Great Demon

Chapter 30 Ten Thousand Swords Art

Chapter 30 Ten Thousand Swords Art
"Contribution points, what is this?" Jiang Shang asked suspiciously.

Cao Qiu patted his head, and explained with a smile: "The contribution point is equivalent to the yuan liquid from the outside world. It is the hard currency inside my Jianzong. One hundred yuan liquid can be exchanged for a little contribution point. I will take you A single receiving task is only two contribution points."

"So that's how it is." Only then did Jiang Shang understand.

Cao Qiu threw another ball of light, smiled at Jiang Shang and said, "There are still some basic knowledge in it, you can take it back and take a good look, I won't bother you when you have a chance to see you again."

After leaving the light ball behind, Cao Qiu disappeared in a blink of an eye. He was originally an innate creature, and even Jiang Shang didn't see through the tricks.

"It's finally settled."

Jiang Shang looked back at his cave, simply arranged a magic circle, and walked in excitedly.

This is a cave with a lot of space, and there are at least ten side halls and side halls inside, which can basically meet any needs, and there is also a special place for cultivation, which is the place with the strongest spiritual energy in the cave. In Baohun Mountain Spiritual Academy, the concentration of aura is not as strong as this place.

After all, this is also the cultivation peak of the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect, so if it is not as good as Baohun Mountain, it is too unreasonable.

After tidying up the inside of the cave a little bit, Jiang Shang took out the picture scroll Cao Qiu gave him, which recorded the full text of "Wan Jian Jue".

As soon as Jiang Shang's consciousness entered the picture scroll, there was a majestic aura immediately. In a world where the sky is collapsing and the earth is being torn apart, a strong man who can't see clearly stands between the sky and the earth.

But at this time, suddenly the sword energy in his body was boundless, and thousands of powerful sword lights gushed out, penetrating the heaven and earth, and the roar of thousands of swords was simply extremely powerful, extinguishing all rioting forces and suppressing everything. It is Wanjianjue, the sixth level of immortal Qi training.

"This is Wan Jian Jue? So powerful?" Jiang Shang was taken aback, and felt an impulse in his heart.

He was originally a major in kendo, so the alluring allure of all swords was naturally irresistible to him.But he still remembered Qi Ling's exhortation, telling him not to practice two ways at the same time, but this kind of temptation...

"Forget it, let's give it a try first. If you feel strenuous, stop immediately and major in "The Bone Nine Heavens", and then minor in this "Wan Jian Jue". There should be no problem." He finally did not resist Stopping the attraction, the spiritual consciousness began to sink into the picture scroll of Wanjian Jue.

A ray of light softly emerged, and countless small characters appeared. With the support of a magical force, they appeared extremely stable and clear.

"Is this the Wanjian Jue? It's really mysterious." Jiang Shang felt as if he had opened a door, silently watched word by word, and firmly memorized the words.

And this Wanjian Jue is indeed the foundation of the Million Sword Jue, and both of them can indeed be called the first treasure of the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect.

The key to cultivating this tome is to create a vortex of sword energy in the body, as long as one can create a vortex of sword energy, it is considered to have entered the door of this tome.

But people with different aptitudes practiced, and the results were very different.

Because the key point of this book is to activate the sword qi cyclone, the more sword qi cyclones are activated, the stronger it is, but the general genius can only open up one at most, and the evil genius can open up two, and the existence of three cyclones can be opened , are basically legendary people, and each of them is an existence that can stir up the situation of the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect.

It is really too difficult to open multiple sword vortices. Even in today's huge sect, there are very few, very few who can open two sword vortices. It is estimated that no more than five fingers can open three sword vortices. The number can be seen from this.

Jiang Shang silently understood the knowledge, but he felt arrogance in his heart: "How many cyclones can I create? One, two, or three...?"

After getting the inheritance of the top powerhouse in the world, the Demon Ancestor, his heart has long since become broad and infinite, full of arrogance as a genius.

However, this Wanjian Jue is a basic skill, only the three realms of Houtian to Jindan. After all, the realm of Zhoutian is already an extremely advanced realm. It may be easily passed on.

It is already a great, great favor to be able to give you three levels of exercises. After all, even if it is a basic method, it is also a sixth-level exercise, and its value is absolutely astonishing.

And these three realms have their respective correspondences.

The acquired level corresponds to a hundred sword lights.

The innate level of life corresponds to the thousand sword lights.

The Jindan powerhouse corresponds to Wan Dao Jianguang.

Thinking about the situation where the Jindan strongman's ten thousand swords shine together, it is simply chilling. Ordinary people of the same level are not an enemy at all, and at the same time, this is also the limit of a cyclone.

The limit of the acquired level can carry a hundred sword lights.The limit of the innate life level can carry a thousand sword lights.The limit of the golden core level can carry [-] sword lights.The reason why people with many swords and whirlwinds are evil is because of the limit of this sword light.

Think about it, ten thousand sword lights, twenty thousand sword lights, thirty thousand sword lights, how to fight?
This is completely absolute suppression, which is why there is such a difference, and it becomes more obvious in the later stages, and the number alone can kill you.

Therefore, the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect's announcement of the basic Ten Thousand Swords actually means spreading the net from all directions. After all, no one can tell how many cyclones can be opened up. Ordinary, but it is not impossible to fit this skill well.

Anyway, as long as anyone with the three cyclones is random, he can grow into an existence like Optimus Prime of the sect, protecting the Sky Splitting Sword Sect forever.

This is what a sect wants!

"Now that you have made up your mind, let's do it according to your own ideas, but now is not a good time. My Bone Nine Heavens Map has reached the third peak, and I have broken through the treasure Dragon Yuanguo and Xuemelt Potion. It is time It’s time to break through the fourth level.”

"Although I don't know if it's my illusion, but if I can break through to the fourth level, maybe it can help me condense the cyclone, so let's break through the fourth level first."

Putting away the picture volume of Wanjian Jue, Jiang Shang came to the gate of the cave again, and carefully laid out a magic circle. This was to prevent other people from disturbing him. Although he didn't know this very well, some Simple yet doable.

After fully preparing for the retreat, Jiang Shang came to the room with the strongest aura, completely sealed the door of this room, then took out the Dragon Yuan Fruit and Xuemelting Potion, and began to retreat and break through without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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