Chapter 234 One Trick

Cao Wuhen's face was expressionless, and his eyes seemed to be flickering. The next moment, he stood up slightly, swept his eyes towards Zheng Shichong, and said lightly: "Brother Zheng, give me Cao Wuhen some face, don't leave me alone." Make trouble at the banquet!"

Zheng Shichong narrowed his eyes, and smiled embarrassingly: "How dare, how dare..."

As soon as the words fell, his eyes swept to Jiang Shang, and he muttered mockingly: "Some people thought they were so great, but now it seems that they are also a piece of trash, not worth mentioning!"

"You say I'm a waste? How about we have a discussion to see who is the real waste?" Seeing that the other party was so arrogant, Jiang Shang finally couldn't help but sneered.It seems that if you don't show some strength, you really can't shock these jumping clowns, let alone, let you taste my strength!

"Competition? Just rely on you?" Zheng Shichong was a little more proud, and said with a sneer: "It's not that I look down on you, within ten moves, you will lose!"

"Then do you dare to try?" Jiang Shang didn't care, just sneered.

"Arrogance!" Zheng Shichong shouted proudly, his eyes swept towards Cao Wuhen, and he said with a smile: "Brother Cao, you have seen it all, this is his own death, it's not that I don't give you face!"

"Since it's voluntary, there's no problem!" Cao Wuhen shook his head and said.

There was a hint of excitement in Zheng Shichong's eyes, and he flew to the pre-prepared arena, first smiled at Zhu Xueyan, and then cast his lingering eyes on Jiang Shang, and said with disdain and contempt: "Trash, come up and die!" Bar!"

Jiang Shang's eyes were slightly cold, and his heart was full of anger, but he didn't go on the stage immediately, but turned to Zhu Xueyan, and said lightly: "Miss Xueyan, do you still want to make an offer?"

After the previous incidents, his impression of this woman has become much worse, because this incident was initiated by her, but he chose to stand by and ignore it. It is obvious that she has ulterior motives and can be called a sinister person.

Such an insidious person, no matter how beautiful he looks, is useless, it will only make him disdain, and he does not want to associate with this kind of person.

"This friend..."

Zhu Xueyan's eyes flickered strangely, as if she wanted to say something, but was interrupted directly by Jiang Shang, with a blank face, and said in a neutral tone: "Miss Xueyan, do you still bid?"

"I...give up!" Zhu Xueyan frowned slightly, and finally said helplessly.Jiang Shang has already bid a high price of 200 million, and his attitude is still so firm. She does not have so much Yuan Ye in her hand, and she is reluctant to exchange the treasure, so she can only give up.

It's just that his impression of Jiang Shang in his heart has suddenly fallen into a trough at this moment... She Zhu Xueyan is not a star, she is flattered, but Jiang Shang does not give her face so much, which naturally makes her heart not poor, Pretty face slightly cold.

Seeing that Jiang Shang had already ignored her, he took out 200 million yuan liquid, and said slowly to the velvety-faced man, "This is 200 million yuan liquid!"

The other party showed a wry smile, looked at Zhu Xueyan, and finally put away the Yuanye silently.Jiang Shang directly put away the residual image, turned around and walked towards the void of the ring!

"Let's get started!" Jiang Shang said coldly, staring at the other party.

"Arrogant!" Zheng Shichong yelled, but he sneered in his heart. He didn't know what to do and dared to offend Fairy Xueyan. Isn't this his opportunity to show off?He proudly said with contempt: "I will let you know what the gap is!"

Although he is not a veteran sword mountain expert, but his strength is very strong, at least comparable to Luo Fan of the Cloud Piercer sword, so he thinks he will definitely win!
"Die to me!" With a lingering long cry, Zheng Shichong's body exploded with golden light. It turned out to be metallic aura, which gathered violently on his fist and bombarded Jiang Shang with extraordinary momentum!It seems that he wanted to knock Jiang Shang down with one punch, so that his end would be very miserable!

"Metallic aura?" Feeling the surging power coming, Jiang Shang was slightly surprised.

In terms of attribute auras, apart from those heterogeneous auras, the five major systems of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are the most common.Among them, the fire system and the metal system are mainly attacking, the earth system is the best in defense, and the water system and wood system are all focused on recovery.

Since the opponent has metallic aura, it must be very powerful in the direction of attack!

"If that's the case, I will beat you fiercely in your strongest aspect!"

Jiang Shang thought of this in his heart, and sneered at the other party with contempt: "Don't say I won't give you a chance, one punch, I will only punch one, and then you will win!"

"One punch? Are you talking in your sleep?" Zheng Shichong seemed to have heard a big joke, and mocked Jiang Shangji as much as he could: "You think that saying such words will make me jealous, and then accidentally reveal Flaws? How stupid, I just want to see how powerful your punch is, and whether it is as powerful as your mouth said!"

His body trembled suddenly, and three layers of golden light appeared, covering his whole body, exuding a strong defense, overlapping immediately, extremely mysterious.

"This is the Golden Light Three Shadows Kungfu of the Golden Light Gate. I heard that it is a seventh-level mysterious skill. The defense is really amazing, and it has reached such a level!"

"Although Zheng Shichong is the way of gold, his defensive power is equally astonishing. Jiang Shang probably thinks that he is not good at defense, so he uttered wild words like this. Who knows, he miscalculated. What a joke!"

"But didn't you see it? That Jiang Shang seems to be a body cultivator, his physical body is his strongest strength, a punch is also his strongest blow!"


Everyone was discussing slightly, Cao Wuhen looked at Zhu Xueyan, suddenly smiled and said: "Fairy Xueyan, what do you think of this Jiang Shang? Will he win?"

Zhu Xueyan was slightly taken aback, her beautiful eyes flashed with a strange color, she shook her head and said coldly: "Although Zheng Shichong is only 30 years old, he has already comprehended the triple domain, and his skills are also very extraordinary, with many adventures and real strength At least it can be squeezed into the Jianshan list, so winning should not be a problem."

Cao Wuhen asked Jiang Shang, but she answered Zheng Shichong, which obviously showed her attitude.

"Really? But I don't think so, I think Jiang Shang should be able to win!" Cao Wuhen smiled and said mysteriously.

Zhu Xueyan frowned slightly when she heard this, and a strange color flashed across her beautiful eyes.

Looking at the ring again, Zheng Shichong laid down a complete defense, and said contemptuously to Jiang Shang: "What? Don't do anything yet? Are you scared?"

"You say I'm afraid?" Jiang Shang's eyes flashed, he sneered again and again, his footsteps straddled, the bones of the gods in his body turned, powerful power flickered, and the aura of Shuangju burst out loudly, and he punched the enemy fiercely. The air waves rolled, and the tyrannical breath crossed the world!
"Shuangjue body? This... is amazing!" Many people present suddenly changed their expressions and said in horror.

And at this moment, Jiang Shang's fist has been blasted out, carrying terrifying power, and the space suddenly ripples, extremely shocking!
The three layers of golden light defenses were like nothing at all, and were directly broken continuously. After a short while, the golden light completely collapsed, and a powerful force poured in. It slammed on Zheng Shichong's body, causing him to vomit blood from his mouth, and was crazily hit to the ground. , the audience was amazed!

A blow, it was really a blow!
(End of this chapter)

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