Chapter 216 Profound Genius!

The so-called Xuanbang actually refers to the Xuanbang battle.

This is a top domain-level competition, covering the entire Tianzhuo domain, organized by several powerful sects in this domain in turn, so it is very famous and can be said to be very authoritative.Anyway, those who can make it to the Xuanbang are without a doubt the top geniuses!
In fact, the full name of Beiming Domain is Beiming Domain Group, which is composed of five huge domains, and Tianzhuo Domain is one of them, belonging to the relationship between upper and lower.

But even so, the scope of Tianzhuoyu is still very large, with a radius of at least nearly [-] li, including seven or eight states and counties of different sizes, and even a small empty world, the number of people billions.

As a result, it is naturally very inconvenient to communicate at ordinary times.

Therefore, in order to solve this inconvenience, and to know whether other regions are prosperous or not, several of the most powerful forces in Tianzhuoyu joined forces to formulate a talent contest.

This is the origin of the Xuanbang Contest!
Moreover, the threshold for this competition is still very high. It is held every 20 years. It is required to be under 60 years old, and at least to reach the innate extreme to be eligible to participate. And each Xuanbang competition only selects 36 people to enter the list, which represents Tianzhuoyu's top genius level.

One must know that Tianzhuoyu has a population of hundreds of millions, and it is undoubtedly an extremely honorable thing to select 36 top geniuses from among them, and no one will not be tempted.

And this Zhou Xuan turned out to be a genius in the previous Xuanbang, and he also had a ranking, which immediately made everyone's hearts tremble.

Now things are really troublesome!
Looking at the Tianwu Stage again, looking at Zhou Xuan who was uttering wild words, Duan Lingyun's eyes flickered, and then he said coldly: "You let me get out? Do you have this strength?"

"Foolish!" Zhou Xuan looked at Duan Lingyun coldly like a king, his eyes were as majestic as a prison, and a majestic momentum surged out, which stirred up the wind and thunder all over the sky, making his voice extremely contemptuous. : "Let's do it, you do it first!"

"Hmph!" Duan Lingyun snorted suddenly, the ghost king violently rioted, and the ghost king Yaksha appeared again, and slammed towards the opponent!
"Yasha Guanshen!" Only a lingering roar was heard, and Yasha Ghost King Dharma Xiang roared into the sky, his claws condensed into a layer of black light, and a frightening ghost king's aura appeared, turning into a whistling The majestic force of the opponent exploded towards the opponent, extremely fierce.

But facing Duan Lingyun's ultimate move, Zhou Xuan didn't show any composure. Instead, he smiled sarcastically, and a burst of star energy suddenly gushed out of his body.

"The stars are twinkling!"


This punch is like attracting the stars, gathering the power of all the stars in the world, and a long dragon-like tornado rages out, rushing towards Duan Lingyun!

This is the skill he cultivated, the peerless magical skill that can attract the stars, making the opponent fear him, and before he makes a move, he is three points weaker in momentum, possessing an extremely majestic power, extremely terrifying.

Looking at Duan Lingyun again, his brows were furrowed at this moment, he is not afraid of ordinary tornadoes, but this is no ordinary tornado!
"Boom..." Only a lingering roar was heard, and the black light of Yaksha Ghost King ruthlessly fell on the tornado, and launched an extremely astonishing light, but the former was still powerless, and [-]% of the power was wiped out [-]% in an instant. , has been unable to stop the tornado.

"Kill..." Duan Lingyun shot again, this time defeating the opponent's tornado, it can be seen that he has fallen into a disadvantage.

"Get out of here!" But Zhou Xuan was not ready to give up, and another strong wind waved out, carrying the fierce power of the stars, and rushed towards Duan Lingyun, rising brilliantly along the way. The brilliance of the stars is amazing!

With a loud bang, Duan Lingyun was blown away!

"The stars howl!" Zhou Xuan once again took advantage of the victory to pursue, and the fierce power of the stars culled and slammed towards Duan Lingyun violently.The strong power continued to exert its power, and the latter was forced to spit out a mouthful of blood!

"Boom!" The audience was in an uproar!
"Zhou Xuan is simply too strong this week! Duan Lingyun is no match for him at all!"

"Who said that the other party is a genius on the black list, do you think the ranking on the black list is a joke? It seems that we will lose face this time!"

"Hey! If only Jiang Shang was here, if it were him, maybe he could create a miracle!

Looking at the Tianwu Platform again, just when everyone thought that Duan Lingyun was doomed, an aura suddenly rose in his body, and the ghostly aura roared and exploded like a ghost king, spreading to the entire Tianwu Platform in an instant, even faintly. Joyo has the aura of soaring to the sky!
"This is my last resort. If you can resist, give me a try!"

"The King of Ghosts Comes to the World!"

With a roar, the ghost king Yaksha found that he was descending suddenly, and the fierce ghost aura howled and burst towards Zhou Xuan, which was extremely astonishing!
"The power is not bad, but if it's just like this, you are not worthy to be my opponent!" Zhou Xuan shook his head, this time he did not taunt, but shouted majesticly.

The extremely majestic power of the stars appeared like a shooting star, forming a silver line in the sky, shining with the ultimate star brilliance, containing incomparably astonishingly powerful power, and blasted towards Duan Lingyun.

Ghost King Yasha was directly blasted, Duan Lingyun was hit by an unparalleled force, he opened his mouth to spurt out a lot of blood, and flew out fiercely!

"You lost!" Zhou Xuan said proudly.

As a strong person in the previous Xuanbang, he thought that his absolutely astonishing strength and incomparable arrogance proved to everyone that the geniuses on the Xuanbang are the real strongmen, standing proudly in the world and ascending to Tianzhuo Terrific genius!

"Yes, I lost!" Duan Lingyun's expression was a little dark, but he still admitted frankly.Duan Lingyun was convinced that the opponent defeated him with strength!
Following him, he got up and flew away from Tianwu Platform.

Zhou Xuan ignored the retreating Duan Lingyun, but swept his gaze towards everyone, resumed his previous proud attitude, and said contemptuously: "Is there anyone else who can fight?"

Many Jianzong disciples looked ashen with anger, looking at Zhou Xuan full of anger and indifference.

It's just that although they are angry, they have to admit the strength of the other party. Now that even Duan Lingyun has been defeated, the others are naturally no match for the other party. Could it be that their sword sect's face is really going to be trampled on by the other party?

Zhou Xuan saw that there was no one to fight, and the corner of his mouth turned into a look of disappointment: "It's really sad, there is no one in such a big Sky Splitting Sword Sect..."

But before he finished speaking, his voice suddenly stopped, and his eyes stared at the distant sky.

I saw the originally cloudless sky suddenly burst into a large piece of whistling sword light, containing the tyrannical dual power, and two indifferent figures stepped on it, one was the elder Luomen who went to the snow mountain to meet Jiang Shang , and the other one, of course, is Jiang Shang!

"Boom! It's Jiang Shang!" Many Jianzong disciples looked excited and stood up suddenly from their positions!
The suzerain actually let him back?

(End of this chapter)

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