Chapter 222 The Three-Year Covenant
Although Bai Zhoulang didn't speak at the moment, the anxiety on his face showed everything. He didn't expect Chu Zhongtian to lose, and he didn't expect Jiang Shang to have the physique of the Three Ultimate Physique. This even made him feel like he was in a dream. The feeling is unbelievable.

But he knew that there was no longer any delay at this moment, because just as Che Xuantian said, Jiang Shang and Chu Zhongtian had fought to the point of madness, if they didn't stop it, the consequences would be disastrous.

"You two, stop!" A tyrannical force descended on the Tianwu Platform, separating the two people who were fighting fiercely. The Hundred Weeks Wolf stood in the middle of the two of them, and said slowly.

Jiang Shang and Chu Zhongtian were forced to retreat at the same time, and the latter was a little crazy, and shouted out of his mind: "Get out of the way!"

Immediately, a terrifying seven-star combat power surged out, and a tidal wave suddenly appeared, causing the vision of the Big Dipper to appear again in the sky and the earth, and a terrifying aura shot up into the sky, even rushing towards the Baizhou wolf!

As said before, he has fought to the point of madness, and even lost his mind.

Looking at Jiang Shang who was on the other side, although he was still a little violent at the moment, he didn't act too aggressively. Obviously, he was able to control his emotions well.From this point alone, Chu Zhongtian has already lost.

"Zhongtian, wake up!" A loud bell yelled loudly through Lingyun, and rushed towards Chu Zhongtian, but it was Bai Zhoulang who performed the mysterious awakening technique.

Although Chu Zhongtian's madman's attack was powerful, it was nothing to him. He waved his hand casually and shot out a flash of light. The Big Dipper, which was roaring all over the sky, dissipated in an instant, and the violent aura was immediately suppressed. This is Zhou Tianqiang. Jiang Shang, Chu Zhongtian and other younger generations are far behind in the terror of those who have died.

"Master, I..." Chu Zhongtian's eyes gradually cleared up, and his expression became dim, even with a look of humiliation. He never thought that he would lose, he really didn't think that... Ever since he stepped into cultivation After one journey, this was the first time he was defeated by his contemporaries. The feeling was beyond words, extremely uncomfortable!

"On the way of the Tao, failure is a very normal thing. No one will not lose, so Zhongtian, you don't have to worry too much." Bai Zhoulang said slowly.

"But..." Chu Zhongtian's eyes flickered, but he was still a little dim. However, he quickly adjusted, stared at Jiang Shang and said, "Tell me, what's your name!"

"Ask me? My name is Jiang Shang!" Jiang Shang was adjusting his breath, but when he heard the other person's words, he immediately raised his head and said.

"Very good, I will remember this name, Jiang Shang!" Chu Zhongtian's eyes flashed, and he made a promise: "In three years, it will be the Tianzhuoyu Xuanbang Competition, I believe, You will definitely participate! So when the time comes, I will wait for you in the ancient city of prophecy, Yixue is ashamed to lose today!"

It is predicted that the ancient city is the most mysterious city in Tianzhuoyu, and it is also the place where every Xuanbang contest is held!

"Three years? I'm waiting for you!" Jiang Shang's eyes were startled, and then he said proudly: "You will improve in these three years, and I, Jiang Shang, will also improve. And so far, I have not seen a single person in my generation. People, you can keep up with my progress, so don't let me down when the time comes!"

These are extremely arrogant words, but they are the truest truth.

So far, none of his contemporaries can keep up with his cultivation speed, and there are even very few who can watch from behind him.

As for Chu Zhongtian, he was the strongest opponent after he stepped into the way of cultivation, so he hoped that the other party would not disappoint him, otherwise, it would be too boring, wouldn't it?He also needs a strong enemy to stimulate him, so that he has the motivation to improve faster and become stronger.

"Disappointed?" Chu Zhongtian twitched his mouth and said mockingly, "Not only will I not let you down, but I will also surprise you. After three years, you just wait for defeat!"

"I'm waiting!" Jiang Shang also said proudly.

"Zhongtian, let's go!" A majestic spiritual light gushed out from Baizhou Wolf's body, directly swept him and Chu Zhongtian into a galloping fright, and galloped in the direction of the outer sect's mountain gate go.

Seeing this scene, Liu Lan and Han Xuetian looked a bit ugly, followed by rolling up a tyrannical aura, and took Liu Qianfan and Zhou Xuan away.

"Boom!" Immediately, Tianwutai gave out earth-shattering cheers, and the fiery gazes of countless Sword Sect disciples all shot towards the proud figure on the stage. Compared with before, there was more real respect. .

Three unique bodies, three sword qi cyclones!

This is a true super genius enough to be in awe of them all.

Looking at Jiang Shang again, he looked extremely calm. His gaze was looking into the distance, which was the direction where Chu Zhongtian and others were leaving. There was a faint light in his eyes. Chu Zhongtian was indeed a good opponent. The battle made him vent completely!


At this time, all the powerful and powerful men in the void descended suddenly.Che Xuantian, Zhou Tianfang, Patriarch Luomen... there were as many as eight or nine.

I saw Che Xuantian smiled slightly, and said to Jiang Shang with satisfaction: "Yes, you did a good job, you didn't embarrass us!"

But Jiang Shang didn't pay attention to him at all, his attitude seemed extremely indifferent, he looked at Zhou Tianfang, and thanked him slowly: "I haven't thanked the elder for the matter of going up, please accept my disciple's respect! "

After speaking, he bowed deeply.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward, Che Xuantian's expression looked a little ugly, Zhou Tianfang glanced at him secretly, and then said to Jiang Shang lightly: "You are what I should do, as a disciple of my Sword Sect, I Nature has an obligation to ensure your safety."

Looking at Che Xuantian at the side, he forcibly suppressed the anger in his body, and forced a smile to Jiang Shang: "Today, you have made great achievements and deserve to be rewarded by the sect. Tell me, what do you want? As long as it is not too much Tricky, I believe that we can all satisfy you."

Ancestor Ming Feng also interjected from the side: "Sovereign Lord is right, you deserve to be rewarded for your great contribution to the sect today. Otherwise, you should enter the inner sect first, and you can bring up any treasures you need. As long as the sect has it, we will definitely satisfy you!"

The Outer Sect has always carried a foreign word, and is not considered a true Sky-Splitting Sword Sect member, so he wanted to pull Jiang Shang into the Inner Sect, because only in this way can he be firmly tied to the chariot.

Several other high-level executives also have the same thoughts, because this kind of top-level super genius has unlimited future potential, and it is impossible for them to let them go.

"Neizong?" But after Jiang Shang heard the words, he shook his head unexpectedly, and said in a very indifferent tone: "The disciple has not yet entered the Jindan realm. According to the regulations of the sect, he is not qualified to enter the inner sect. So let’s put this matter aside.”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's expression changed immediately, and they refused!

(End of this chapter)

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