three thousand! He has three sword vortices?"

"Three double bodies with sword qi and cyclone, hiss! This, this, this... I am not dreaming!"


Three sword qi cyclones?

Above the void, Heiyun was stunned for a moment, then furious, and said coldly to Che Xuantian: "My lord, this son is so cruel that he slaughtered his fellow disciples in full view. This is simply a disaster! In my opinion, this Such people can't stay, just kill them!"

As soon as the words fell, he shot directly, and a tyrannical black cloud force whizzed out, like an ancient devil and beast, crushing towards Jiang Shang with a bang.

"Heiyun old dog?" Jiang Shang's expression suddenly changed, his eyes flickered wildly, and the bones and gods in his body moved with all his strength, trying to escape this terrifying blow, but it was obviously impossible, the difference in strength was too great.The black cloud locked him completely, and he had nowhere to escape!
And at this moment, a gust of fresh wind suddenly appeared and broke through the black cloud, but it was Ming Feng Patriarch who made the move!
"Hei Yun, what do you want to do?" Ming Feng Patriarch asked angrily after breaking through the black cloud.

This guy actually wanted to kill Jiang Shang before everyone reacted. It was really despicable and shameless. Make sure his reaction is fast enough, otherwise it will be troublesome!

"What? This kid is cruel and ruthless. He killed his fellow disciples. What's wrong with me killing him?" Seeing that the attack was blocked, Hei Yun said angrily.

He knew that the best time had passed.

Looking at the audience outside the Tianwu Stage, it was completely silent at this moment. From the very beginning Dong Xiu wanted to kill Jiang Shang, then Jiang Shang broke out and killed Dong Xiu, and then the Patriarch Heiyun made a move to kill Jiang Shang, but Being stopped by Ming Feng Patriarch, and at this moment, the two powerful men confronted each other, and it took only a few breaths for them to react at all.

However, even if they react now, no one dares to speak at this time. If the powerful and strong are angry, who would dare to touch the bad head?
Looking at Patriarch Mingfeng again, after hearing Heiyun's words, he couldn't help but sneer and said, "Then why didn't you say it? It was your disciple who wanted to kill Jiang Shang, but was killed by Jiang Shang instead. If you follow your theory , does that mean that if you want to kill me, I have to stick out my neck and let you kill me?"

"Excessive words!" Patriarch Heiyun quibbled, "What is his identity? Is he qualified to compare with my disciple?"

"Enough!" Che Xuantian finally stood up, glanced at Tianwutai, and asked Jiang Shang with flickering eyes: "Your name is Jiang Shang, right? Let me ask you, you have violated the rules by blatantly killing your fellow disciples." , are you guilty?"

"What is my crime?" Jiang Shang stared at Che Xuantian with cold eyes, and said coldly: "I never thought that you, the suzerain, are also such a person who doesn't know right from wrong and doesn't understand the truth. Could it be that you are really like Ming Feng?" What the elder said, if someone wants to kill me, I have to stick my neck out and let him kill me?"

Jiang Shang's words made everyone's hearts tremble. He actually openly questioned the suzerain?
Are you kidding me, Che Xuantian is the master of the first sect, and also the second-tier Zhoutian powerhouse, with the highest status, so how can he, a disciple, talk to him like this?It's really rebellious... However, what he said seems to have some truth.

After all, in this world, no one wants to kill you, but you have to accept it obediently. This is the reason.

I'm afraid no matter who it is, they will probably kill them back!
"Presumptuous! What kind of thing are you? How dare you speak to the suzerain like that? It's really rebellious!" Hei Yun shouted angrily, sneering in his heart, this kid is really courting death!
Patriarch Ming Feng also had an anxious expression on his face, thinking that Jiang Shang was too impulsive, and quickly said to him through voice transmission: "You boy, why are you so impulsive, don't you see it? The suzerain didn't mean to embarrass you, but He is maintaining the majesty of the suzerain. Hurry up and apologize to him, be sincere..."

After receiving the sound transmission from Ming Feng Patriarch, Jiang Shang regained his sanity a little, and gave him a grateful look.

Just apologizing...impossible!

"Sovereign Lord, if you think I'm guilty, arrest me and condemn me. This disciple has no complaints and is willing to suffer!" Looking at Che Xuantian whose eyes were shining, Jiang Shang said indifferently.

It doesn't matter why the other party makes things difficult for him, but oppression is oppression, unfairness is unfairness, Jiang Shang has lost all affection for this person, if you want to convict me, then so be it, I, Jiang Shang, can afford it!
(End of this chapter)

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