Great Demon

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

"I am the top genius of the Youshi clan, no one can underestimate me!" You Hui was already close to madness, and the ax was swung like a madman, and everyone could feel the evil spirit.

In his eyes, he was supposed to be a beggar, but letting him bully and ridicule people turned into such a powerful person, which was a huge blow to him, so he must not lose this bet, he must kill that damned person guy!

"White Camel Law Code, White Camel Giant Spirit!"

Hearing a roar, a brilliant white light gushed out from behind You Hui, condensing into a huge monster. Although it was just a phantom, its aura was extremely astonishing, and it rushed towards Jiang Shang again. Shake, if it was hit by it, there is no doubt that it would end up as a meat paste.

It can be said that this is his most powerful power. Integrating the power of the White Camel Code into his body, and then displaying his physical power, it has basically reached the level of innate life, which is absolutely amazing power.

His enemy is Jiang Shang.

"Hmph, defeat me!" Jiang Shang, who had already defeated the innate soul, naturally could not have the slightest fear, only to see that all his power was poured into the sword, and the sword stabbed directly at You Hui viciously. .


Only a muffled sound was heard, and the sword actually directly smashed the white camel giant spirit, knocked it flying, and hit the edge of the magic circle, making a terrifying trembling sound.

Such an astonishing scene completely silenced the entire hall.

"I said before, you are too weak!" Looking at You Hui who was like a puddle of soft mud, Jiang Shang said lightly with disdain.


"Did you see that sword just now? It's incredible."

"It's more than unbelievable, it's simply a divine skill. If my guess is right, his swordsmanship should be close to perfection."

"You said that the way of the sword is perfect and the unity of man and nature. How is this possible? He is only an acquired practitioner. The way of swordsmanship is perfect and the unity of man and nature is impossible. Even some Jindan experts can't do it. How can he do it?"

"Why is it impossible? Did you forget Hun Jiukuang? His Dao of the Sword has entered the realm of perfection."

"You said he can compare to Hunjiukuang? This... is impossible?"


"Okay!" Bei Xunxiu blushed with excitement. The strength Jiang Shang showed completely convinced him. This also proved that he was right. An evildoer who can be compared to the madness is the entire Beixun clan. Everyone will pay attention to it, he has made a great contribution to the clan!

"How is it possible, how is this possible..." On the other side, Bei Xunxiu's face turned dark, and he was a little terrified: "This person is so evil, if the clan knows what happened today, I offended such an evil genius, I'm in big trouble, damn it..."

As for You Hui, who has been abolished, it is no longer within his consideration, and the most important thing is to protect himself.

"Kill me if you have the ability!" You Hui had already struggled to get up, his expression was terrifying, but his white camel giant spirit was broken, and his foundation had been greatly affected. Ten years of self-cultivation must be indispensable, so how could he not be angry, he was already going crazy.

Crazy people, the most terrifying.

"If you talk nonsense again, I don't mind killing you!" It's a pity that Jiang Shang didn't like this, and spoke coldly to You Hui, with a cold tone that made people feel chilled.

You Hui trembled all over, his eyes were extremely angry, but he still endured it, after all, he didn't want to die yet.

"The outcome has been decided." Jiang Shang smiled irrefutably, then walked off the ring, and said to Miss Hongxue with a smile: "Miss Hongxue, can you announce the result?"

"Naturally." Miss Hongxue nodded immediately, and announced loudly: "Mr. Jiang Shang wins."

Her attitude has changed a lot. After all, such a monstrous genius, she naturally knows what it means.If he could keep going, maybe he would be able to become a Zhou Tian strongman, even in their Le Youlou, there are only two or three Zhou Tian strong men.

"Mr. Jiang Shang's strength is astonishing, and I am completely convinced by Bei Xun Xiushu." But at this moment, a voice suddenly remembered.

Seeing that Bei Xun Xiufu was soft, Bei Xun Qianzhou was very excited, but Jiang Shang curled his lips, ignored his words, and went straight back to Bei Xun Qianzhou's room.

"Fortunately, I didn't disgrace my life!" Looking at the excited Bei Xun Qianzhou, Jiang said with a smile.

"I didn't expect Brother Jiang's strength to be so amazing. It seems that this time I am really lucky!" Bei Xun Qianzhou quickly pulled Jiang Shang to sit down, and said with a smile: "This time I won Bei Xunxiu's one hundred Yuan Ye, plus the more than 500 yuan liquid in my hand, I can get together almost six hundred, seven hundred, which should be enough to participate in the treasure competition later on. Brother Jiang, if you like something, just say, my Yuan Ye It's all for you."

"Thank you Brother Qianzhou for your righteousness. If you really see what you need, I won't be polite." Jiang Shang nodded naturally with a smile.

This is a win-win thing, and he is about to enter the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect. If he can meet what he needs, he will naturally not miss the opportunity. One point of his own strength is more important than anything else, and the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect is nothing good place.

If one's own strength is weak, the future will be difficult.

"There may still be some gambling fights in the future. Let's take a look and wait for the treasure competition to start." Just as Bei Xunxiu said this, there was a knock on the door, and another voice came: "Xiu Young master, the treasure competition is about to start, I wonder if you have any treasures to auction?"

"So fast?" Bei Xunxiu was taken aback immediately, and then threw out a jade box: "This is the thing, you can take it."

The jade box passed through the door directly, and fell into the hands of the guards of Leyou Building outside, who took the things respectfully and left.Jiang Shang looked a little strange, it turned out to be such a temporary collection of auction items, this treasure competition is a bit strange.

As if seeing Jiang Shang's doubts, Bei Xunxiu explained with a smile: "The feature of the Treasure Contest is to use local materials. We participants will take out auction treasures. Generally, things are not too bad for the sake of face, so attract A lot of people came to participate, and the scale naturally grew bigger and bigger.”

"It turned out to be like this, but it's ingenious." Jiang Shang immediately understood.

Generally, people with status like them will have a mentality of comparison. If someone else's product is worse than their own, they will feel inferior, so for the sake of their own face, the treasure must not be too bad.

So if this is the case, this treasure competition will indeed make people look forward to it.

"Today's treasure competition will be held in advance. Our Leyou Building has gathered eighteen treasures for you. They are all precious things brought out by the distinguished guests. If you are interested, you can directly bid for them. The requirements are very simple. The one with the highest price wins, and now I declare that the treasure competition will begin!"

(End of this chapter)

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