Chapter 286 Strong execution!

Xianfa snorted coldly, his eyes flickered coldly, and then his palm passed by, and in an instant, the terrifying dragon's chant stirred up waves, the power was shaken, the dragon chant was loud, and it rushed towards Jiang Shang crazily, resisting Conquering Jiang Shang's Xuanlei Tianjian sword move, this person's power is indeed amazing!

But still the same sentence, it's a pity that his opponent is Jiang Shang!

next moment.

Jiang Shangkong proudly raised his arm, turned his arm into a sword, and slashed suddenly. The sword light burst out with the ability to break through space, and the dragon shadow that was killed suddenly burst, which was shocking.

The strength of this person... so terrifying.

"That's right." Xianfa said coldly and coldly, and then his palms continued to swipe across the void, and dragon shadows roared out, carrying the terrifying power of the talisman, disturbing the world, shaking the sky, and blasting towards Lin Feng crazily. amazing.

But Jiang Shang was still not afraid at all, turned his arms into swords, unleashed terrifying power, and kept roaring towards the opponent. The dragon shadow kept slashing, and then reborn, as if he had fallen into a stalemate!

However, their strength is indeed astonishing, as if every gesture has the power of terror.

"Not bad!" Finally, Xianfa stopped attacking, looked at Jiang Shang with a sneer and said, "This is the first battle I have broken through the shackles of kung fu, although I am not very familiar with the power, but it can be counted as seven, Eighty percent of your strength, you can match me unexpectedly, it's a good mistake, but it's a pity, you are doomed to perish here!"

As soon as the words fell, a terrifying force of the wood system roared out, as if the void was in turmoil, extremely frightening.

As he said before, this moment is his true peak.

Lin Feng's face was expressionless, but there was a sarcasm in the depths of his eyes. If he really wanted to talk about the hole cards, how could the other party compare him to him? What a joke!
"I'll give you a chance, let's do it with all your strength, otherwise, you will die here today!" Jiang Shang's breath soared, proudly contemptuous, and he turned towards Lei Fa.

"Dead here?" Xianfa's breath stagnated when he heard the words, but then became more violent, like a terrifying storm, his eyes were full of anger and he said: "Big words! I will let you know what the price of crazy words is! Today, I will kill you by any means!"

"Roar! Roar! Roar..."

When he shouted angrily, the dragon's chant sounded like a shock wave, instantly destroying the world, as if the world was cut apart, the dragon shadow roared and exploded directly in front of Jiang Shang, this is the terrifying strength he possesses.If his opponent wasn't Jiang Shang, the others would have been torn apart.

"Huh! Really stupid!" Jiang Shang snorted coldly, sneered and ridiculed, the Xuanlei Tianjian was majestic and surged out, and the terrifying sword energy and thunder roared, not weaker than the opponent's power in the slightest, it was amazing !
So far, he hasn't shown his full strength at all, so the opponent doesn't even have the qualifications to make him dignified.

But the other party still didn't know what to say, and he wanted to kill him by uttering wild words, which was simply asking for a dead end!
"Kill!" Another sword pierced the sky, whizzing out, unleashing the terrifying power of the Xuanlei Tianjian sword move, crushing towards Xianfa.This Xuanlei Tianjian is not only a skill, but also a sword move. It contains the best of both aspects, and naturally contains incomparable power, which makes people tremble.

"His strength is enough to crush Xianfa. How did he do it? Could it be that this person is a monster of the top echelon? No, this is impossible. He is clearly an unknown person..."

Mou Que, the only one who didn't fight Jiang Shang, also showed surprise at this moment. He didn't expect that the opponent's strength could subtly suppress Xianfa.

"Looking for death, don't be too rampant!" Xianfa was already furious at this moment, and the void around his body suddenly changed, and then it began to change violently.

"Boom... roar!" Only a loud noise was heard, and the dragon roared wildly, and an extremely ferocious blue dragon shadow with a length of nearly a thousand meters appeared, and the terrifying power filled the space between the breaths, and the void in front of it was constantly buzzing. The explosion, as if the dragon shadow alone had the power to swallow the world, I don't know how terrible it is.

Immediately after that, Xianfa's whole body was radiant, and he merged directly into Longyin's body. The void vibrated, and the aura of wood soared to the sky, and he rushed towards Lin Feng fiercely, intending to kill him.

"What a powerful means of transfiguration, it is worthy of being the magical skill of the Xuanfu Palace!" Jiang Shang hung around in his robes, his eyes were full of peak fighting spirit, burning, the strength of this leisure method is indeed beyond doubt, and it should not even be better than that Poor, but unfortunately, he met himself!

"Suppress me!"

Suddenly, there was a surge of air that soared to the sky, it was actually the terrifying power of the Three Absolutes.

Lin Feng's footsteps went out towards him, his gaze was cold, as if an ancient demon god descended into the world, the void immediately began to turbulent, the power of the three absolutes came out through his body, suppressed the universe, and rolled towards the terrifying dragon shadow, suddenly the aura was overwhelming , so that everyone was shocked.

"Three, three, three unique bodies... Are you Jiang Shang?" Suddenly a trembling voice sounded, and Leng Wuqing looked terrified, and he lost his voice and dared not answer.Naturally, he had heard of the name of Jiang Shang, the Three Absolute Physique, whose talent was against the sky, and he defeated Chu Zhongtian's pervert head-on. Damn it, why did he provoke such an existence!
He was terrified in his heart, he was afraid that Jiang Shang would kill him directly!
"Boom!" At this moment, the power of the Three Absolutes suppressed Long Yin's head, and the latter roared wildly, trying to smash the suppression to pieces, but unfortunately, it didn't have this strength, and the aura of the Three Absolutes crushed him. Suppressed fiercely, the terrifying aura frantically strangled forward, and blood bloomed.

"Suppressed!" Seeing this scene, Leng Wuqing and Mou Que's heart trembled again, his face turned pale, Jiang Shang's strength was too terrifying, Ji Shang was suppressed to death, unable to fight back.

"Hey... aren't you going to kill me? Die for me now!" However, at this moment, Jiang Shang burned with a terrifying aura, turning his arm into a sword, piercing through the void, and piercing through the entire dragon Shadow's body, from the head to the broken body, the terrifying sword energy roared in the dragon's body, and finally broke out from the dragon shadow's giant tail, completely tearing the dragon shadow's body apart.

"He, he wants to kill Xianfa?"

At this moment, Leng Wuqing and Mou Que's eyes froze again. They couldn't imagine that Jiang Shang didn't want to defeat Xianfa, but wanted to kill him.

This, this... Isn't he afraid of Xuanfu Palace's revenge?
If all these monstrous disciples were killed, the entire senior management of Xuanfu Palace would go crazy.

"Boom!" There was another terrifying roar, and the sky was extinguished, and the huge body of the dragon shadow in the sky was torn apart, leaving no living objects. It is obvious that whoever wins this battle, of course, The only loser is death, which makes people tremble.

Leisure, fall!
(End of this chapter)

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