Chapter 292 The Final Sweep
"Indeed, in cultivation, although talent is very important, hard work is the most indispensable." Jiang Shang said with a sigh, looking at Wenren Yijian's eyes, showing faint admiration.

He actually admires this kind of person very much. Although his talent is ordinary, he can climb to a high position with his own efforts. This is very worthy of admiration and learning.

Perhaps, as long as they are given another chance, they will be able to spread their wings and take off, leaving that so-called genius far, far away!

"Let's not talk about this. This round of trials should be over soon. Shall we join hands and go out to wipe out a round?" Jiang Shang shook his head and offered another proposal.

Up to now, the primary election of the Xuanbang War should be coming to an end soon. Many strong men are scavenging around, hoping to salvage a fortune at the last moment, so they must act quickly. If they act slowly, they may not be able to tell the difference. It's time for a cup of soup.

"In that case, let's start to act." Wen Ren nodded with a sword.

It just so happens that his Luck Dragon is still a bit short of a three-clawed dragon, so let's take this opportunity to make it a real three-clawed dragon.

"Let's go!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Duan Lingyun also nodded, and the three of them turned into auras and swept away in a certain direction.



"Hand over your luck!"

In a certain majestic mountain range, Jiang Shang's three people's spiritual consciousness kept shrinking in it, and then they suddenly locked on a target and attacked forcefully, killing a person who was nine feet lucky and a dragon, and another person who was about to transform into a three-clawed dragon, Surrounded, and shouted coldly.

"Arrogance!" The man with nine feet of luck seemed to want to resist, bursting out with astonishing aura.

"Peng!" But at this moment, an extremely dangerous aura locked him in, only to see Wen Ren shouted coldly with a sword: "Anyone who resists again will die!"

"Damn it!" The other person felt the dangerous aura, and the strength of the two men who were staring at him, which made his expression froze, making him look particularly ugly.But then he still gritted his teeth, and decisively gave up the Luck Dragon: "Give them the Luck!"

"Give them luck?" The nine-foot-luck dragon was stunned for a moment, his eyes were filled with humiliation, but then he decisively surrendered his luck, because the weak preyed on the strong, and if he didn't hand it over, he might die. Not that stupid yet.

"Thank you!" The three of Jiang Shang who got the luck left in an instant, without stopping for the slightest, without procrastinating.

Soon, this area was swept away by them, and then moved towards another vast area.With the strength of their combination, generally speaking, it is difficult to meet an opponent, and without an opponent, it naturally means that luck is growing extremely fast.

Afterwards, they snatched them almost everywhere, unless they were really powerful guys, otherwise, it was almost impossible to escape their clutches.

After all, no one wants to die. If luck is gone, you can fight for it again, but if you lose your life, it's really over.

So in this way, the total amount of their luck will naturally skyrocket, and the accumulation of less will make more. Wenren Yijian has completely stabilized at the level of the three-clawed dragon, and Duan Lingyun has even transformed into a five-clawed dragon.

Only Jiang Shang's Luck Dragon has not changed much. After all, transforming from a five-clawed dragon to a seven-clawed dragon requires more than a lot of luck.Therefore, it is understandable that his dragon of luck has not changed, because the amount of luck he plundered is far from enough.

But after all, this is the level of the five-clawed dragon, which means a very huge amount of luck.

Even if you look at the entire Prophecy Ancient City battlefield, there are very few people who can do this step, so this in itself is a proof of strength.

If you don't have enough strength, it is impossible to transform your luck into a five-clawed dragon, because they can't even defend it, so how can we talk about transformation?That is simply nonsense.

Therefore, the five-clawed dragon possessed by Jiang Shang, Wenren Yijian, and the three-clawed dragon possessed by Duan Lingyun are a deterrent force in themselves.

It's not that they haven't encountered powerful geniuses, such as the chilling Ice Fairy, Jiang Shaofeng who is full of ruthlessness, Zhou Wanqian who is quasi-true dragon... They are also doing the final sweep, waiting for the primary election to end.

It's just that when they met Jiang Shang and others, they all tacitly chose not to fight, because everyone's luck is hard-won, and there is no need for it.

After all, anyone who can own a five-clawed dragon can be said to be very dangerous.

And when everyone is hunting or being hunted at the moment, in the temple area in the center of the ancient city of prophecy, an illusory old man phantom descends, his eyes seem to have the sky, and the voice of the old man echoes throughout the ancient city of prophecy Get up: "From now on, stop fighting, everyone come to the temple!"

All the people who heard this voice froze their eyes, and their eyes suddenly shot towards the temple area, and a word appeared in their minds, prophet!
"Let's go, the preliminary competition has ended, and the prophet has arrived!" All the geniuses who existed in the ancient city of prophecy rushed towards the temple area at an extremely fast speed, and they didn't dare to delay at all.Soon, everyone gathered in the past.

"Very good, everyone is here." The old man in the void stroked his beard, his eyes seemed to contain terrifying power, making it impossible to look directly at him, and it made people tremble.

Then he said slowly: "All those whose luck has not reached nine feet, you are no longer qualified to continue participating in the competition. I will send you out now. Congratulations by the way, congratulations on getting out alive."

There were 300 to [-] people in the audience, at least [-]% or [-]% of them, at this moment, their bodies lit up, and then slowly disappeared, and they were teleported out of the ancient city of prophecy.

Looking at the rest, there are still as many as five or sixty geniuses who are qualified to continue participating in the competition, which is really unexpected.

Because in the final Xuanbang battle, only the strongest 36 people will be selected, but there are still five or sixty people, I am afraid that they may fight another battle.

"Next, there will be a contest of elimination, and everyone will be sent to an illusory space by me. In it, you need to meet on a narrow road and the brave wins!"

And at this time, the old man in the void said lightly: "This contest will select 36 places, that is, the number of Xuanbang. I allow you to form an alliance to deal with others, but an alliance can only have a maximum of three people. Said, if there are more than three alliances, I will personally kill them, understand?"

"Understood!" Quite a few people's eyes were fixed, and they seemed to be able to foresee that this contest, if nothing else happened, it should be very tragic!
"Open!" The old man in the void stretched out his hand and waved, and bright breaths intertwined and appeared, condensing into the entrance of the space, which is amazing.No one knows what kind of existence this prophet is, but there was such a legend in Tian Zhuoyu once, it seems that this prophet is the fairy projection of Beiming Immortal Palace.

Casting an illusory space with a wave of hands, or, only they can do it.

(End of this chapter)

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