Chapter 249 Bewitched, Anti-kill!

I saw Jiang Shang at this moment, extremely embarrassed, the clothes on his body were almost torn apart, leaving only the broken ground-level mid-grade armor left outside, his body was covered with a lot of bloodstains, blood was wanton, but it seemed He is recovering rapidly, showing his physical strength!
But at this moment, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his expression suddenly turned pale.

"Xiao Chuhe, and you, you are very good, you really think highly of me!" Jiang Shang looked at the two of them with cold eyes, and said in a tone as cold as wind.

Although he had expected such a situation a long time ago, he still couldn't help being angry in his heart.Xiao Chuhe and the old man with a dry complexion just wanted to kill him. If he hadn't been fully prepared and his physical defenses were amazing, he would probably be dead by now. It's abominable!
"How is this possible? He can survive such an attack. His body is so perverted?" Xiao Chuhe asked with a gloomy expression.

He has now completely offended Jiang Shang, and the other party has already obtained a vermilion fruit, so he has no worries, and now he is in a disadvantageous situation.

The old man with a dry complexion also had an ugly expression at the moment, his eyes were gloomy, and he took a few steps back without leaving a trace, as if he was afraid of being attacked!

But at this moment, there was a soft shout, and it was Zhu Xueyan who said: "He has endured such an attack, he must have been seriously injured at this moment, everyone, don't be afraid of him, let's go together! Zhu Guo has already been taken by him!"

"This bitch!" Jiang Shang said coldly.

Immediately, three tyrannical figures shot out from the area behind Xiao Chuhe, heading towards Jiang Shang proudly and coercively!

"Hurry up and hand over Zhu Guo to me, and my Zishu Boyu will spare you, otherwise, this place will be your burial place!" It was Zishu Boyu who spoke, and he already had a strong fighting power , coupled with Zhu Xueyan's bewitchment, he naturally stood up immediately, Wannian Zhu Guo, who wouldn't want it?

The other two seemed to be twins, and they said viciously at the same time: "That's right, hand over Zhu Guo, or today will be your death day!"

"Come and try!" Jiang Shang's eyes revealed a cold light, and the bones of the gods turned quietly, and a terrifying power was activated in his body.Originally attacked by the two of Xiao Chuhe, he was full of anger, but now someone dared to provoke him, which naturally made him angry and sneered.

Since you don't want your life, then you all don't want it!
"If you don't eat the toast, you're really looking for death!" The twins immediately made a move, and their feet suddenly stomped towards the ground. The aura burst out, and a yellow light gushed out from each of their bodies, making their bodies suddenly grow stronger, as if they were giants. Similarly, the huge arm slammed towards Jiang Shang, and there was a terrifying murderous intent in the air!
"Looking for death!" Sensing the murderous intent from the other party, the coldness in Jiang Shang's eyes grew even stronger.Since you want to kill me, then all of you will die for me!
A terrifying breath rose, and Jiang Shang's originally weak body suddenly used a frightening light, and the bones of the gods attached to the fist in an instant, and the punch blasted out, as if the terrifying sky descended, submerging the enemy fiercely, and immediately It made everyone look horrified.

Jiang Shang, who was extremely angry, almost used all his strength, which can be called terrifying!

"This, this, how is this possible? How could he be so strong?" Zhu Xueyan's delicate body trembled, her eyes flickering with fear.

Xiao Chuhe's eyes also trembled, and then he yelled at Jiang Shang: "Presumptuous! How dare you kill my people?" The twin monks were his right-hand assistants, but they were killed by Jiang Shang. It was like beating him Face!

"This guy..." The old man with a dry complexion, the horse baby, and the fisherman all looked a bit calm at the moment, obviously fearing Jiang Shang's strength.

However, Jiang Shang, who was in a frenzy, didn't care about their reactions at the moment, but went to kill Zishu Boyu again!

"Don't you want to kill me? Get me over here and die!" A punch that contained terrifying energy and blood, like a tyrannical brute dragon howling, pierced a light and shadow in the sky, and directed at Zi Shubo, who was already terrified. Yu Hong killed and left, and the murderous intent erupted immediately!
Feeling the terrifying force coming, Zishu Boyu's expression changed immediately, and he retreated back in horror, but Jiang Shang's fist was chasing after him, making him nowhere to escape!
"Stop!" Seeing this scene, Xiao Chuhe's eyes were cold, he drew out his long sword and shook it, a streak of icy sword energy roared out, cut through the sky, and went straight to kill Jiang Shang with a murderous aura .

The exercise he practiced is called "Chaoyang Sword Qi Jue", which contains the sharp golden energy of the rising sun, and its power is astonishing. It is an eighth-level quasi-immortal-level exercise.

And this technique is very suitable, his blood power, golden heart, so it will make him stronger.

And this sword was shot with all his strength, and it immediately exuded terrifying sword energy, pierced the sky, and rushed towards Jiang Shang, making everyone look horrified. It is worthy of being one of the four congenital evildoers, Xiao Chuhe The strength is too powerful!

But this is not the most shocking!
Because what happened next was the real shocking thing!
"Get out of here!" A terrifying and extraordinary aura erupted from Jiang Shang's body, soaring into the sky, transforming into an astonishing power of blood, punching Xiao Chuhe with a fist, the earth shook and the heavens were shocked. Dao Chaoyang's sword energy was ruthlessly shredded, and Xiao Chuhe was blown away!Surprised!

"Three, the Three Absolute Physiques?" The old man with a dry complexion looked dull, and he didn't believe it was true at all. He actually, unexpectedly provoked a Three Absolute Physique monster?

The fisherman also looked dull, muttering happily in his mouth: "Fortunately, fortunately, I didn't attack him before..."

It can be said that the audience suddenly fell into silence, and only Jiang Shang acted indifferently. First, with absolute crushing strength, he killed Zishu Boyu who looked terrified.Then I saw him killing Zhu Xueyan again, obviously he didn't plan to let her go this time!

"No, don't, don't kill me!" Zhu Xueyan was so scared that her pretty face turned pale, and she repeatedly begged for mercy, but Jiang Shang didn't soften her heart at all, and killed him with all her strength in an instant, swiftly and resolutely!
It can be said that this woman has plotted against herself over and over again, which is an unforgivable crime, and she can only die!Because of this kind of trouble, it must not be left behind.

Look farther.

Xiao Chuhe, who was blown away by Jiang Shang's punch, was flying out of the ruins. He looked at Jiang Shang with a trace of fear in his eyes, and murmured in disbelief: "How is this possible? He turned out to be three Jue body, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

In fact, among all quasi-true dragon-level talents, the Three Jue Physiques are definitely the top existence.

Such a monstrous genius doesn't even have the entire Jianshan domain, so he doesn't want to believe that the other party has the talent of the three unique bodies?

(End of this chapter)

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