Chapter 300 Start the peak battle!
Ten rays of light appeared in the temple area, and they were the most shining existences, because they were the top ten in the Xuanbang, outshine all others!Reach the top!
"Congratulations on stepping into the top ten first, and then, the final peak stage, I will give you a good rest in the world, and prepare for the final grand ceremony!" The prophet glanced at everyone and said with a faint smile.

"Rest!" Hearing this, everyone found a corner and quickly rested. After so many continuous battles, they were indeed in a state of embarrassment.

And it was also during the break that Jiang Shang looked at other people, and a twinkle appeared in his eyes.

Except for him, the strength of the remaining nine people is very strong, such as Chu Zhongtian, Prince Huoling, etc., they are undeniably powerful, and there is also the unfathomable and gloomy Mr. Yunxiao, Wen Ren Yijian, Fengzhuo, etc. In short, there are no weak people left.

Next, is the real battle.

"I'll come when I go."

And at this time, the prophet suddenly disappeared, making everyone's hearts slightly condensed. This is already the final battle. Could this disappearance be related to the prophecy?
Of course, this question no one answered them.

Looking beyond the overlapping void of the ancient city of prophecy, in the depths of a vast, majestic and beautiful mountain range, there is an indescribably beautiful palace, in which sits a white-haired old man, with a flash of light, With a whoosh, the Prophet also appeared in this place with a smile on his face.

"Old friend, I'm back." The prophet said with a smile.

The white-haired old man raised his hand slightly, and said with a smile on his wrinkled face: "How is it, the top ten of Xuanbang have come out?"

"That's right, they all came out." The prophet walked forward, sat on a throne, and continued with a smile: "This time the seedlings seem to be pretty good. I think one of them should have a [-]% chance of winning the championship in our realm." !"

"It's [-]%? That's really good!" The white-haired old man's eyes shot out joy, and he seemed a little excited. It seemed that in their eyes, [-]% was actually a high probability?
The prophet also smiled, stroking his beard and continued: "And this boy is also like the old guy in Guanglan, who comprehends the way of light. I plan to take him to the palace after the Xuanbang battle is over. Come on, let him worship under the door of the aperture, it can be regarded as adding some hope to the few points."

"I agree." The white-haired old man nodded and continued with a smile: "Old man, go back, those little guys should still be waiting!"

The prophet nodded slightly, and disappeared into the air. The white-robed old man was speechless for a long time, and then slowly got up, his eyes suddenly revealed deepness, but he seemed to say helplessly: "I have been lonely for countless years, and there is still only one person in the palace. We are just four old guys, I really hope to see new faces join in, I am afraid that my time is running out."

Then a sigh echoed for a long time, full of helplessness.


Prophecy ancient city temple area.

In the void, a figure descended from the sky. It was the prophet. Is the final peak decisive battle of Xuanbang finally about to begin?
"Silence!" The prophet floated in the void, his gaze swept across the crowd, and there was a look of admiration deep in his eyes.These are the ten most outstanding young people in Tianzhuoyu. Perhaps, the glory they are about to forge will start slowly from this place!
As long as they don't fall, their future is destined to be brilliant!
"Hum!" The prophet followed suit and waved his hand, again constructing a huge arena, about [-] feet long and [-] feet wide. There is a light curtain outside to block all impacts, and the breath is terrifying. This is obviously the stage for the final battle, the pinnacle Tournament stage!

"Listen!" The prophet looked at the ten people and said slowly: "The rules of the final battle will be formulated by you, and I will not interfere, but the person who fails first will be ranked last. , and so on, until there is only the last person standing on the stage, and that is the strongest with the title of champion!"

The strongest!champion!

Everyone's hearts were pounding, their eyes were fixed, but they were extremely excited. In the end, they played freely on the stage. The most direct collision, the most direct confrontation, whoever stays at the end will be the champion and the strongest. It's really good rules!
The Prophet provided them with a stage, and it was up to them how to interpret it.

The fighting spirit in the eyes of the top ten began to burn, and powerful auras of different degrees rose to the sky. What they were looking forward to, the final peak battle, finally came!

"How to play? Melee?" Chu Zhongtian's aura surged, his expression was full of ruthlessness, and he laughed wildly.He has been waiting for this moment for a long time, this is the pinnacle stage he should release!He wants to have a good fight!
"You've been waiting for so long, and it's not too late. Let's go one-on-one, starting with the weakest two." Xia Qiu stood up, pointing at Wenren Yijian and Fushan, with a faint sneer He said, "How about you two having a game first?"

He didn't assign randomly, Wenren Yijian and Fushan, they are indeed the weakest on the surface, and they should be the first to start the battle.

"Let's fight!" Wen Ren Yijian stood up straight away, knowing that this battle was unavoidable, so he stood up straight away, moving forward with great momentum!
Seeing this, Fushan didn't hesitate, stepped directly onto the martial arts arena, and said calmly to Wenren with a sword: "Actually, I really didn't expect that there would be an unknown person like you in the top ten of Xuanbang. Having seen the battle between you and Leng Wuxiao, I am angry and say it bluntly, you don't seem to have this qualification at all, you have such honor!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people had strange expressions, showing approval, seeing Ren Yijian's eyes full of sneer and contempt.

There are many first-class evildoers who have been eliminated, such as Bingxue Fairy, Leng Wuxiao, Yin Jiu, etc. They are all much stronger than this person, but they failed, but Wenren Yijian succeeded. What does this mean?Luck, it's all luck!

Relying on luck to get the top ten seats can only be looked down upon and disdainful!
But Wenren Yijian and Wenyan did not fluctuate much. Instead, he showed a smile and said softly: "Did you know? Leng Wuxiao was killed by me!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was like a bolt from the blue. He said that Leng Wuxiao was killed by him. Is this a joke?
"Big words, you still want to use lies to promote yourself? It's really sad, it seems that there is no suspense in this battle, you will lose!" Fu Shan frowned first, and then let go with a sneer.He even said that Leng Wuxiao was killed by him. Could Fu Shan believe such a naive joke?
"It's useless to talk more! Fight!" Wen Ren Yijian didn't want to explain, let's fight, this battle will explain everything!

(End of this chapter)

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