Chapter 270 The Immortal Will Statue!
"It's fine!" Mu Ya whispered, and then said again: "If that's the case, let's go through the magic circle as soon as possible, so as not to cause any accidents!"

"En...wait a minute." Jiang Shang was about to nod his head in agreement, but he suddenly seemed to think of something, a flash of inspiration, his body crackled, and another face appeared, and then he smiled at Mu Ya Said: "Okay, Senior Mu, let's go!"

Mu Ya's eyes flickered, he nodded slightly, and walked towards the magic circle in the stone forest.

He didn't ask why Jiang Shang did this, because there was absolutely no need for it, everyone has secrets, right?
The two then passed through the stone forest and came to a wide plain. Not far away, the ground was emitting a faint light and exuding a very mysterious atmosphere. It was the teleportation circle that Mu Ya was talking about, and it should also be here. exit!

Mu Ya didn't hesitate, and stepped directly onto the magic circle. With a flash of light, the others disappeared immediately.

Seeing this, Jiang Shang's eyes flickered, and the bone god pattern turned, and he also stepped into the magic circle. With a flash of light, he was also teleported out by the magic circle.


In a dark and majestic hall, more than a dozen strong men with different auras gathered here. Some of them were triple soul altars, such as King Nanyun, Ling Xuan and others, and some were double soul altars, such as the old woman , the old man surnamed He and others.

They are all gathered in this place, is this the final place of chance?
Not far from them, in the center of the entire hall, there are three tall statues in order, each holding a sword, but the material of the statues is very ordinary, gray without any color, it seems that they will fall down when pushed , without any special place.

It's just that everyone's attention seems to be on them, and their eyes are still burning, which is strange.

Could it be that there are some secrets hidden in these statues?
And at this moment, the teleportation array in the hall suddenly lit up with light, and two figures appeared one after another, attracting everyone's attention immediately.

"Someone sent it's Muya!" Nanyun Wang Lingxuan and others opened their eyes at the same time, and then there was a serious look in their eyes. They all knew that the other party had great strength, so naturally they didn't dare to neglect.As for Jiang Shang, he was selectively ignored by them. He was just an unknown and weak person, so there was no need to pay attention.

Looking at Mu Ya and Jiang Shang, although they were watched by everyone, they didn't have the slightest stage fright. They walked out of the magic circle with expressionless faces, and their eyes began to look around.

"It's him!" Jiang Shang glanced at an old man, and Jiang Shang's eyes shrank, suddenly revealing a cold expression.That old man was none other than the old man He who had slandered him before. Seeing you now, I couldn't help but want to kill him!

"Hmm... hum!" The old man surnamed He seemed to feel something, opened his eyes and looked at Jiang Shang, snorted coldly, and shot out a blast of icy air, surging towards him.

Feeling that the other party was attacking him, Jiang Shang was not surprised at all. Suddenly, a phoenix fire appeared, surging forward, colliding with the icy air, rolling against each other, regardless of the outcome, and finally dissipated in the Emptiness, eye-catching!

"Phoenix bloodline?" Many people guessed Jiang Shang's bloodline, and then showed surprise.

But it's just a surprise, after all, his current bloodline level is too low, not enough to surprise others too much.

But there is one person, it is different, that is Mu Ya, he knows Jiang Shang's identity, three unique body, plus Phoenix blood, this makes his eyes shrink immediately, almost dull.

With dual physique and blood in one body, is this kid really so perverted?

"Boy, don't look around, you won't get killed!" Looking at the old man surnamed He, he seemed a little afraid of Jiang Shang at the moment, so he didn't continue to attack, but said coldly.

The reason why he shot directly just now was because he felt Jiang Shang's killing intent, and this reason was enough for him to do it.It's just that he didn't expect that the opponent's strength was so strong that even he couldn't gain the upper hand, so he changed his plan and gave up.

"Huh!" Jiang Shang snorted coldly when he heard the words, but he didn't fight back, and his eyes turned to other places.

In fact, he is still a little jealous of the other party, because he knows that the other party has two top-level top-level magic weapons. Those things are definitely dangerous things, so revenge can only be outsmarted for the time being, not invincible.

Of course, he wasn't afraid of the other party, he had the Heavenly Tier Magical Treasure Thunder Tribulation Sword in his hand, even if he fought recklessly, it was fine, it was just that it wasn't necessary.

"Boy, look, those three statues!" At this moment, Mu Ya's voice suddenly appeared in Jiang Shang's ear.

"Statue?" Jiang Shang noticed the three statues in the center, his eyes flickered, slightly surprised, then he walked to the first statue on the left, and his eyes began to look carefully.

" this, a fairy statue?" At this moment, Mu Ya, who was also walking beside him, suddenly pointed at the feet of the two of them and gasped.On the flat stone slab in front of the statue, there are four large characters written... Immortal Chen Qiu.

This turned out to be a statue of an immortal named Chen Qiu?
Jiang Shang couldn't help but gasped, and looked at the other two statues, Immortal Xuanhe and Immortal Beixuan Palace.

Are the three statues in the hall actually statues of immortals?This is no small matter, could it be that the final chance is the inheritance of this immortal?Or something related to it?

For a moment, many thoughts flashed through Jiang Shang's mind.

"This should be the legendary statue of will, which contains the will of the immortal for life. There is such a strange thing in the Pole Star Sword Palace. Could it be that this is the final chance?" Mu Ya murmured in disbelief. Dao, a fiery color suddenly rose in his eyes, the statue of will, even he couldn't help but be moved!
"This is indeed the statue of the will of the immortal, but they are sealed, so we can only wait for the moment when they are unsealed!" An old voice sounded, but it was an old man in white robe who said lightly.

Judging from this person's breath, he seems to be a triple soul altar.

"The moment they unblock you, Mr. Zheng, aren't you afraid that your chance will be snatched by others?" Ling Xuan licked his lips ruthlessly, and said meaningfully.

In fact, he has always wanted to kill all the extra people, so that there will be fewer people competing with them, and his chances of getting a chance will be much higher.But his own strength is not enough, so he needs help!

Old Monster Zheng just frowned when he heard the words, and didn't express his attitude.

It seemed that he didn't want to be this early bird. After all, more than a dozen double soul altars were involved, so he couldn't help but be careless.

(End of this chapter)

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